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Posts posted by DeadPixels

  1. It's probably the RTX graphic cards problem. Everybody who posted their spects has a newer pc and enought of ram. There was also a problem with APB when Nvidia GTX were first released. If any of you still have the old graphic card try to put that in and see if the problem still exists

  2. Idk the achievements which were added later on were never working properly, some didn't want to unlock and some unlocked years later


    Deck the Halls 2014 -> unlocked for me on 2018-10-29 

    Ho Ho Ho, Now I Have a... 2014 -> unlocked for me on 2018-10-29

    Ho Ho Ho, Now I Have a... 2015 -> unlocked for me on 2017-11-06  

    Deck the Halls 2015 -> still hasn't unlocked for me even tho i finished it

    Infected, Anarchy - Survivor and Anarchy - Provocateur also unlocked years later -> 2018-10-29 

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  3. 2 hours ago, Lign said:

    LO just should disallow to join bronze district for those silvers who reached 215R. If you reached that rank you already have enough experience in this game and about 300-400hours  to be able to compete in silver district.

    I disagree! You can see a lot of players who are max rank and play really bad. Just because you have some experience in APB doesn't mean you are suddenly a good player. This is just an example: A 18 years old player who just started playing APB but played Counter Strike competitively for the past 3 years is probably going to preform better than some 12 year old kid who's first multiplayer game is APB and is above R215.


    Also big part how good are you in games depends on what kind of pc and hardware you have. In some games playing on a 144Hz monitor gives you a big advantage over other players.

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  4. 5 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    Can't fix humans. Scrubs will always find ways to exploit systems. Don't ruin it for everyone else because of them.

    Where have the actual gamers gone that had an urge to improve and challenge themselves. Fuck'n sad.

    Yeah i remember when i started playing APB everybody was so eager to improve and win missions, they really wanted to get their ranks higher and higher. You look APB now and you can't believe how much it changed, there are more dethreaters in this game than actual cheaters! A big problem is that you can't even kick the dethreater if he doesn't have a demerit medal

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  5. Name and Shame on the forum would never be a good idea, i'm sure it would always get out of control. Players would start adding names of players that are legit, just really good. In the end the forum would become like FFBans has been. As far as i see there aren't really that many cheaters in the game, but the problem is even tho they are so obviously cheating they are not getting ban. Clearly they are bypassing BE, the company should really look into this and do something about it

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  6. 23 minutes ago, TheKeanuReeves said:

    Kinda unfair, Enforcers have exclusive weapons, and Crims can farm money, but enforcers can steal all the money you farming.

    It's also unfair that this exclusive Enforcers weapons you are talking about take a longer time to stun than lethal weapons to kill and when you stun the Criminal you have to run to him and arrest which takes a lot of time. While you are aresting you are also really vulnerable. This is why nobody plays them, you mostly see only the PIG.... which should get tweaked a little bit (if you asked me)

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  7. A already suggested in the past some changes they should make to car gameplay and a new mod they could add to the game. Currently when you get out of a car at high speeds your health is not affected. They should change this and then they could also add a new mod that Improves resilience

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  8. On 11/26/2018 at 1:40 AM, MattScott said:


    Before you start advertising you should try to make the game nicer, safer for new players. Matchmaking system is bad so you can't expect new players to stick around if they will get stomped by veteran players. New players are crucial if you want this game to survive. Not only there will be more population, but they will also bring more money to the company. 

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