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Posts posted by CommandantSteele

  1. 4 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:


    I think any weapon shouldn't get good for all ranges, and combats, but there should be some sort of overlap with some weapons... like the ACES SMG/Rifle. The ISSR, and Anubis have no free counterpart, and I won't knock that, but they have super high vehicle damage with no counter... and that's a problem... They fire quick, and are a lot of times better to have than a DMR...

    Well, yeah. Rare exceptions can be fun, and some of the lack of viability can be blamed on poor skill and servers being junky, but I feel like we need to at least consider the possibility that something should be done.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:

    I think each weapon should have a unique aspect. Not p2w. You can make an N-Tec long range like I said, I use a VAS Sword for my main AR. And it's great, I prefer to use CJ. but CJ should make it slightly more detrimental to Long range engagements, for any weapon. (Yes, you too HVR)

    Some mods affect guns more than others, both positive and negative. If they can make the default N-Tec more close range, and model the variants after it, then they'd be golden. Don't make them exact, but don't keep them in the niche they play. I say niche, but they're more universal...

    I bounce around weapons a lot and honestly prefer not to use the N-TEC or it's reskins because I feel like they're kinda crutch-y.


    But mods affecting the guns a bit more would be nice. Though TBH I don't have a 100% understanding of the mod mechanics (Something somewhere about CJ being good for tapfire due to bloom resetting faster? Le wut?) but I feel like it's a bit too easy to undo the drawbacks of a mod? Like with the N-TEC and IR3. If you tapfire well you don't really even care about the increased bloom or w/e it is. So you get +7m effective range for the downside of having to shoot a tiny bit slower?


    Kinda busted.


    I would like to see a balance pass to make various weapon classes more distinct and reign in the weapons that kinda just do whatever a bit. (Like the N-TEC)


    Balancing shotguns to be good at, say, 10-20m? SMG's from 20-30m? AR's from 40-60? DMR's/Snipers 60-100?


    I'd leave it up to actual developers for final numbers, but it feels like the classes of weapons have become way to blurry.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:

    Well, I think that either reducing the effectiveness of the gun at range would help... If you use CJ on an NTEC it's range is compromised, but the cqc is increased significantly. Like wise, same with IR, but it doesn't have as much of an effect on close range. Not that I've observed.


    off topic...


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    From what I understand: Traditionally, the AK is seen as more of a closer range spray weapon that's a bit higher power vs the M16/M4A1 that's a bit lower power but more accurate at long ranges. Though this is more of Counter-Strike talking and less of APB. With how many weapons that are reskins of the N-TEC we might need to rework them to not be 1:1 reskins, which can be tricky.


    We've kinda got a lose-lose situation on our hands. If we rework the N-TEC and it's reskins as one group you might anger a lot of people who now have a vastly different weapon, if we rework the N-TEC by itself while also reworking it's previous reskins into something more unique, we increase the "Pay 2 win!!!!!!" "ammo" for that argument since the guns are now statistically different.


    Tough calls.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Sergsininia said:

    Balance is on a back burner until the new Engine is finished.


    There's already a bunch of Weapon Balance threads... I'd say add it to the pile, but at least yours is more descriptive. But not anything new from what's already been proposed.


    A lot of the guns are pretty well balanced. There's just a few outliers that are gods in their category, and they basically render the meta of the game stagnant. (I'm looking at you HVR and N-TEC... damn Russians) A nerf to the HVR is wanted by a majority. However, what that nerf should be has been debatable. I think changing the damage from 850 to 750 or 775 would be significantly better. Changing the time to switch the weapons out was a bad idea, because it didn't fix the main issue (quick switching)


    N-TEC is just god... enough said there.

    They need to do something to the N-TEC to make it less universal. As it stands if you get good at tapfire and can remain good at tapfire under pressure you have a weapon that can perform well in most situations and ranges. And it's not like the STAR where it's "okay" at most things that aren't sniping, the N-TEC is GOOD at most things that aren't sniping. And even then it can put pressure on snipers pretty well.


