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Posts posted by Skerza

  1. Okay so i just want to put this here cause its a really bad problem, the servers are so bad and im surprised no ones complainging on the forums or on the xbox- Bugs and Tech issues. Most likely cause people dont even have a way to get on here but besidhe that the servers are really bad i dont know if a hotfix can be put or something but the lag really kills the mood.

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  2. On 12/25/2018 at 10:29 AM, Cuve said:

    Had the same issue ages ago. I was always wondering why people screenshotted their mailboxes whilst sending a weapon over, then one day my friend lost some of my stuff (Got it back thankfully) and then weeks after that me myself lost some stuff in the mail. I would record or screenshot my mailbox as well. But hey, if you have to wait 4 months for LO to respond to a ticket that you lost your weapon and they'll tell you that you'll not get it back because "their logs don't go back that far" You don't even remember it happened :)

    You'll just have to be lucky to get it back, it took me at least 4 months go get a gun back that just randomly disappeared out of my locker.
    The friend I was on about earlier had to wait 2 months (when G1 was still in charge) to get my shit back that he lost as well...

    Yeah i don't think ill be able to get it back but i will try my hardest cause if the game worked then we wouldn't have to go throught the ticket system for that type of problem

  3. 6 minutes ago, (Xbox)MortisedGuide said:

    *Oh he's trying*

    calm down like matt said before we get ANYTHING we have to wait for the build to pass (update of the SDKS and etc) once that passes theres no doubt that we'll get the content that pc has.


    We need that build to pass to have new content added, he wants to make sure the game is optimized while they add new stuff unlike g1 where they add stuff no matter the effect( lag and bugs) to the current build we had, hes trying to make the game stable before content.


    also its common courtesy to have the pc and console at the same page with content down the line

  4. I honestly love the idea cause you can waste $5 instead of $10 to pay for premium( i forgot they add a new premium policy but for console they still don't have it ) and also i know people who stay in social for hours and hours customizing and associating with others instead of playing cause they enjoy it. Also this option is more clean/efficient cause they can save money as well.

  5. So being on the console version of this game for many years( since launch of it back in june 2016 ) the community is out of control with billboards calling people pedophiles and putting explicit pictures of people ,haming them, and the toxic behavior cause we know LO doesn't have reach ( we honestly believe) or interferes with the console side. I was thinking can we have any GM's to monitor? I think you said something in the past or it was probably the last company but they said theres more of us than you but compared to PC its a fraction.


    I was thinking can you hire ingame players to watch over and put strict rules so they dont abuse their authority? of course they would consult with what they do and etc.

    i think i may not be sure but something like this was on the PC side and it didn't go well or im just thinking all together but yeah heres the suggestion

  6. So i heard how people lose weapons from  their mailbox's but didn't want to believe cause it never happened to me or my friends till 1 month ago it happened. i  lost my new legendary weapon that i traded with a friend. It was the Jersy Devil part of the EL3 series ( i think that's is what the series is called but its JMB 17) and i used it for a day till it disappeared the next day when i got on to use it in another character. The mailbox is safe in my opinion but after this who knows if the mailbox might do it to me again .


    I looked around all my 6 characters and nothing, i looked for hours literally, i put in a ticket with proof i had it and that was a month ago here's my new ticket and old (old then new) #85242 and #86670 more info in the ticket leading up to the event.


    Has anyone have this happen to you?

  7. One think i notice from launch and thought it would be address in the future ( in the few months but its been  two years still nothing)  would be the frame drops and the lag( if there is some ) when switching weapons, mods, cars, graffiti, and etc But it wasn't, would this be fixed in the new update when your finally  able to send the new build to  microsoft?


    Also there's a bug where if you switch your weapon a lot in game you get this bug where your frame rate drops down to 1 then goes back up every time you shoot your weapon. This takes the fun and seriousness of the game and throws it down to the abyss cause it makes you unable to help your team. For a example say the enemy team has medium to long rage weapons and you want to be aggressive you would want to switch to a proper weapon to counter so it'll be easy for you and your team (if you have one ) but since you get the bug when you switch you gotta reset or just don't do anything at all. (like help kill enemy's)


    This bug will make you look bad ingame if you have a reputation or trying to gain one  ( i know people  who want to make a name for themselves ( including myself ) and this is how they do it, they go to missions and play but this makes it hard for us whether its our team or the enemy  it makes us look like a noobs who can't aim or shoot. its bad enough with the frame dropping and the lag but at least fix this so we only can deal with a few hardships


  8. On 5/29/2018 at 1:51 AM, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Good to know. 

    We are attempting to merge the PC codebase onto the XBOX.

    Hopefully we can get that in for you guys.


    Thank you Matt i said something the same thing last year and you actually responded let us know what happens

  9. Yeah, Its wierd but what can you do? I have two characters that i made on launch and only 1 have it somehow. 
    So i have three and my oldest one not having it

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