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Posts posted by EVInezca

  1. 7 hours ago, JasonFireson said:


    Ahhhh ok good


    Me same my pc good. I have 60 hz for me is good i play much strategy games and mobas. And there i perfer high grafic with good fps and this my 60hz do very nice. In apb i cant at moment grafics high waiting for engine update. And only for apb buy a 160 hz or so. Never. That he become same good like my 60hz i need pay 900€ or so and this me to much. And in apb no real need. Self when you have some fps more the ping  to server  anyway much times bad. Is will not help much. And its for sure not need to be good on apb. When apb server give me good conection that is more important. And most important in apb is anyway  your own skill, how smart you are, your expirence, map awarness and teamplay. And most important  the fun. When you have no  fun you cant play long to be better.


    And to deadlist i can only say i not more play the game as super tryhard i play for fun. I must not beat every cheater or macro user to have fun in the game lol.


    But that many use macros and it give adventage this is for me 100% sure. Its for me  noobish who use it special when i see someone runlike with havy itims like a rocket. Haha then i think me my part.  but i have no problem more with this.  Its basic today in apb.  And this is beatabale same when someone have good hz nooo problem. But cheat is problem. 



  2. 16 hours ago, JasonFireson said:

    i get over 120 frames on modern warfare maxed out and i cant manage to stay a stable 80-90 on this game.

    having a 144hz monitor is definitely not a requirement to "be good" but its obvious when people use scroll wheel or macros, you can hear it in the firerate.

    Yes in a Game where you get 1 Headshot and you are dead Ok there i can understand. You need  144hz but in apb ? com on xDDD

  3. 3 hours ago, Deadliest said:

    let me get this straight so you claim that many who uses a gaming mice is for the sole purpose of having a macro feature that's a pretty bold statement dude. Let me ask you a question are you using a gaming nice too?


    You need to wake up and face the truth LO made some changes there is no threat segregation anymore that means there will be a problem of matchmaking, you are already in a disadvantage against any kind of gold threat players and your welcome to post your displeasure on the forums.  


    You exaggerating about macros is an excused of hiding the fact you are terrible in the game, someone like you who's still a beginner at what 1000 hours+ ?do not know what it takes to use a fbw or a carbine, oscar, these guns are popular and common among the skilled gold veterans as they have mobility and can outgun weapons that require marksman that's why it's a threat towards you or newbies. You can't track them, your 60hz monitor slide show, high input lag wouldn't give you a chance to outgun a veteran who mastered the carbine, fbw, oscar properly will min-ttk you without any effort. 


    hell if I've encounter someone that was using a macro which is rarely, but they ain't no problem for me because the guy would max out their fire rate and wouldn't even land a hit on me and I've seen it happen multiple times. if someone accused me of macro that's what I would reply back 'I click my mouse' because obviously you do not know how these semi-automatic weapons work these guns have a rhythm and just because you have try it and can't somewhat max the fire rate without jamming, doesn't mean I can't. Lets just say you have try using a carbine/fbw/oscar and say that 'I can't fire that fast like you' which is pretty common response I get when it comes to macro accusation.


    These are the requirements to be good with an fbw or carbine etc:

    • good hand-eye coordination
    • Have a decent gaming mice + mouse sensitivity you are comfortable with that allows you to aim at your best (practice muscle memory or aim trainer)
    • good computer + max frames (144hz+ monitor required)
    • knowing the rhythm of the fbw/carbine/oscar and able to click without panicking while tracking your opponent and maintaining a controlled fire-rate (required practice and muscle memory aka motor skills) 

    Here we are in the year 2021, yet there's still who believe that many uses macro in order to achieve a high fire rate on these guns. this video is from 2012 tutorial pretty much explains everything I suggest you watch it, hell I'm sure you are sitting there and thinking hey this is information I could had used long time ago when I'm trying to figure out how to use a fbw or a carbine. 


    nothing is funnier to me than somebody's misfortune.


