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Posts posted by MStomm

  1. On 9/24/2024 at 1:55 PM, KeyboardCommando said:

    I bought all police flashlights bar for the Mirage but I can’t install them, when will this be fixed? And will they add more beautiful wheels for the Mirage instead of these ugly and ugly wheels that come from the factory?

    Many of us have the light issue, LO has stopped responding to questions about it on the forums over a month ago though. They sent out some of the lights to install a few weeks ago, but the Raptor IIIs don't work, they sent some of mine to the wrong character (but hey, at least that character has more lights now), and I don't think ANYONE has gotten the Hot Response RX-II lights.


    As for the wheels, if they just copied the Moirai wheels over, that'd go a long ways.

    • Like 2

  2. On 9/23/2024 at 7:33 PM, MageLO said:


    • Reduced the amount the Mirage's chassis moves when accelerating.
    • The Mirage should now have noticeably more grip that should prevent it from spinning out during sharp turns as easily.

    I never expected to say this, but I fear the Mirage is TOO good now.


    It still loses to the Vegas (not the 4x4) on high speed circuits (like the Double B highway loop), but the more cornering is required, the smaller that gap becomes.


    I did some test laps on more technical circuits with a Vegas, Vegas 4x4, and Mirage (All with only Nitro 3 equipped). The Vegas and Mirage are neck and neck in lap times, with the Vegas narrowly edging out the Mirage on laps 2 and 3, but the massive acceleration of the Mirage got it a considerably faster lap time on the first lap. In addition, the Mirage was considerably easier to drive. The 4x4 lagged behind in all aspects except style and fun. The Vegas seems to take much less damage than the Mirage and 4x4, even with more scrapes and bumps (I did my testing in a populated district, and all laps involved dealing with other vehicles, either by dodging or small collisions).


    The Mirage also seems to have considerably more ramming power now, I had a failed test lap at Double B where right at the starting intersection I t-boned a Vegas speeding across, and it got LAUNCHED.


    All in all, while I do love the Mirage, it kind of renders all the other sports cars obsolete. It's faster than the Jericho, Bishada, Cisco, Growl, and Vegas 4x4 (and has been since its introduction), can seat 4, and now it's easy to handle and can deal with collisions with minimal difficulties. While I do think some improvements were needed, I fear they went overboard, and we'll quickly see it become the main car of the city.


    I think making it feel heavier in turns (everyone calls Chargers/Challengers boats for a reason) by having it lose grip and understeering during high speed cornering will go a long way towards balancing it.


    (PS, where are my lights?)

    • Like 1

  3. The idea I've pondered in the shower for years would be a hybrid of the current mission system, and the chaos of the 'Open Conflict' or whatever those districts were called.


    Take the mission district map, and divide it up into areas that more or less come down to the areas between roads. Then, each faction fights to control the most areas, with bonuses for the side that controls the most area to encourage play (Increased rewards? Joker Ticket store discount? Cheaper Ammo? Less market tax?).


    At the start (and a weekly reset would probably be good too), only a few areas are controlled by each faction, all based around major contact locations, maybe 4 of them per side per district. These areas are permanently controlled by their faction. The areas around these areas would not be able to be claimed by the opposing faction (but can be neutral), and members of the opposing faction who get too close get 'spotted' to help prevent spawn camping.


    The rest of the areas are up for grabs, with players having to do a variety of mission tasks (hack, spray, burn, bomb, raid, rob, defuse bombs, plant bugs, so on, and so forth) to reduce enemy control, and assert their faction's control over areas. To keep things from getting too crazy, a neutral buffer area would be needed between a Crim area and an Enforcer area. Players can only spawn in areas controlled by their faction.


    If a faction controls over 2/3 of the map, areas they haven't done anything to assert their control over in a while (A few hours? Less? More?) would return to neutral, giving the "losing" side a slightly shot at gaining some ground.


    And maybe hide enemy names/icons until they start shooting- encourage people to blend in with the citizens for extra sneakiness.

    • Like 2

  4. I finally went through my alt chars, and found some lights delivered to characters I never bought lights on, which I guess explains why my main never got them.


    I'm also submitting a ticket about it, but if the forums are anything to go by, it might be a while.


    Would be nice if we could get an official update, instead of the problem just continuing to be ignored.

