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Everything posted by DeathsAtitude

  1. As someone playing in California, playing in Jericho (NA) US-East Servers is terrible. I can deal with 90 ping at all times, but when I have to expect within every 10 minutes I will have a massive lag spike. I have better ping when I play on EU if that says anything. Reaching upwards of the 800 ms in US-EAST. I have tested my internet a multitude of times and it isn't the problem. When I enter the (Always Dead) West servers my ping is at a constant 1-15 ms. I would love to keep playing rather than getting death threats and my team getting on my patootie when I explain the above. Leading to players griefing since they believe I am griefing as well. I have only had this problem ever since the servers have split up. With the reality that 1 server is always filled to the brim while everyone waits in social for an opening. Even despite with the recent push of players server migration for missions, usually at the end of the sessions the server dies again. What is the point of having 13 different servers when at most 2 servers are filled? If server location is the problem I guess its time for me to delete the game. Since playing on US-East is unbearable. Merged. To add there isn't any way to choose to stay in your server so you are forced to leave. Merged. At least give us the choice to choose which preferred servers we would want to play on.
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