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Posts posted by Nabiki

  1. So the beta ran rather clean.


    The game loaded right up in nothing flat, Character log-in was quick and entering district loading times were super quick as well.   I did experience mild lag but I assume it was on my end and not the APB server itself though 500 pop would do it to a point.


    My frames were between 135-144 rarely dipping down to 98 client FPS.    I did manage to play the game for two hours and thirty-five minutes before I had my first crash to desktop.


    I believe the visual experience of the game was much better, though I did experience some hit registration issues it was all lag related, otherwise the game felt really smooth.


    Also I did notice some doors could be shot through without opening the door, and no not the cracks of the door it was direct through the doors solid surface.



    OS: Windows-10 64-bit


    Motherboard model: MPG X570 Gaming Pro Carbon Wifi

    Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce GTX 980

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor   3.80GHz

    Ram: 32 gigs G.skill Trident Royal DDR-4

    SSD: 1TB Samsung 760 Evo




  2. On 6/28/2020 at 6:14 AM, Resine said:

    Could someone please explain what is going on? Let's ignore login issues what's done is done, maybe next one we will get to test it ourselves.

    But, from the people that did got in, they had around 60FPS on high end gaming setups, wherever there were people around them with massive drop to 20FPS when anyone joined district,

    but scrolling through Matt's threads, there are lots of charts of 150+ FPS, so did something broke? Or we are lied again about the actual performance?


    I do know it was a BETA, to test things, but having half of the performance of old build, when we heard months ago that it's going to be released in weeks, makes me worried.

    So Let me say this if you experienced low FPS and you have a machine 9 years or older you are most likely not going to see frames above 20-60.   So perhaps you may wish to upgrade your hardware, after that it comes down to how many people are on the server, and how good the isp you have between you and the server are.

  3. May I put this to bed?

    G1/Little Orbit as far as my knowledge allows Nudity, however below the belt Nudity is not allowed.   Also acts such as insertion of fingers or any sexual act I believe would go against policy, and even your picture there displays an obvious Genitalia device which is not just a simple bulge below the belt so in a way OP you are preaching to the quire cause you are constantly pushing the envelope of what can be done when it comes to Symbols.

    • Like 1

  4. 8 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    Happy? No. But, if it means the gameplay improves overall then I don't care and I know we would be compensated in some way and they're just pixels. Regardless if it's a greater or lesser form of compensation it doesn't matter to me personally. So while I don't speak for others, your entire post is a mixture between decadence and entitlement.


    I feel it is unnecessary to point out the blatant irony of blowing 350 dollars on loot boxes whilst in the same thread insinuating I'm the kind of person who "burns" money, but I expect it would go over your head. After all, your post history is a joke. Maybe I'll see you in-game sometime and I'll stun you at 100m with LTL. ^.^

    Irony when you say something can't happen yet we found many guns are able to work outside the stat range of the weapons in question. Thirdly it is no secret that cheats have been involved in this game, and I never said the one that stunned me made the arrest. 


    Everything is a joke until you see it happen for yourself, and for awhile I had a video of the incident that took place but do keep proclaiming me to be a liar if it makes you feel good about yourself when it comes to tearing others down for your own twisted sense of accomplishment.

  5. 3 hours ago, EvaPooh said:

    That's pathetic.


    I own 2 volcanoes as well and would give them up in a heartbeat if it meant improving the overall gameplay for everyone. Your entire post is the epitome of what's wrong with this game.

    So you would be happy losing items you paid for and not getting anything in return? I find this very hard to believe or perhaps you are the kind of person who has money to burn and are rich beyond measure.

    • Like 1

  6. I oppose this I have a volcano I if this was to be a thing would expect it to be compensated for the loss.


    Now I remember how much money I spent in box's obtaining it which was the sum of $350.00  so it is a loss monetarily that I agreed to when using a casino box however with that said I only agreed to it with the knowledge I could continue to use the item I purchased.


    however your proposal would mean they remove the item I purchased in Armas which would effect not just me, but many others who may have paid more real life cash on these box's.

    • Like 2

  7. On 3/22/2020 at 2:27 PM, Uhtdred said:


    It's impossible to lose a mission (deliver items final stage) if you have agrotech, u can literally blow every car in 4/5 shots from 90m and your enemy will be never able to deliver items

    by the time you got in a car, you're already dead because the agrotech user blew up your car.


