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Posts posted by MurkTheMerc

  1. Displayed characters are Enforcers but have access to clothing items belonging to the opposite faction which are not available to purchase for Enforcers on ARMAS Marketplace or by trading.

    Edit:An update, the third picture shows that Criminals also have access to the Enforcer version as well.



  2. Change it to a drop off location the item will need to sit at to gain points. The point system is set to the 'Tug of war' points system you see in the TDM missions with the green and red bar. This could also just be separate point pools
    After a certain amount of points are gained, say the location only gives up to 50 pts shared between the teams to take, the location will change and the objective item will need to be moved.
    Over time, if the item is not dropped in the currently set location, the team with the bigger piece of the point "rope" will center out, if this is on the separate point pools, both teams will lose points. This should help negate the whole, snatch the objective and run with the mission item problem a bit more.
    The further the item is from the drop off area, the faster points will be lost.

    For VIP missions, it goes as this:
    VIP must goto an objective area and stay there for a set amount of time.
    The VIP's name tag will be visible when in transit to the location but once they get to the objective area, the name tag will disappear.
    If the VIP is not in the objective area, a window of time will be shown under the lives counter. This counter will only reset if they step back into the objective area.
    If the timer hits 0, a VIP live will be lost, the player will not die though. The rule for name tags, applies to this so if you try to run, you will show up on the HUD.

    For Team Death Matches:
    Make players fight each other in a set area.
    Name tags do not appear unless you're outside of the set mission area.
    If a player leaves the mission area, a window of time will be shown under the lives counter. This counter will only reset if they step back into the objective area.
    If the timer hits 0, a team life will be lost, the player who caused it, will not die though.

    • Like 1

  3. 44 minutes ago, Lign said:
    @MurkTheMercIt's almost impossible to kill jg in cqc, when your opponent the first one who made a shot, you probably can do only 3 shots on him before getting two shotted. If you're lucky enough andĀ  you're the first one who started shooting you gonna make 4-5 hits before getting two shotted. Facing jg is like praying to rng if the enemy misses 2nd shot or the server doesn't register it
    Then rethink your encounters. I'm not having this issue.

  4. 1 hour ago, Lign said:
    9 hours ago, MurkTheMerc said:

    Is the current problem you're having is you're not getting kills during the use of MM?

    what do you mean?
    I'm asking if you're using the gun wrong. It's 5 pts less damage than the N-Tec and you can easily hipfire it, what are you doing to think the gun needs to be changed and why?

  5. 8 hours ago, Lucidy said:
    Shotguns were actually fine before. Only reason they didn't work before was because of Server Performance, not the guns themselves.

    Very easy fix. Upgrade APB's servers to AWS. If you don't know what AWS is, figure it out.
    It's not the servers, it's the netcode. Matt Scott has stated this many times before.
    • Thanks 1

  6. Said it before and I'll say it again:

    • Change it to a drop off location the item will need to sit at to gain points. The point system is set to the 'Tug of war' points system you see in the TDM missions with the green and red bar. This could also just be separate point pools
    • After a certain amount of points are gained, say the location only gives up to 50 pts shared between the teams to take, the location will change and the objective item will need to be moved.
    • Over time, if the item is not dropped in the currently set location, the team with the bigger piece of the point "rope" will center out, if this is on the separate point pools, both teams will lose points. This should help negate the whole, snatch the objective and run with the mission item problem a bit more.
    • The further the item is from the drop off area, the faster points will be lost.
    For VIP missions, it goes as this:
    • VIP must goto an objective area and stay there for a set amount of time.
    • The VIP's name tag will be visible when in transit to the location but once they get to the objective area, the name tag will disappear.
    • If the VIP is not in the objective area, a window of time will be shown under the lives counter. This counter will only reset if they step back into the objective area.
    • If the timer hits 0, a VIP live will be lost, the player will not die though. The rule for name tags, applies to this so if you try to run, you will show up on the HUD.
    • Like 2

  7. On 7/31/2018 at 5:10 AM, AnimePL said:

    Well if they could with current technology implement this Cosmetics I will be happy but I think that may cause some troubles.