    These advantages such as advance launcher, shaders does not give any kind of automatic aid to assist them if it's to boost their performance I don't care everyone has the right to optimised their game for better performance is it an advantage? You do know everyone plays on a different config no one has a similar computer, gaming mice, monitor, keyboard or in game settings, mouse sensitivity etc. is it unfair or an advantage? if i have a better monitor than yours? or a better gaming mice?


    But hey if you feel APB is a hard shooter I don't blame ya, when you play you have to go through the trouble of a terrible matchmaking because LO decided to remove the threat segregation, due to you being a max rank silver, not only you need to worry about going up against the actual cheaters probably a few left I guess, but than you have to worry about the gold players with their semi automatic weapons :P. Either way cheater or not it makes no difference you will lose the game either way, just let the high skilled veterans deal with the closet cheaters / blatant cheaters because they are there to be a real nuisance towards these players.


    there's some alternative ways you can play APB like you may enjoy role playing as a police officer, yea that's what you should do arrest people, recruit people in social district, you might find that fun. 


    But in all seriousness if you don't enjoy the game anymore you can take a break or quit and find a better game.


    I apologies if I derailed this threat, but here's my my input on the topic of cheaters, I'm going to assume there maybe 2-4 active cheaters on Jericho with some private cheats, they actively play for a month and later they are gone. 


    Loooong not more read so many sh... in one post.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Hexerin said:
    1. They are a meta slave. Use CJ3 because they see the "best players" use it, but don't understand why those players use it.
    2. Are utilizing a tool (be it trigger, aim, and/or macro), which allows them to take advantage of that 123ms difference in fire rate.

    Fun fact, the fastest recorded human reaction time is 101ms, just 22ms faster than the difference CJ3 makes. The average reaction time of a human being is around 260ms.

    Yes this is exactly this what i wanted saying with my question thanks 

  5. 1 hour ago, Deadliest said:

    I guess the removal of threat segregation makes the silvers or bronze players lose their mind.  


    You avoided the one problem matchmaking, instead of blaming yourself being bad at the game you fault it towards the opposition as they are full of cheaters. 


    just face facts that the player is legit better than you, my guess is you accused every one who has used a semi- automatic weapon for macroing or cheats because you hate and die against these weapon.


    I guarantee you what ever marksman weapon you use, you have a highly less chance in wining against someone who has mastered a carbine, Oscar or fbw.

    Okay and you think the guys who you know will say you when they use macro? =p    no they will not its cooler to say i press by my self.  Every  new gamer mouse can macro.  And the many people in apb have buy mouses special for that. Wake up dreamboy. 



    apb is a hard pvp shooter people use all what they can. See  advaned launcher. Macros. Shadders.  The people use all this to become advantage.  You are real funny. You must new i  apb

  6. Macro users... Over the time accept that... it is normal in 2021. We are not more in 2013. I dont like it but this is real.  I hope Lo dont waste time to try to stop macro users. Its waste time. better focus on cheaters closet cheaters to make the game for all better expirence. Cheaters are not part of cumunity they are kill the game. In this lo have to wake up it is not to late. 


    I dont like makros and it is a liddle adventage on some guns.  both pistols,  obeya, carabine  huntress,  oscar,  wisp  (i mean not wisper i mean wisp  :)) that the most populary macro guns.  So many people use macros on this guns. Lo can make the max fire rate lower For better balance. For the .45 pistol and the huntress. Then this 2 guns make very problem when enemy use macro. They kill very fast then. 


    Other liddle advantage is the macro runs with havey itims. Can make the difference in a mission.


     Every day when we play apb its normal this days to see and to fight vs people who use macros and use the liddle adventage. But with all this we can live then this is beatabale. 

  7. What say LO? I talk from EU server not na! I mean i can only repeat it. We had 2-3 distrikt bronse and only 1 distrikt silver.  So the player was show where they want play.  The game is anyway a paradise for cheaters closet cheaters with totaly ussles anti cheat and gm who not ban cheaters. I dont know why lo you fear so much to ban cheaters. Is it  to makes false bans?  R 255 cheaters 



  8. Me give the shity server since 2 weeks a so bad conection so i can not say cheater or not i lag so much and it gives Bans? I not see. The Last guy where i was reportet with a ticket the Guy from the support say me what i want from him ... =DDD haha.  Thats real


    The game Game give me Ghostshoots is stupid And this with a good Pc and Internet.. The Cheater dont care me anymore the Game do nothing it need Bronse Server back. The silver left the Game and the Mid Gold will be the next and follow when no silver more there :). 