     Smaw, Volcano, or an alig can do much the same.

  8. Most the streamers are lol running potato configs so I wouldn't really take it to heart.  


    I sometimes stream myself and get between 97-135 frames while streaming, the games code is very poor and even an i9 or Ryzen with 32 gigs of ram, with the latest GPU will have frame stutters.

  9. On 3/16/2020 at 6:06 AM, valdas001 said:

    Im using amd and dont have fps drops, only lag spike from server when everyone in server gets it.

    And im playing at 120-145fps.

    Yes, and shadows are broken, but ambient oclusion works good if using virtual resoliution and setting resolution at 2k or 4k 😄

    Hate to break it to you but if your frames are going from 120 to 145 then you are experiencing frame drops like the rest of us, Ideal you want consistent 144 fps if you can get it.

  10. Motorcycles are silly for this game, instead we should add attack helicopters and Jets, and transport aircraft to the game.


    Oh and while on the subject we need tanks,  and a hummer with a hatch  emplacement mini gun, with a built in grenade launcher for effect.

  11. I would recommend an i7 or higher cpu, or even AMD Ryzen or higher cpu's,  16 gigs of ram,  a GTX 980 GPU or higher video card do not use RTX GPU models due to a current bug that causes crashing.


    It should be noted that a i9 overkill system with 32 gigs of ram, and a GPU 2080 recently was having frame stutter issues so even if you get a beastly system you may run into performance issues the game's optimization is very poor per the moment until they do the Engine upgrades that seems to keep being postponed. 

  12. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

    If you wouldn't mind, could you DM me some cheater names?
    No name and shame prevents doing so here, but I'd like to know what you know.

    Maybe I have overlooked something.

    You are not a Little Orbit employee, there for I owe you nothing.

    • Thanks 1

  13. 20 minutes ago, Haniasita said:

    I'm not sure that's very accurate, I use an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 with 16 GiB of RAM, paired with an AMD RX 580, and the current game runs perfectly fine at a full 100 FPS. The only thing that's broken is ambient occlusion.

    Don't misunderstand me, the game is definitely in a very poor state performance-wise, but I think both manufacturers suffer the same issues. In fact, I've only ever experienced micro stutters on Intel hardware, and the game ran fine on a terrible, terrible FX-4100.

    I am only stating my preference to running the game we are talking client fps frame drops here, I run an I7, 16 gigs of ram, gtx 980 a 144htz monitor and I get between 95 to 135 frames easy unfortunately I do get frame stutters due to the poor game optimization.  I also run on High graphics since I get the same frames even on minimal settings.

  14. They did a graphics update back then and it Cucked a lot of older PC's, and even beastly computers still have trouble especially if using AMD.


    I suggest you use a i7 or higher with 16 gigs of ram, and a GTX series GPU, don't bother with RTX GPU's because currently the game crashes with them.

    • Like 1

  15. On 3/9/2020 at 10:30 AM, Nivo said:

    Not while it looked like the dude was bunny hopping across the street with it. I’ll record it next time and post it.

    I know it wasn’t but it used more now then it was before. Seems like some people became butt hurt over a general question. 

    Let me give you an idea item moving:  Hold Shift now as you sprint F+X+F+X+F+X+Ext...   Moves the item faster, but pings can make it difficult.

  16. 8 hours ago, Haganu said:

    If even support refuses to give back your account, you could always try to talk it out with MattScott. 

    I'm not going to judge like half this thread. I don't know what happened. 

    I wouldn't say it is so much judgement its just that we have had cases like this before where the OP claims they did no wrong, and well they are sometimes vague on information or omitting things to get the community behind them when in fact they very well did something as gregarious as selling an account which is against the terms of service.


    I have had a number of people asking to buy my N-tec Urses from me some of which want to pay real world currency I refuse to sell it to them, and recently we had a player in district offering to buy/trade/sell Legendary items for in-game stuff which is Legal, but then they take it a step further saying they accept trade via Paypal which is against the terms of service.

  17. On 2/10/2019 at 2:19 PM, Solamente said:

    spam /cointoss to get kicked back to lobby


    adding an easy way to leave missions will result in players abandoning missions as soon as they begin to lose

    Some issues is when you get thrown into a match and cannot get a single kill on the board, and your TM's are no help or getting no kills either should one be forced to play bashing their head against a brick wall and be farmed?

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