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Posts posted by Clandestine

  1. 1 hour ago, Spy said:

    Whenever my team and me (preset group) face a group of enemies with a low rank we always switch to the default weapons like Star and NTEC. Bronze, silver or gold districts, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is to get a bit more fair fight between them and us. The only advantage we have then is map and mechanics knowledge. Also, if those new players are still learning then it doesn't hurt to make the new players aware that you're coming, IE: honk, fire and miss a few bullets before the fight starts etc. We do this every time and it works like a charm, the new players get a bit of an advantage and it's giving them a bit more time to prepare.

    I'm usually doing the same but we're like 1% 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    Its not a problem in car surf mod, its problem in dethreating. I cant understand why any of the GM's dont take their time, and join the bronze servers so they can spectate and see for themselves. 
    They join silver districts where dethreating is not a case, since majority of golds play on it, as its been for years.

    But seriously dethreating is one of biggest annoying issues that is destroying this game population. 

    There are even so many players in silver districts who even openly admit dethreating when you call them out, its so corrupted view upon that topic, that players themselves dont even comprehend why dethreating is bannable and they dont see anything bad in dethreating.
    We all know why dethreating started, its a classic way of bullying case.  If you are bullied by someone stronger than you, you will in this case retreat and go bully someone weaker than you.

    This "pros" you talk about probably got destroyed by real golds and gold veterans. They probably kept losing 20-30 missions in row. So what they do? They purposely blatantly dethreat to green threat or bronze threat so they can harass you guys and most importantly bully all the real new coming players.  Rank trainee with star joins the districts gets opposed to a dethreated "pros" ...he ll play this game maybe 2-3 matches with absolutely no chance to win and she/he will leave the game for good.

    I have seen so many lvl 255 greens, which should be instantly bannable imo, because you simply cant sell the bs, you reached rank 255 and ur real skill is green...pls..just dont insult our intelligence...just dont! 

    And being green opens you a door to harass absolutely all servers except gold ones of course cuz you will never even join them, otherwise u would ve not needed to dethreat to a green at first place.

    This needs serious attention asap. 

    If someone dethreats to green it's either for personal achievement (because it's a lot harder to get than gold) or is doing it because this game doesn't have any content at all. You can derank to bronze threat and green district is already opened for you. Idk who would spend extra weeks to get green just for that.

  3. 3 hours ago, IS2APBR said:

    I love this idea and I'm sure you'll balance it better as time goes on
    I'm not complaining, this is only a pro, but I'll compare the JTs you could get weekly before and after this patch

    Asylum Bronze 50JT
    Asylum Silver 150JT
    Asylum Gold 200JT
    Baylan Bronze 50JT

    Baylan Silver 150JT

    Baylan Gold 200JT
    Boss Tier Daily Activity 7 x 25JT
    Tier 5 Daily Activity 7 x 2 x 20JT
    Tier 4 Daily Activity 7 x 2 x 15JT
    Weekly maximum: 1465JT

    Same as before, 1465JT plus average JT earned by new system
    What do we take as average? According to my own experience and what I heard from other, with this system you average 1-2JT per mission. I have played 16 missions today and got 14JT in total so I'm even below this average. Let's say you still play the same amount of time as before. To complete 5 Daily Activities maybe you played 10 missions total. These missions would have given you around 15JT. Throughout the whole week this is 95JT
    New Weekly Average: 1560JT

    My point is that the increase in JT obtained is barely above 5%. Which is too little to even consider. I know I "made up" some numbers like the JT average or the missions an average player plays per day, but I don't think they're that far off.
    Those caps are weird too. Averaging 1.5JT a mission, to get to the 200JT cap you would have to play more than 120 missions. In a day. Why does that cap even exist? Either they messed up the drop rates/the amount of JT given or I have spoken to a lot of unlucky people.

    It would make more sense if JTs were account wide

    • Like 2

  4. On 9/16/2019 at 5:22 PM, Nanometic said:

    I’d like to see a system put in place that gives someone else team leader if you go afk as the current team leader. Maybe give it to the person thats MVP in the team at that given time. 

    Won't work when they just drive around 1000+ tiles meters away

  5. 18 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Incentive to actually try and gain higher threat, which this game desperately needs. Currently, it's an active detriment to be gold threat, and that's just terrible design.

    Agree, to a degree. They should still have wins be more productive than losses, to incentivize actually trying to win missions. There's two ways they can do this:

    • Wins reward 10 JT, while losses only reward 5 JT.
    • Wins always reward 10 JT, while losses only have a 50% chance to reward 10 JT.

    Obviously replace the amounts of JT with the appropriate amounts based on how they adjust the system's payouts and caps.


    Just to see more tryhards striving for their trivial goals? 

  6. This should be a thing when JT were released.

    13 minutes ago, GhosT said:

    Wew, 200 a day (+ potentially 250 more) per day is insane.

    Do you guys not like money? This seems like a very questionable decision from a development point of view.

    200 per day is minimum 20 missions. It's random so it's likely 30-40 missions or more to reach the cap. I don't know anyone who would play APB that much in 2019.

    • Thanks 1

  7. 3 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    its not being given special treatment

    you just dont want it to exist to begin with

    isn't there a country that knows 12 different language and not one of them is English ?

    Being able to use rus characters in a nick while you can't do it with any other languages is not special? Wow. At this point just keep replying to yourself. I won't waste my time on ignorant.

  8. 7 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:



    its no different than any other language.


    You just said it yourself.

    Russian is no different than any other language but it's been given special treatment

  9. 10 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    please do not do drunk texting its confusing as  @#%% rofl


    but i don't see why not have the coding updated properly


    or maybe you can respect other culture? just a thought

    Then you allow other cultures letters in your game???

    That's not respect. That's favoritism.

  10. They could just send them free name change and force them to use it but naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah let's lick that rus butt.

    Let's be fully politically correct and ban me for writing the truth. 

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