  5. For reference, I'm talking about the "Mirage Hot Response RX-II", "Mirage ARS Powerbright-II", "Mirage EVE Xenon-II Beacon", and "Mirage Boomer Raptor III".


    A month ago MageLO said that these lights would be redelivered to those who had purchased them.


    24 days later, and a partial redelivery occurs, with some people getting multiple deliveries of the same light, lights being sent to wrong characters, not delivering some lights, and the Raptor III lights just not working.


    Despite these issues being mentioned in the thread, there has been no response or acknowledgement beyond the MageLO's comment on 8/18.


    Can we get an update?

  6. 2 hours ago, gogeo said:

    Seems like they've resent one out of several that are still missing (also 4x mails of the same item). However the new lights do not even turn on, see below





    I got 3/4, still waiting on the Hot Response RX-II. Weird that they quadrupled your mail, I only got one of each.


    Unfortunately, I am still missing all the fancy lights on my main character, They only sent them to my second enforcer.

  7. 31 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Maybe 45, when it was 50, people were running into each other, 

    having to climb over each other to get to a mission.

    Even at 40 we still have missions overlapping


    I swear its gotten a lot worse, back in the heyday I don't remember many instances of missions overlapping, now I see it multiple times in one mission, sometimes even 3 missions in one place.


    I wonder if it has to do with the removal of missions, smaller pool seems like it would mean less variation in suitable locations.

    • Like 1

  8. On 9/8/2024 at 10:32 AM, vsb said:

    we need 50v50 back, another 20 people in the matchmaking pool has a very noticeable difference on team variety

    Even 45v45 would be an improvement.


    It's fairly screwed up right now, I had a group in a full 40v40 district wait over half an hour between matches

  9. 1 hour ago, Nakshmi said:

    Thank you, finally something being said. So just gotta wait then. But I'd like to know what does he mean by 'NA East was very underutilized and often empty'? I mean east is the choice of the majority of players from jericho so I don't really follow what he means by that.


    Yeah, due to timezones, the East servers got populated first, and since most players want opp, they join the populated servers, so the East servers were always at Capacity.


    While we all know that West is Best, and East is Least (RIP Colby), claiming that East was "underutilized and often empty" is just flat out wrong for the most of the week, unless you look at very specific times, like maybe 4am EDT. when the main playerbase is asleep.


    My wild speculation- They need an excuse to move the servers to a cheaper location, so they just said something that sounds plausible if you don't think about it too much.

  10. 57 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

    The obvious purpose of that ladder is to provide attackers another access point to that rooftop spot (as there was only one access point prior).

    There was kind of a second route, in that exact spot. If you parked a car there, you could jump on top of a security camera and onto the roof.


    So they removed a subtle way, and slapped in big obvious "ACCESS ROOFTOP HERE YOU IDIOTS" when simply adding a prop to give permanent camera access would have looked better and felt more rewarding for those that used it. At least I would have liked it better, as it requires more skill and leaves you less exposed than the ladder climb.

  11. While the Mod itself is great when used with certain vehicles, there is a change that I believe should happen-


    Change it from a Red modification.


    Before this patch, each vehicle modification color meant something. Red modifications affected engine related items. Green mods affected the chassis, Blue mods were things that affected the trunk, Orange mods were activatable special items, and purple was a general catch-all for the weirder stuff.


    Following this theme, the Suspension Tuning would be right at home as a purple mod, however, I think a better solution would be to bring in a new color for it- Yellow, for suspension mods. This would allow for further mods that change the suspension (Like lift kits and lowering kits) without risking people having to sacrifice an engine mod they may like. It would also mean that the "Tuning" mods that are yet to come will still have categories that make sense. (I'd love an engine mod that improves torque a bit all the time, but sacrifices durability, or a chassis mod that lightens the car but mean you get absolutely destroyed in collisions)

    • Like 1

  12. For the Mirage, the standard lights and lights unlocked by the Cop role have been unlocked, however the lights you can purchase with JT/G1C remain locked, despite having purchased them in 2013.


    For reference, these are "Top Enforcer Lights"

    "Mirage Hot Response RX-II"

    "Mirage ARS Powerbright-II"

    "Mirage EVE Xenon-II Beacon"

    "Mirage Boomer Raptor III"

  13. 37 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Ok I see more lights than before but they are locked, I can see the small 'narc' lights but they are locked.

    And I have them, so i tried taking those lights off the other cars i have, still says locked.

