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Posts posted by XYXYXYXYX

  1. I'd say both the aces smg and rifle could use tweaks but only minor ones cause right now the risk involved in using them just isn't worth it despite them not being bad weapons, 3 years ago? they were amazing but with the changes to the Atac, Oca, and new guns like the manic it's like why bother with them?

    Two kills per mag but most of the time even if your aim is perfect you're likely gonna waste bullets after you've killed someone simply due to the fire rate which means most likely you're gonna have to swap to a secondary in a 1v2 where time is crucial. Meanwhile you have the brain dead easy atac or oca having enough for 3 kills and almost a fourth on top of also killing faster even if not by much atac (0.70 or lower with cj vs the 0.72? with a red preset mod of the aces rifle blocking cj) and most people running the oca are gonna be using cj2/3 so you lose that .01.. ttk advantage on the aces smg which can't run cj due to just like the rifle, red preset mod.

    Atac and the oca both also have that 'ease of use' thing going for them but your aim and tracking has to be 100% with the aces smg/rifle cause between the fire rate, high shots to kill, and mag size you'll be screwed otherwise. There's a bunch of small things that the atac and oca does better compared to the aces rifle or smg, like being able to actually prefire or handling line of sight breaks better by being able to actually hold lmb for more than what? 2 seconds? and much more. Basically all that the aces rilfe/smg versions have going for them is initial accuracy (god tier hip fire for an AR or the good ads and hipfire on the smg).

    As to what I think could be changed? I use both guns quite often despite my complaints and one thing comes to mind, increasing the shots that they both take to reach max bloom rather than lowering the actual max bloom. So you have more time with your crosshair being tight allowing for slightly longer bursts and sustained accuracy as well kinda.

  2. While there is people who are doing things such as making clan names like "hurrdduurrr I'M BIG CHEAT BOI LOLOLOL" or something stupid like that most are just trolls trying to get a rise out of people or blatant cheaters who will soon get banned. Anyone actually trying to hide their cheating would be stupid to join/make such a clan name and as such I just ignore that. Also the overall amount of cheaters has been way way lower imo at least on Jericho.

  3. This is hilarious, Katch acting like the victim despite it nearly being common knowledge on Jericho just how big of a musket you are. Plently of times have you started tk'ing someone over an accident or after you started crap talking them and then lashing out at them after they give you a fitting response. Also can't forget how big of a nerd you are in /s after you arrest certain people which I saw in fc while being near you, course you're gonna make enemies like that. If you behave like an patootie then expect to get treated like one, pretty simple stuff but I'm sure it'll all go through that hollow head of yours.

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  4. 58 minutes ago, SelttikS said:

    You dont get to play your 110 character in wow for free, you get your shitty level 20 character. Why the hell should it be different here. Get a job kids, learn that you don't get everything in life for free you lazy gits.

    I love how you're presuming that anyone that would want more freedom for ftp players are jobless kids because it's just impossible for anyone who's dropped big money on this game to think that they should have more options. Also since you mentioned WoW you should also realize that outside of that $15 or $13 per month if you buy bulk time that you can then ignore the shop aside from when expansions drop.


    Only recently has my spending in WoW started getting close to apb despite the fact I've been playing WoW for 6-7 years. The sub and expansion purchases in WoW covers basically all the content no other payments required compared to apb where on top of needing premium to get the most out of the game you then need to purchase stuff from armas if you want to experience all the content available which is especially rough when you have an alt due to the lack of account bound options for clothing.


    I don't regret any of my purchases in apb but I still think it's stupid how limiting not having premium when also paired up with the fact that you have to buy so many things if you want it all, which I say while having premium myself currently and basically forever.

  5. So I've been pondering for quite a bit of time now how would LO be able to bring up the current weapons that sit in the 'useless' to 'meh' tiers in comparison to the top dogs of each role, particularly the bloated assault rifle role. We have about 11 assault rifles, now not all of them need changes imo. I'd say the FAR and ATAC along with the two legendary AR's sit in a pretty good place in comparison to the N-TEC which should also stay as is as well. But even still with those 5 perhaps not needing changes they still have to buff the other 6 in a way that still keeps them unique to the rest and from themselves.


    For example right now we have 2 assault rifles that have pretty similar handling,ISSR-A and the Misery. Those guns have basically the same behavior when ADS,  '2 round bursts after about 25m" hip accuracy for both is bad to terrible. The only big difference between the two is mag size and damage, ISSR-A (4 stk) vs the 5 of the misery. I'd say both of these need buffs but say if the goal of LO when rebalance time eventually comes around is to keep weapon behavior mostly the same we'll be with two guns that are very samey and when you have guns so alike typically one will out shadow the other without very careful balancing. But luckily? in their current state they're both out shadowed by pretty much every other AR aside from the COBR-A. But if I was forced to choose between the ISSR-A and misery as is with their current stats I'd go with the ISSR.


    This issue also continues into the ACES-R and ATAC before the buff and then eventual nerf that the ATAC got(which still didn't place it back to the way it was..), it sort of lost reliability after 40ish meters which is when the aces rifle starts struggling pretty hard but now I'd say the atac reaches out into 50 meters pretty comfortably which creates a big problem imo for the ACES-R. It ruined that close balance the two guns had previously. They both reached out to 40m and then started struggling, the big difference back then was that you traded two things between the guns. ATAC - Full Auto out to 40 and more kill potential per mag vs ACES-R having to burst fire and less kills per mag but in return it got way better hipfire. The ACES-R was also hurt more more by the massive buff of the OCA than the ATAC. The better hipfire of aces-r was to be able to be more mobile for certain ranges and to be able to take on smgs if you played it smart but right now with the OCA being able to drop its ttk below 0.60? with cj3 it makes it near impossible to take on against anyone decent using it.


    There's a few more conflicts like this but not all roles are I guess busted in regards to balance like this. Most would be simple changes or not needing changes at all. Rifles, lmg's, secondaries, and shotties are pretty well balanced only complaints would be that the shaw has way too much horizontal recoil and the coroner is just terrible all around basically. smg's would just need the oca ttk raised back up to 0.70 or possibly 0.68/9 and tommy gun needs that awful recoil toned down a little, my arm legit ends up hurting from all the pulling down on my mouse that I have to do but maybe that's a me problem I dunno. Norsemen guns and the smg from the revelations pack are weird and I don't know what could be done for them if even anything at all while still keeping their current behavior. The aces smg maybe could be looked at, it feels like it's worse at being an smg than compared to the assault rifle version...


    As for snipers the role is a bit busted like the assault rifles, the only ones that I'd say are in a good spot right now is the hvr 243, dmr av, iss-b dog ear, and the hvr 762 which needs that damage toned down just a little like I'd even be happy with it dropping from 850 to 800 just so I can eat an extra n-tec round before ded. But for the rest they need buffs I'd say. The dmr SD version is meh and could at least have its recoil toned down to make it better at killing people so it'd have that at least over the av, the oblivion could maybe be made full auto just to have another full auto sniper with the IRS which could perhaps have its run speed buffed to be a more mobile dmr av. Anyways that's all just my opinion and I wanna see what others think that could be done for weapons if anything at all for some or all even. 😄

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