    Something's gotta give with this thing, but I don't really know what.

  5. IMO they wouldn't look that good without physics. It would probably anchor to the legs for the lower half and look godawful.


    And if we add physics to ONE piece of clothing, others will demand more.


    I think I'll give it a pass for now.

  6. 16 minutes ago, demonoid said:

    My only real pet peeve when I played was sore losers and people who rage everytime they die, ECT.. I just play the game to have fun, and I'll try my best to win. But even if I lose I'll say GG and continue on playing. It especially annoys me when someone wants to group up with me, and they do this non stop. That and players who accuse everyone who beats them of cheating.


    Society these days is so thin skinned it drives me bonkers at times. Probably one of the reasons I never got serious about joining a clan, I mostly played solo or with a select few friends. I like winning as much as the next guy, but I'm not gonna throw a fit if I happen to lose, it's a part of life, we happen to fail sometimes.


    Just this here can get my blood boiling pretty quick.

    I know that feeling.


    *Teammate dies once*


    "Ugh game so broken." / "Ugh this lag"

  7. I've had it happen tons of times, and it's hugely annoying when it happens.


    I'm getting out of my truck, going into a sprint to go for the objective. My truck is several feet away from me even though I haven't finished the "get out" animation entirely. I can still move though. I press shift to start sprinting.




    Oh. There goes my turbo.


    Can we make it so that this isn't a thing? I'm not sure if it's a bug or intended but it's really kinda annoying.

  8. Am I seriously the only one that uses the detonation packs?


    Just drop one on the car in question and it's bye-bye to the car spawn.


    One of these days I'm going to have someone spawn in right as the pack detonates. That'll be a hoot.

  9. 1 minute ago, Spudinskes said:

    You can only swap your primary weapon, I'm pretty sure no one here thought of allowing your secondary slot to pick up primary guns. That would be broken for the reasons you've stated.


    Being able to storm an smg and swap your gun for a sniper (your smg would disappear, it doesn't get put on the ground) would introduce so much dynamic gameplay. It's interesting that you see it as a bad thing. It's such an incredible feature in CSGO. I can't imagine not being able to switch up an mp5 for an awp and being forced to walk down long A on dust2 to take someone out in pit.

    Isn't CSGO a fundamentally different game though?


    I think it's kinda weird that for something that drastically changes gameplay for everyone people are okay with it, but the salt that I experienced when I brought up MAYBE removing crouch spamming (Something that CSGO has also done.) was pretty intense.


    Kinda strange, but w/e.

  10. 2 minutes ago, ElectroStingz said:

    I believe a lot of people didnt like the concept that they had paid for a premium weapon and now someone could pick it up and use it. Personally I see it as a way for premium players to share some of their items, with the possibility of future sales as a result.

    I can actually sympathize with that. It reminds me of when people grab my car instead of their own car when both vehicles are relatively close. It's not "TEH END OF DE WUUUUURLD" but it's still kinda irritating.

  11. From what I remember, this mechanic wasn't well liked when it was tried last due to, IIRC, the weapon pickups not reflecting on the scoreboard. So you could have someone on the scoreboard say the had an ACES SMG but then they sniped you with a HVR that they picked up from someone. If it wasn't that, then there was some other reason that people didn't like it. I remember complaining, at the very least.


    I dunno. It probably needs refinement. I'd want to see it tested extensively to see if people actually like it or not.

  12. 21 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    Well laser rifles, nuclear warheads, motor cycles and helicopters are cool...

    1,3, and 4 we might have some problems implementing (I could totally see laser rifles as an april fools event though). However, I don't think that adding motorcycles would be impossible. Though it would be quite the undertaking to code an entirely new class of vehicle. 

  13. 29 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    Do you really think that these historic guns are fitting with the themes of the war on the streets of San Paro?

