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Posts posted by Danimal

  1. 18+ doesn't mean you have to act like you are a adolescent horn dog.



    I am 18+ and can check myself when talking about certain topics. Ones that maybe should not be discussed in a public forum whereas all persons can read what you say.


    Topics that are locker roomesque and could be done through PMs.


    Not everyone appreciates lewd or edgy topics of conversation. I am glad LO is attempting to clean Social districts appalling chat. 18+ but some of you are acting like prepubescent kids.




    • Like 1

  2. I truly hoped that ddos was rectified when gamersfirst changed hands.


    Maybe there is a butthurt soul who was banned/denied unban recently.


    Servers have always been dodgy since they moved to Dallas. 


    I recall the servers being changed soon...seems the issues can't be resolved fast enough for the APB community.

  3. One of the reasons why I haven't logged in since Friday. 


    Poor matchmaking.


    IMO 1 gold should equal one and a half silvers so based on this formula OP should have been able to call back up. This mathematical concept doesn't even factor the ranks which heavily favor the OpO. The


    Get gold's out of bronze and figure out fair matchmaking before anything else.


    Funny how two people already quit when the screenshot was taken. Tells much about the current situation doesn't it?

  4. I recently had this same issue. Gold rank team in bronze slaughting me and my team mates. Hitting the objectives without any sort of defence. I think I went 1-7 before I finally just quit. 


    This was Friday afternoon and I haven't logged in since. 


    Pieces of crap ruined my game. 


    Fix this LO. Get these vultures looking for easy kills and game wins out of the districts allotted to less skilled players.


    I'm not spending a dime till this is fixed.



    • Like 1

  5. Honestly...I think they should update some of the vehicle models from the era of 2005 to modern 2015+.


    Same with the item models...who has a 21 inch box TV anymore?


    My thoughts purely and let me be clear I would welcome new cars or anything of the sort.

  6. Aside from a few questionable low rank gold rank players in Bronze district, San Paro was enjoyable yesterday. 


    I was also on my gaming PC for once so that helped.


    Seriously, If I become a volunteer GM...will be be able to kick these gold's from bronze???


    My team mate who was gold went 16-1 and at the last stage 75% of the team quit. GG...

    • Like 1

  7. I had a similar problem. My IGN is AngeI...not Angel so people have sent items I had custom made to the wrong account. 


    I contacted support and they basically said there were no mails sent to that character. 


    Not a big deal...would be nice to have the Angel name instead of the AngeI. 


    Any possibility?

  8. We are still in the era of Gamers First APB. To think anything has changed in such a short period is ignorant. 


    Did you read any patch notes specifing there has been changes?




    Then it's the same game for now. 


    The question is whether or not LO wants to steer the "sinking"ship towards the tropical island occupied by snusnu deprived amazonians!


    Follow APB Twitter and get updated with changes as they roll out.

    • Like 1

  9. 3 hours ago, AgentWatson said:

    Outside the obvious things like technical issues(stuttering, lag, frame drops) I think just trying to use fragile, I like the speed of fragile but it seems I just get absolutely punished everytime I run it. I almost rage quit two times today because of it. "Oh, I've got an N-TEC and you're using Fragile..? Let me just kill you before you even have the time to blink" 

    I have been using this for the last few years. I always weigh the slight increase in TTK and the ability to possibly run to cover or juke the bullet barrage. I love it still and probably won't swap it out until the end of APB. 


    Peevs??? Gold's in bronze servers hands down.

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