  9. Av Pr 2 better you kill faster. With training you can handle the bloom. But when Pr1 much cheaper you must thinking. The liddle different gives enough value for you or not.


    The main strong of the gun is the Fast kill on 90M special in a live Mission. And after your first shoot on max range. the enemy will move back. So it can make the Different the faster second shot.

    And how One here say it, it is a Antivehicle Wappon to kill Big Cars Faster its very good to.

    • Thanks 1

  10. 14 minutes ago, SHEMER said:

    Heavy sniper rifles are useless. They need a long-range advantage. At the moment, the Obeia rifle completely replaces the HVR heavy sniper rifle.

    in open fight ok Obeye have advantage there. But in full cover fight is the streangh for a havey sniper. Havey sniper are not ussles. But yes the Hvr Dmg need back to the old Dmg the one Big Big hit.

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, BlatMan said:

    The majority of the SPCT are silver/bronze players. There's one who may have cheated years ago, but their skill level is so low they can't tell the difference between cheaters and average golds.

    I mean a other but i know the name and shame rule from liddle orbit so i cant tell you. 

  12. The second Weekend coming yeaaaaaah without Thread system yeaaaah it will so bad and many cheaters.



     have to accept  


    When i listen balance xDDD i must smile then soooo long. I see many Lazer Ntec s and pistols who shoot faster then Machineguns. Everyone have macros this days its time to make a fire Dealy on some Pistols. But this will no happen LO listen to the wrong guys. The only hope is Engine update. That LO then do focus to the right things. 

  13. 21 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

    A potato graphics card plays APB beautifully. Its the new graphics cards that it struggles with 😄

    yea haha thats why the game neeed soooooooo the engine update to get on 64bit. I maked last year my Pc new and now my Pc is to good for apb sometime lags and Freeeze :IOI  


    And with a RTX card the best cards at moment  you can use only potato grtafics or you get 100times crashes. 

  14. Ohhh to information i know what is a cheater and what is a good player. And i know here read many cheaters in the forum and they try all to cheat longer without consequences. Then when they can not more cheat they are bad player. This is the worst for they i know from some cheater who do this over many years. On this you can real see how sick it is. 


    Fact or problem  is nobody want join or stay in a game what is full of cheaters.


    And how i said it on other thread we dont need a expensive anti cheat we need GMs who ban the real open cheaters. And it give enough people who love this game they would do it for free without payment.

  15. Yes a better matchmaking need it real. The ideas here are good.  Realy i like it.


    And i think same first we need gm s who ban the people who real hard cheating. With all your shit macros i can live. You use it all so long its for me normal to play vs this ca.. sh.. . But what makes me and everybody who plays normal (with this i mean legit). Very angry is to see people with high rank accounts and full cheat and real full hacking and not banned since many month. It is soooo havey to see that it realy dont need a anticheat for it . 1 gm who ban this its enougth. When he do this 1x in week im happy so people can  become  a ban. At moment they dont have to fear nothing. And ohhh you must not say but they will make a new account. And? Let they do it but then they have no mods and nothing then legit player have better equipment. And we can use other mechanics vs cheater runing hiding useing better guns and cars. So it was in the past that was my feel where g1 was cheater banned !!!! And yeas it was good feeel to see people are banned.


    And then i have no problem with a  no thread districts.



    So liidle orbit i hope  your mods here read it and give the information to mattscott. You know what is to do now.

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  16. 30 minutes ago, MrM0dZ said:

    lmao SPCT doesn't have nothing to do with that, i didn't see a single cheater after the the district changes, most are just tryhards

    To what times you play and what district please share this with us. Wow i real need to know it...    i want play without cheaters pleaaaaase 

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