    For legendary JMBs and as part of a pack exclusively It is ok in moderation but I feel this list is a bit much.


    I would say though that a Bolt action in game rifle is something I think could be added in game, It would need a sniper rifle animation but kept in the Rifle(semi) class. Also a double barrel shotgun is something that is a bit overdue.

    The Browning BAR M1918 should still be ok because of it's ammo count it would probably be lower than average LMGs, it would make it distinct and adds to the variety of LMGs in game.


    You are correct in that they're not entirely modern. They do, however, look cool. Isn't that what really matters?

  14. Once the dust has settled on the engine updates and we can get the ball rolling on content again, I'd like to see the following weapons make an appearance in some form in order to diversify the weapons on offering in APB.


    Please note that this is a subjective list and as such you might not find everything to you're liking. That's okay!


    If you want to make your own, here's a format to copy and paste:


    Weapon name:

    Weapon model: (If you're not making a generic weapon.)

    Unique mods/mechanics:



    Weapon name: Double Barrel Shotgun.

    Weapon model: A double barrel shotgun. Preferably side-by-side instead of over-under.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.


    Weapon name: M1 Garand.

    Weapon model: An M1 Garand.

    Unique mods/mechanics: En Bloc Clip: Slower reload if you reload before emptying the clip, faster reload if the clip is empty. Weapon pings when you're out of ammo.


    Weapon name: Mauser C96.

    Weapon model: A Mauser C96. Preferably with the stock.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.


    Weapon name: Bren

    Weapon model: A Bren LMG.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.


    Weapon name: M1903 Springfield/Kar 98k/Lee-Enfield/Mosin-Nagant.

    Weapon model: Same as the names.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.

    Note: I'm lumping these all together because they're all bolt action rifles typically seen without scopes.


    Weapon name: M1918 BAR.

    Weapon model: An M1918 BAR. Preferably with the bipod excluded as there is no point for Bipods in APB.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.


    Weapon name: Chauchat.

    Weapon model: A Chauchat LMG. Preferably without the bipod again.

    Unique mods/mechanics: None.


    Weapon name: Model 1894.

    Weapon model: Winchester 1984 lever action rifle.

    Unique mods/mechanics: A rifle that loads one bullet at a time like a shotgun.


    Weapon name: Model 1887.

    Weapon model: Winchester model 1887 shotgun. Preferably the shorter/cut down variant.

    Unique mods/mechanics: When firing from a car, the weapon is flip-cocked like in the terminator films.


  15. 8 hours ago, SelttikS said:

    Are you calling voting in your poll as toxic? Not seeing a lot of anything toxic reply wise. No one cares about you being upset or not about being in the minority on any given opinion. Worst reply i saw was the Huge Overwatch video junk that was pasted into the middle of it for no reason.

    No. That's not toxicity. That's giving an opinion to a question that's asked.


    The toxicity part comes in when people are going "Oh this noob wants to nerf crouching? We'll just go and nerf sprinting and jumping while we're at it."


    5 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    i feel like some people are confusing the mechanics being discussed here - that or I'm about to make a fool of myself


    It's a combination of this while also crouching up and down rapidly in a similar situation. In essence, what this video shows but also crouching up and down constantly without always shooting. 

  16. 1 hour ago, SelttikS said:

    "No, crouchspamming is not a problem and you need to get better at the game."


    Well seems you answered your own question and the community voted you correct!

    Might need to slow the crouch/rise speed a bit to be more real but honestly it is not a problem.

    I'm honestly kinda surprised about the toxicity that such a question has provoked. The reaction images and various accusations are rather disheartening, though I suppose that is merely the cost of doing business.


    It seems that people are not used to dealing with someone that isn't going to be upset about being wrong.

  17. 1 minute ago, VladIasi said:

    They talked very little about this topic, but they said that even on UE4 we won't see a significant change on the visuals. What I am trying to say on this topic is that we need more quality overall, not necessarily way better graphics, but the resolution of objects, decals, characters. As we all now, everything is a bit too pixelated at the moment. 

