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Posts posted by PoshDoll

  1. 40 minutes ago, NyanPowa said:

    does LO realize that probably 90% of apb:r;
    1) have better computers than I do

    2) are more skilled than I am

    3) spent more time on this game than I have

    4) have better environmental consciousness

    5) are quicker on their fingers than I am

    6) are smarter than I am

    7) can make more logical and strategical decisions than I can

    fixed that for you.

  2. we need all of them. some are very important some are meh so i believe we need to make a priority list.


    Better servers>Less client FPS lag>New content: Cars, weapons, contacts, mods>Less cheaters>Matchmaking balance>Weapon balance>Game map/terrain balance>New maps>Bugfixes


    this would be my priority list. better servers i believe is the most important one. i put bugfixes at the end of the list because whenever something new is introduced to the game a new bug occurs so no matter how fast bugs are fixed some will spawn somewhere in the client/game.

  3. Just now, SelttikS said:

    Shader is a shader. How can they, realistically, tell a cheaty shader from a not cheaty shader?

    Here is how, they have to go over each shader individually to assess it for cheatyness. Technical terms i know but stay with us here. All that google Fu they have to run cost time and monies. Monies and time they don't want to spend. A program that is Sold on steam and used by millions, or whatever number, has already been evaluated. So no need to waste a companies monies to look at each crappy shader some random nub wants to put out there.

    fair enough, i see your point. 

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