    What troubles?

  8. 12 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    If custom decal on a texture layers was costly and potentially additional work load for both staff and the servers, Do you think custom gun accessories and rework of all guns is going to be viable.
    This is something that would take probably at least 3 years if the servers don't strain from it.
    That's why it's a suggestion. Can't put it down till ACTUAL staff says anything, like wither or not it would hurt the servers, so I'm not really sure where you're getting these numbers.

  9. 2 hours ago, CANNAN said:

    This honestly was in the base concept for APB but i dont know where it went, cuz at one point you were meant to be able to put decals and stuff on yoru guns like the cars and charicters but that i know for sure was disallowed by g1 due ot the cost and strain it would put on hteir servers when they first bought apb

    It was the ability to paint the guns that got washed.

    What I'm looking for is purely just weapon accessories.

  10. 17 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    I would honestly prefer a slow speed like we already have but an option of a faster speed like some games have implemented

    basically its setup with certain key presses to toggle slow or fast speed.

    the last thing anyone needsĀ  is to move too fast out of coverĀ  when peekingĀ  around a corner or moving too slow from cover to cover which is why I believe two different speedsĀ  for crouching would benefit game play.

    There's a jog feature and a sprint feature already and having it setup this way for crouching would benefit us however this would have to be after the engine update for what I am referring to because of suspicion of changing too much coding to upgrade fast and efficient to the new engines otherwise

    I understand what you're saying and agree. Though it's never binded to anything from the start, we do have a Walk key, which I use sometimes on corners, that can be used to toggle the speed of the crouch walk.

  11. 20 hours ago, professionalgamer said:
    21 hours ago, MurkTheMerc said:
    What does realism have to do with APB? We have car surfing, no headshots and flak can tank a osmaw rocket.

    The point of the feature being is to pull HVR out of the CQC zone.
    okay then just make it so if a player is tagged by a pistol then the hvr does zero damage

  12. Some people are all about how they look when they shoot or how they shoot their guns, I'm one of them.

    Under your weapon roles would show a drop menu for the weapons you currently own under that type.

    Each weapon has its own record of kills. These would still count towards the overall role.

    For certain kill milestones for that specific weapon, you could unlock accessories such as sights, stocks, rail covers, horizontal/vertical grips and magazines. These are PURELY COSMETIC.

    These can be unlocked in game only or include a pack of sorts on ARMAS. If there is a pack on ARMAS, I suggest there be some cosmetics you can only earn from reaching a kill milestone for said gun. There could also be certain cosmetics only obtainable by purchasing the pack, this move is dependent on the devs.

    Silenced weapons will still be separate weapons or to make a weapon library smaller and specific for simply a gun such as the ATAC 424, it will earn its kills as the ATAC 424, not as a ATAC 424 'BodyGuard' but a ATAC 424 'BodyGuard' will still contribute to the ATAC 424's role. So in this case, silencers can be the only purchasable cosmetic that does effect how the gun works, but will be specific to that weapon system so if there is an overhaul, people right now, if they own a silenced model of that weapon that is not a preset but has vacant mod slots, that weapon will be removed from their inventory and they will be given a silencer mod for that weapon in its place. If the weapon is a preset model, you will retain that weapon as it is unmodifiable.

    If you buy a preset version of a weapon, the accessories on the weapon will become available for you to customize your weapons cosmetics. Wither or not a player will get the Silencer mod from a preset, again is a choice by the devs since it, on some weapon types, have differences, such as the Assault Rifle silencer's only downside is less hard damage and it has no recoil buffs, it simply removes the tracer and reduces its sound where as the Sniper Rifle silencers, reduce vertical recoil but reduce its damage drop off by 7m.

    Picture below is to be used as a reference for accessories to be used on the weapon systems available to give people a better idea of what they will be able to play with.


    • Like 16

  13. On 7/8/2018 at 3:08 AM, professionalgamer said:

    this will make the game even more unrealistic and inconsiderate to new players

    What does realism have to do with APB? We have car surfing, no headshots and flak can tank a osmaw rocket.

    The point of the feature being is to pull HVR out of the CQC zone.
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