    Maybe. We need to be careful though. Final Fantasy 14 died because the game gave flower pots the same graphical attention as player characters. Nobody could run the game well.


    Let's not have APB do the same thing, aye?

  18. I'd be for cleaning things up and making things scale better, but I really hope that they don't do what a lot of AAA devs do and blow tons of money on graphics at the expense of everything else.


    Plus I'd rather not see the hardware requirements of the game go up much, if at all. That would be annoying.

  19. Something that kinda bothers me about the whole "Reee dethreat" debate is that everyone seems to exclusively focus on golds in bronze district, but what about bronze/trainees in silver? I hate playing in bronze districts due to the advantage I'll have over people who are legitimately bronze, and I prefer to play in Silver to actually face a challenge and not feel bad about using more than the stock STAR/FBW.


    Not to mention silver might not constantly be full if bronze players were pulled into the actual bronze district.

  20. 2 minutes ago, sidezz said:

    is this a joke thread

    No. I wanted to gather community opinion on something I thought might be an issue. That's why I made the thread in social and put a poll up instead of putting the thread in the suggestions forum and going "This is a problem and needs to be fixed."


    Most of the community seems to think it's not an issue. so it might just be a me thing. But I'm not 100% sure because the people who are vocal for this change are also making strong arguments. (I'm not counting my own arguments here.)

  21. 1 minute ago, Thial said:

    I would agree that it could be slightly adjusted but not completely nerfed. Another thing which should be adjusted is corner camping since if you are good at it you can peek just enough to shoot but in a way that your model is not even visible to your enemies. They should change it so you need to expose yourself more to actually take shots

    Yeah. That too. That's really frustrating but I didn't want to overload the topic with stuff and have it get bogged down. Maybe later. APB is pretty good about that though because in most cases you'll need to have the barrel of the weapon exposed in order to take the shot since that's where the game registers the laser beam. I've had situations where I could see the target and had my crosshair perfect but I still didn't hit because the weapon itself wasn't out of cover.


    Needs to be a bit more consistent and I think the root of the problem is the leaning system. But we certainly can't take that out of the game. I mean we could but that has 99 valid uses and only one problem for now.

  22. 27 minutes ago, Thial said:

    Adding any sort of delay to crouching or making people who are standing up to take a shot have some additional bloom would just break the game. Imagine you want to quickly pop and take a shot so you stand up but now you have to wait like an idiot for some special bloom to calm down and by the time it does you will probably be dead already because everyone will start shooting at you as soon as you pop your head out of cover. Crouch spamming is completely ok. Just take cover yourself or nade that person. Or become the fastest gunslinger in the wild west and shoot the guy as soon as he pops up to take a shot. Often it's not even about your reaction time but just prediction. If you lean out of cover you can expect the guy to try to take a shot and you should take a shot yourself. Very often they will stand up right into your shot.


    Edit: If they would introduce anti crouch spam delay you wouldn't be able to make some mlg plays anymore. You would be destined to die if several people were trying to kill you at the same time if you are taking cover behind a shield for example.


    If this was implemented properly, you could still pop up, take a shot, and then duck back down. You just couldn't bounce up and down 100000 times in a few moments and have perfect aim while doing so.


    Crouching up and down during a duel isn't a problem, it's honestly kinda expected, like popping out of a corner to take a shot in any other circumstance where you don't have convenient chest high walls. It's people who crouch up and down almost CONSTANTLY while still having perfect aim is the problem. That's what really needs to be fixed. If APB had projectile based weapons this wouldn't be a problem because you could just preshoot before they stood up, but it doesn't, and adding projectile based weapons would be a much larger change in gameplay than fixing crouchspamming.


    Doing this should not enable you to keep perfect aim.


    MLG plays will still be possible. You just need to commit to actually taking the shot when you stand up. Not just stand up, decide against it, and then get up again with no consequence.

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