     It is my female cop who has the full light kit, but I have the both the small 'Narco' lights.

    Mine was to be an Undercover type car, and I do want one for the female.

     I do appreciate the efforts to fix the car. 

    Unfortunately, it does seem that the Mirage was not fixed with the hotfix.


    They did add the clothing bundles to ARMAS though.

  14. VIP missions are a great concept, but only work for certain mission sizes and balanced teams. Those are rarely met.


    2v2 VIPs suck, even if the players are evenly matched, because half of the VIP team is marked, and they can only die 7(?) times. And getting 23 kills on the non-VIP team is absurd in that time, so the best chance is to hole up in some camp spot and wait out the long mission timer, and the camp spot only lasts until the grenade/rocket spam starts. It's honestly in the best interest of the attacking team to just throw themselves at the VIP with little care of survival, because they'd be hard pressed to run out of lives before the mission ends.


    Go the opposite direction to massive 4+v4+ VIP missions, and now the VIP defenders can just go crazy, their deaths won't hurt the mission, and they just need to run up the kill count.


    I feel the best solution that isn't just disabling VIP missions is to even the playing field and give both sides VIPs and death limits for the non-VIPs.

  15. Originally, the system allowed anyone with a bounty to be shot by anyone, and in return, shoot anyone. Crim Bounties could be claimed by other crims, but this was taken away to balance it, making it like 4cer bounties, where killing a bounty on your side resulted in a penalty for you.


    The problem was, people would often exploit this by reaching N5/P5 and camping spawn areas or "griefing" missions, especially in districts populated by new players. Some even going so far as to form groups of players with bounties working together to lay waste to anyone they spotted. This was especially true for Crims, as N5 could reliably be achieved by just mugging NPCs. This was understandably frustrating to players, and I see it frequently cited as the reason the current system (where only people in the mission against the bounty can claim it) was put in place.


    However, one of the upsides of this system was that it helped balance missions. If a team gets a good camp spot set up, or the match is just hilariously unbalanced, the opposing team may struggle greatly, resulting in them getting consistently annihilated, which generally pisses people off and makes them quit playing. But as the team with the advantage keeps mowing people down, they'd get bounties, which meant they became targets for anyone in the district to attack, which weakened their advantage and gave the struggling team a slightly better chance. This is missing in the current system, and I believe this is helping to drive new players or returning veterans away, as they don't know the difference between good players/spots and "cheats".


    Therefore, I'd like to propose 2 options for changing the system, and I'd like to hear your thoughts on them.


    Option A: P5/N5 can only be achieved in opposed missions, and ends as soon as the mission ends. All players not in a mission are able to pursue the bounty, but anyone not in a mission is also a potential victim.


    Option B: P5/N5 can be achieved at any time, regardless of mission status. Players in missions unrelated to the Bounty cannot claim the bounty or be damaged by them. Players not in a mission can opt-in, so new players can stay safe, but more experienced players, or those wishing to try their luck, can take the risk.

    • Like 1

  16. I agree that P5/N5 added balance to missions.


    I also agree that P5/N5 shouldn't be able to interfere with other missions.


    I think a good solution is this:

    P/N 5s get their map markers back

    P/N 5s are able to be killed by anyone in their mission, and anyone out-of-mission on the opposing faction

    P/N 5s can kill anyone in their mission, and anyone out-of-mission on the opposing faction


    As much as I liked the old version, there were a lot of people who would kill members of their own faction not in the mission to lose P/N5, and also members of the faction who would kill their own P/N5s, which was really a slap in the balls. I feel this strikes a good balance between the days of old (I miss Crim bounties being an every man for himself) and the current "system".

  17. 1 hour ago, MartinPL said:

    Pardon the multiposting.

    I only just noticed something on the login subpage.






    A random jumble of letters outright told me that either the username or the password is wrong.

    Inputting 'cpritcher' told me that only the password (in this case, "32584") is incorrect.


    I guess we can safely assume that 'cpritcher' is a functioning username. I've been personally using 'admin' since it's the placeholder/catch-all login for most systems (at least according to what I've learned while playing Hacknet :V ) but that doesn't work, and we know that 'MattScott' leads to an easter egg subpage.

    Now we need to find a password.

    Hmm, cpritcher is mentioned in an article about a dental clinic, the MattScott easter egg URL is /big-smile.



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