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Posts posted by eXezon

  1. 20 hours ago, MageLO said:

    You could disable 'MAH-JONG MONEY' as well. Having to break into two 'Macchina Calabria' vehicles and drive them across a district like Waterfront is as painful as trying to run a marathon with your shoelaces tied together

  2. Not only my main character's name (which I have since the first closed beta back in 2011) was changed in favor of a newer and lower ranked character that I also own, which I haven't logged in for months, but the game forces me to rename my main character, before allowing me to join the district, giving me the error 60008. 

    Which makes me wonder...


    • If I change the name as required for the 2.1 will my character's name also change in live?
    • How will world consolidation work with names? 


    Has anybody also encountered the same issue?



  3. To be honest to the main issue with the 2.1 picture is, it seems that the global illumination is not done correctly, mainly indirect lighting. Also the shadows do not add up, compare the shadow on the yellow building at the right side of the character with the shadow close to the gate, looks like lightning was not rebuilt properly  in UE.

  4. On 2/23/2020 at 6:22 PM, swft said:

    APB is currently running on a UE 3.0 beta build, not UE 2.5.

    14 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:

    They're updating to 3.5, which is the post Gears of War 3 engine from 2013.  Right now we're on some weird very early custom version of 3.0 probably from 2008.

    Not even full 3.0 as zombie said, it started around 2006/2007, its a mixture of UE 2.5 and 3.0. Furthermore, If you even read the classes inside Engine.u, there are some classes that state on the first lines of them "//copied from UT2004" which is a sequel/expansion of UT2003, that started to be produced in 2002...
    So yea, it has pieces of code much older than people think, that's why engine upgrade at this time is mandatory.
    And yes, i actually compared those classes with UT2004 ones just to  see if that comment was some sort of inner joke between devs, but it wasn't, those classes are pretty much copy and paste to APB


  5. 3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    4 hours ago, eXezon said:

    Id like to get max ranked + joles as well since its vital to properly test the weapons

    Characters: "eXezon" "Badluck"

    why exactly do you need the roles for weapons? aren’t 3slots all sent to each character?
    to be able to buy more mods so i can test weapons freely without having to waste tons of time changing or searching for mods in my inventory, for example HVR variants, you wont use reflex sight on it, why dont you just leave hunting sight on it?

  6. 44 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    I assumed Cookie was messing with us and joking.

    If anyone wants max rank on OTW just post here, and I'll have the team review it tomorrow.
    We appreciate everyone's help and feedback.

    Well i guess i will start, in order to properly test the weapon balance we need to have access to weapon modifications.
    Characters: eXezon Badluck

  7. On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 4:27 AM, eXezon said:

    Any word regarding crosshair customization? where in the roadmap should that be placed in? Also while we don't have such an option at this time, what is your word on crosshair overlays?(Not talking about shaders)

    @MattScott many people would be interested to hear something regarding this

  8. Any word regarding crosshair customization? where in the roadmap should that be placed in? Also while we don't have such an option at this time, what is your word on crosshair overlays?(Not talking about shaders)

  9. 5 minutes ago, Lixil said:

    Unfortunately, I don't speak this language. I could put it in google translate but I'm not sure if it's going to translate properly. If someone from players want to/has time to translate it, that would be great!

    The original post is in English, he just posted a translated version of it, the only word he added was "por favor" which means "please"

  10. People are forgetting about the real responsibilities regarding being a GM. You are an administrator with the responsibility to help people out with their issues such as simple ones which you may find insignificant or true complex issues. You are an administrator to be able to contact those who are above you quick and easily when something major happens. You are an administrator to serve the community and not to satisfy your own thirst for power. 



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  11. 14 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    I didn't like you since the very start, and i am barely any time wrong.

    to be honest nobody seems to like you either, lixil's job is not to please you at your request, lixil's job is to manage this community entirely, you could stop with your cynical behavior 

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