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Posts posted by Kylegrey2

  1. Ive already uninstalled and will only reinstall once the engine is done. If performance on multicore cpu's doesnt improve dramatically, ill be done for good. Been playing since 2010. This is a last chance scenario for me. The way performance has degraded over the years really is a dealbreaker. With the way the game lags and stutters during firefights, i find myself extremely irritable when playing... not really having fun anymore. Even if nothing else changes, i would be satisfied with a smooth experience.

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  2. 21 hours ago, LilWonka said:

    Perm Banned for griefing LOL, sad game sad company peace guys, have fun with the blatants and lies of LO. 


    Matt in a nuthsell.



    Listen as i play the world's tiniest  violin for you.

  3. 56 minutes ago, Goldtiger said:

    Not a bad list, just some of the things on the list are terrible (i.e. removing perc stunnability). I'm kinda glad someone is laying things out like this but i'd rather you have been general about things rather than specific about rebalances.

    Yeah, i hate getting stunned by grenades but i fully accept it as part of the game. No need to mess with it. I feel like some people want game wide changes based on what they personally like or dislike vs things that equally effect everyone in a negative way.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, FluttershyI said:

    Thanks for your reply, I myself don't think explosives have to be removed either, it's something I added due to reading a thread about it. In case of grenades I sort of agree and don't agree. It wouldn't be that realistic either to nade yourself in case of trowing percs into the ground (or even them just falling after you die) right?


    But in terms of gameplay and balancing it just might not be right to have grenades wich do below 99% damage to have a fuse timer of 5 seconds, then grenades with a 3 second timer wich do 57,5% and percs just instantly doing 40% on impact or even when they  just drop to the floor after you have died. Just something I think of now, when you have the EOL Kickback, the grenades explode on impact further away but don't directly explode when you shoot/drop them right in front of you. Something like that might actually balance percs since you can at least run away from grenades wich drop from a dying enemy or give you time to at least move slightly in case the enemy throws from like 2/3 metres away since they would bounce before exploding at least once. Finding the right balance in that might takke some time, but wouldn't be too difficult, it could at least have percs stay at 40% damage. - Anybody likes this idea or has a different suggestion, I honestly just came up with it so haven't considered all pros and cons

    Thats actually really interesting. Hard to say wether im on board or not... would have to test those sorts of changes myself to form a solid opinion. Way to think outside the box 🙂

  5. I dont like the idea of nerfing grenades. Irl a grenade will take you out, no follow up gunfire necessary. Nerfing any further just reduces the realism. At most, i would agree with reducing the distance to cause damage. Hitting someone in the face with a perc should not do less damage than it currently does. As far as removing explosives from fightclub, nope. As much as my volcano or opgl pisses people off, i have little to no trouble dealing with others who use them. Its about adjusting your tactics. If its fair game to hide on a roof and snipe, its fair game to blow that person off the roof with a volcano.

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  6. If i switch from my enforcer to my crim, or visa versa, 50% of the time my hud breaks. I find myself in fight club with no ability to see teamates through walls on my hud. This has been ongoing for quite a while and others in game have told me it happens to them to. My only option is to restart. I assumed it would have been fixed by now but still no luck... just letting you know incase you are not aware.

  7. 13 hours ago, Uhtdred said:

    the disadvantage of playing with high latency is even more noticeable when using nfas. A nfas user sometimes can't beat low latency nfas user even shooting first than the second one.



    proof? It happened to myself, sometimes using nfas against another nfas user, i usually die even tho i shot first and the enemy sucks.



    ogre has a 0.4ms delay so it's easy to counter.



    Easy to counter if you see them first. When they see you first, they can wind up while taking cover then pop out while firing... with good timing, its pretty much a guaranteed death sentence. But thats the game.

  8. 39 minutes ago, JazzLand said:

    Its usually silvers who occasionally wield NFAS and there's a reason for that. If you feel like they're unstoppable, just remember that NFAS users can only do damage in cqc range, try to be agile and unpredictable, don't engage the person directly, run around doors and obstacles, have him chase you and then use the distance and turn around suprise attack to your advantage.

    Well said. If you cant outgun them, outsmart them. Thats how its done.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    from the last update


    probably a safe bet to assume win10 was used



    i'd also be interested in seeing legitimate gameplay with benchmarking details but as far as i know the engine upgrade isnt even on otw yet, idk if "regular gameplay" is possible with just spct and qa

    Thanks. Lol i gotta learn to read more carefully 😛 that does answer one of my questions... on the edge of my seat waiting on the hardware specs and real gameplay results. Guess ill have to wait a little longer for that. Its a pain when driving a car feels like driving a motorboat but the gunplay is my real frustration with apb. Would be nice to dump my opgl for a shotty like in the good ol days but i dont have the patience for that with the game running as is.

