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Posts posted by BIank

  1. 10 hours ago, Yilow said:

    Here's some suggestions: 
    1.  We'll have  the choice to hold the pistol with 2 hands or 1 hand (As Enfo's hold it with 2 hands / crims with 1 hand, This one is more of a preference suggestion)

    2. Making the Music Studio Fullscreen (That will be really useful for theme / song makers, also every other Kiosk is in fullscreen so why not make the music studio full screen? )

    3. Adding a search option to the Mail (That one is also really useful for people that got alot of stuff to look for)

    4. Queue System for Joining Districts!

    I do like all of these suggestions


    In regards to #3, in the 2.1 beta stream yesterday Matt did say they were working on improving the inventory/mail system so something better may be in the works.


    The solution to #5 is just playing a lot and buying more mods. Although, if you have a lot of guns to slot it may take a lot of money.. A better idea would be to make modifications unlockables instead of being actual items, that way you can slot your guns however you want once you unlock the mod. I do not know how possible this is from an economic point of view as there have already been millions spent by players on mods. They would need to create some sort of trade in system (trade in a mod for a permanent unlock if you do not meet the requirements), or buyback mods at half price if they implemented this change to compensate players.

    • Like 1

  2. I did not expect the video to start like that but I am pleasantly surprised. I loved some of the improved detail on outfits and how crisp they looked in the designer. Definitely interested in hearing more information about how naming will be handled. Also when Matt said he would've released a public version of the Beta yesterday I almost died lmao.


    I am also very happy to hear about the acknowledgement of the Midtown project— it's obvious a ton of work has been put into it and I think that LO can gain so much if it's feasible to implement technically. If it gets to that point it would save a lot of development time and would be a crazy addition to the game. It's free real estate :^).

    • Like 1
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  3. The giveaway is now closed~


    Thank you all for your participation and amazing designs on the site! I've enjoyed seeing everyone's creativity and I am excited for the future.


    Winners will be announced tomorrow afternoon and contacted with their codes.


    EDIT: Winners Contacted and codes distributed. Thank you everyone for your participation! Will announce winners in the discord.

    • Like 2

  4. XTWJiBb.png




    Hello World,


    I am writing to formally announce APB.Social (https://apb.social/)


    .Social aims to connect the APB community by providing a centralized platform for creations.

    It is meant for players and creators, allowing you to view and share the creations which make APB truly unique and that keep bringing us back.


    In the future we will be hosting Seasonal Contests, Giveaways, Events and more!


    If you're interested, you can join the community discord: https://discord.gg/VHsZB2r

    --> I will be adding fun bots & mini-games later this week for entertainment




    To be eligible for the giveaway, there are two ways to enter. Six codes will be given away in each:

    - Join our Discord! (You just have to exist)

    - Post a creation on .Social!


    RN Jesus will pick 6 lucky winners from each eligibility group (total of 12) to receive a code to redeem in armas!


    You will be eligible to win one of the following:

    - 200 G1C

    - Skateboard Backpack

    - Cat Ears


    To submit your entry, please fill out the following form: [GIVEAWAY CLOSED]


    I look forward to hearing reading your feedback and seeing your creations!




    • Like 9
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  5. 17 hours ago, MattScott said:

    We eliminate visible threat levels, because it's not information you can act on.


    While eliminating visible threat levels, I would hate the removal of rank icons.


    The current solutions you have implemented have either made the icon the same for the faction (as was in open conflict) , or have removed it entirely (ps4 and xbox one builds)


    I think it would be a good idea to combine the idea of Open Conflict icon colors with the current ranks so they would now be red or blue instead of the current bronze, silver or gold.


    (very quick mockup)


    • Like 10
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  6. 15 hours ago, aker said:


    But you should filter the items by type. Fox example, i should not see Clothing elements when selecting a weapon.

    for example http://loadout.infinitum.co/build/c a crown can be selected as primary gun, having a filter could make the app "faster".

    Thanks, I actually did cover this in the original post:
    On 8/17/2018 at 12:13 AM, Hazulu said:

    Currently, the API doesn't support filtering by category with a search, so you will notice you can put any in-game item into any slot. After the API is updated I will add filters to all of the searches.

    The API isn't maintained by me, so this isn't something I have direct control over.

  7. On 8/17/2018 at 5:09 AM, LazyLizard said:

    This is just me, but you should add a "random" Button that generates a random loadout.

    On 8/17/2018 at 7:15 AM, Caio Sparkz said:
    On 8/17/2018 at 5:09 AM, LazyLizard said:

    This is just me, but you should add a "random" Button that generates a random loadout.

    Hell yeah, random shit on random weap for maximum fun!

    Currently, I do have a random loadout generator: http://infinitum.co/

    I will extend the functionality so that you can share that build as well as selecting what weapons you own to be randomized :).

  8. Hey All,

    Below is a tool I made that allows you to create a loadout, and obtain a permalink to share with others.

    Here is an example of a build made with the tool:

    All of the data is currently pulled from the APB:DB API.

    *important*: When selecting items there may be more than one of the same, if there is no symbol to distinguish the two please hover over their names to see a longer version with more detail. Currently I have flags for Nekrova Items, and for Joker Ticket Items. I will be adding more within the upcoming days.

    Planned Changes:

    • Mobile Friendly
    • Rework Intro Modal
    • Add more search flags
    • Loading Screen (For Loading Builds)

    Please let me know of any feedback you may have

    Enjoy ^^
    - Blank

    Edit: Here is my random loadout generator in the same style: http://infinitum.co/
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