  10. Im curious about the engine upgrade. From what i understand, it will have a beneficial effect for people with modern hardware. Multicore cpu's in particular. However, your benchmarks appear to be based on performance while driving around the map. Although simply navigating the apb world could use a bump in performance, my issues lie elsewhere... up close gunfights were smooth as butter when i was running a core 2 duo nearly 10 years ago, but with every hardware upgrade ive made, the gunfights get worse and worse. Running a 6 core amd, when in up close gun fights, everything stutters and freezes up horribly. I am curious to know what kind of hardware and software you are benching with and if you could show us what a face to face gunfight looks like with the new engine. Thanks.

  11. 13 hours ago, BoomLion said:

    An just as a note .. reson i dont try hard as i should is due to not knowing if the hackers have been delt with or not..an from all i see read.. hackers still run APB..

    You lost me here... hacking is nowhere near the problem it used to be. I occasionally have my suspicions about certain players but thats all they are, suspicions. Do you actually believe hackers are running apb or are you just using that as an excuse for poor sportsmanship? Either way, unless someone is speed hacking, you will never know for sure if its a hacker or a pro killing you. You need to change your mindframe if you want to keep playing this game.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Haganu said:

    I didn't really mean the generic deflection like phone calls or whatever urgent stuff that pulls you out of the game. You're probably right though that OP did it multiple times and got actioned, but that's still too inconsistent to be justified, because dethreaters do it daily on purpose just to lose gold threat.


    But yeah, deflecting it with "but everyone does it" doesn't really justify anything either. Basically the same with traffic tickets.


    I do want to say it's rather easy to determine if it's feeding or participating and doing bad though. Sure it's more activity than AFKing, but feeding is about as obvious as AFKing, hence why it can be reported in other shooters.

    I suppose youre right, when someone is constantly dethreating, it should be easy enough to detect and i think people should be at least temporarily banned for it. People have been saying it for years but nothing has been done. The only advice i can give the noobies is to power through. You will lose over and over but will come out stronger in the end.

  13. 1 hour ago, Haganu said:

    Again you miss the point by miles.


    It's not about whether dethreaters are part of APB or not. My point is that the sole nature of this ban is highly inconsistent with what's going on on a daily basis. Whether we can accept dethreaters as players or not doesn't really matter. I'm also not talking just about OP but about OP's situation compared to the larger picture, which again brings me to the conclusion that a ban like this is based on rules that are enforced too inconsistently to be justified in this case. 


    You can't just ban someone leeching through a mission and then turn a blind eye on everyone doing this on a daily basis "just because it's part of the game". Anyone that would look at it with a sober mind would turn away from the game instantly, before even trying the game out. If you want more decent players to leave as a developer and further kill your game, this is exactly the way to do it. 

    I uderstand what youre saying. Im not convinced he got banned for leaching his way through one mission one time. Its more likely hes been reported by multiple players for pulling this sort of thing on a regular basis. That absolutely merits a ban. And to say "others do it all the time and they dont get banned, so its not fair" is just a deflection. Ive gone afk many times during missions because of phone calls or people knocking at my door... never been banned. So maybe youre right, maybe the rules arent being applied consistently, or maybe im right and op has been pissing of tons of teammates who just want to play the game with a team who gives a damn. Crappy behaviour is crappy behaviour regardless of the twist you put on it.


    I also should point out that dethreaters dont go afk or refuse to participate so they can go back to silver. They run direcly into the action with the intention of getting killed by the opposition as many times as they can. Its more difficult to determine if someone is throwing a match than it is to determine someone is actively not participating in a match.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Haganu said:



    I like how half the thread can't look further than the length of their nose. It's literally not about leeching through a mission against people better than you. OP leeches through one mission (be honest OP if it's been way more than one mission), yet people do this on a daily basis just to lose gold threat (you know... so they can stomp on more people that are worse than them the next day) and are unharmed by anyone



    You realize people who dethreat arent just magically better than the silvers and bronze players they are destroying? They too were once bronzes getting decimated by dethreaters... this is why they feel no shame about their behaviour. Its a visciuos cycle and unfortunately that is just how apb is. It sucks, I know, but pointing fingers one way or the other is dishonest. Its an issue from both ends. I agree that dethreaters should get the ban hammer but so should people who throw matches and screw over their teamates because their egos cant stand a terrible loss. Keep in mind, i dealt with the same crap when i was a beginner. Eventually you get better and learn that dethreaters are actually garbage at the game. If they joined a silver district and went up egainst legit pros, they would get owned. At a certain point, you have to consider it part of apb's learning curve. Its been this way for near a decade, either get through it or play something else.

  15. Ill fire a genade at someone, take cover, then sprint out with my seconday as the grenade should be exploding only to get killed because my grenade dissapeared into the ground... you can actually hear it explode beneath the map. This is something that has been driving me crazy for years now. Would be nice if that could be fixed at some point.

  16. The only thing more annoying than getting matched up against gold players is when your teammates go afk because they dont even want to try. If you only want to play against players weaker than you, you will improve extremely slowly and will eventually become one of those dethreating golds you hate so much.

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