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Posts posted by WorldDominator

  1. On 5/31/2020 at 9:15 PM, Flaws said:

    And the fact that LO somehow think that the weapon balancing changes they've done so far have improved the game and not made the meta extremely stale, the game extremely boring and repulsive to even think about launching (because its literally nothing but JG, PMG, nades and car gameplay) would sound more like a joke to anyone who's actually aware of how the game is played and has decent+ skill in it

    Couldn't agree more.

  2. 42 minutes ago, 404 said:

    since we're on v3 of shotgun rebalances, i'd say probably not

    Ye but it shows how incapable they are of doing it right at the moment, so the least they can do is that they let people enjoy playing this category of guns like they used to pre LO while they figure out what they are supposed to do with the real problems of the game.

    • Like 1

  3. On 5/27/2020 at 10:37 AM, ExoticZ said:

    Useless? I disagree.

    Are they inconsistent? Yes.


    I dont like the current shotgun changes either.

    I'd much rather have the 2017 shotguns back. (pre-LO changes)

    I wonder if being an spct helps in conveying this message more easily to whoever is responsible for these weapon balances.

    Not saying it wasn't requested multiple times by alot of people (me imcluded) already but hey.

  4. 3 hours ago, WitchQueen said:

    I think we already established that up close - and I was only talking about up close - that people with bad aim AREN'T struggling up close due to the things I said. Yes they get beaten by people with good aim (most of the time) but they are doing ok against others.

    Ok buddy, Since you clearly have so much knowledge about how the game works and it obviously did you good, I have no choice but to step down.

    there you won, congrats.

  5. 19 minutes ago, WitchQueen said:

    Someone with bad aim will struggle with a really accurate weapon up close

    Correction : someone with bad aim will struggle with everything he holds in his hands until he eventually gets better and learn more about recoil control and Rng, which guns like atac nearly eliminate from the game making its user not able to learn anything or improve since it's a pretty brain dead weapon that requires no actual skill what so ever yet somone who can't aim in general will still be bad with it and it'll bring him down even more the more he gets used to playing it only or any kind of similar weapons.

    and sorry for repetition i just thought that i needed to stress that on that point since there's alot of guys like you and him in here.

  6. 45 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    i feel like these only support my point, out of all these clips the closest to a min ttk are 20m and 30m away which is the exact range the atac is designed to fill 


    9 hours ago, Flaws said:

    Now if you don't mind it, I'll be giving you my opinion on that even though i don't really care that much. (quarantine is getting through me)

    That doesn't look like 20 30 meters away.

    he literally melts an enemy right there from at least 40 to 50 meters with HALF the magazine and with little to no effort.

    And how all you have to do in CQC to secure a kill with literally 0 effort is hold your left click while pointing in the general direction of your target.

    And let's not talk about how the ATAC actually hurts even when getting tapped by it from 60-70 meters when it shouldn't. (yes it is able to land those shots from that distance). 


    • Thanks 1

  7. 15 hours ago, MattScott said:

    With that in mind, we have started the process to open more servers in Warsaw, Poland so our Eastern Europe and Russian players can get better latency.

    How about having servers in south-east european countries like Croatia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece or even Turkey for north african / middle-eastern players and players in that region in general to have better latency aswell?


    Edit: just curious whether that was considered as to be something in the future or not

    • Like 1

  8. On 3/11/2020 at 3:36 PM, Dasimoge said:


    My IP changes every 24h, so i should have been banned tho then (If the IP logs get checked automaticly).

    Even if you would share your account with ur friend, it shouldn't be bannable..

    Since it's your decision if you give ur login details to someone, why would they mind about it.

    If the account gets stolen it's ur problem then and not theirs haha.

    Your ip changes every 24 hrs but still remains in your country, if you're friend accessed your account from another country it gets suspicious especially when he logs in alot, yet there's no prove you're not using a vpn.

    So if they really just randomly decided to check your account's login history they still have no solid information on whether you really shared your account or not.

    Which isn't enough of an evidence to ban a player imo.

    At this point i strongly believe you haven't told us everything. 




    On 3/11/2020 at 3:42 PM, Inhotep said:

    Sharing of account is your own responsibility and its not bannable

    Have you ever heard of account selling? 

    It hurts their wallet, and that's why they do ban shared accounts if verified just for that reason alone.

  9. Once you get the hang of the .45, it is by far the most satisfying side arm to ttk enemies with and it has that high risk high reward factor which makes it more fun and clutchy. Personally I've been using the .45 ever since it came out and never felt the need to choose the fbw over it anytime.

    Fbw on the other hand is kinda boring and too easy/risk free yet a good fbw player will almost always lose to a good/consistent .45 player because of how those two guns perform.

    • Like 1

  10. Why are so focused on making the CSG a downgrade of the thunder, how on earth can a secondary shotgun "showstopper thunder" can get higher range than the primary ranged shotgun "CSG". I mean why bother using a ranged primary shotgun when you can equip a secondary one that can out perform it at 20-25 meters fights which should have been its arena.


    You did buff the CSG's damage to 651 as many of us suggested and buffed the fire interval to (0.7s) instead of keeping it on par with the JG (0.68s) which might not even be noticeable so i have no complaints. 


    But why did you need to nerf their ranges that badly?

    You literally fixed one problem and created another for no reason at all.

    The JG's range is so bad right now i dont even know what you're doing at this point.

    • Like 1

  11. 14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -Nfas/ogre delete bullets

    -nfas basically out ttks everything

    This should change with the upcoming shotgun balance, hopefully. 


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -it feels like ursus kills in a millisecond

    I agree, ursus is too good at the moment with no real competition in its weapon category, being a mega buffed ntec version.


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -ntec was nerfed when there was nothing really wrong with it (in comparison to the other assault rifles)

    -the scoped ntec is honestly better than normal ntec now

    I agree, if they wanted to nerf the jumping accuracy of the MAIN most used assault rifle they should have applied this to all assault rifles, otherwise people will switch to Obeya/FAR/Obir/Ursus in most cases instead.


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -oca was nerfed when pmg was already superior

    Disagree, OCA was too strong and forgiving, pmg was a matter of rng either you hit all your shots and that makes it superior to the oca in that case or miss everything. People have always complained about the pmg for years and is still yet to get reasonably nerfed.


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    thunder is basically a sniper rifle and a jg combined

    -csg is useless without ir3

    I agree, Thunder being a SECONDARY shotgun that can 4 or 5 stk at 40+ meters, let alone consistently 3stk at 20+ meters, even the PRIMARY supposedly "high ranged" shotgun aka CSG isn't even close to that.


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -csg is useless without ir3

    They are in the process of "reverting" it to it's viable state, even though uptill now i wouldn't call their latest update viable or let alone a reversion, anyways that should change with the upcoming shotgun balancing patch aswell.


    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    -hvr damage is the problem not the 10 people in the game who knew how to jumpshot it. irl if i jump with a gun and hit my target it does the same amount damage.

    I agree, the hvr damage is way too high and forgiving not it's ability to jumphot/quick scope/no scope.


    Instead of actually nerfing the damage a little bit considering the already existing downgrades of the weapon like it's heavy weight and weapon switching delay between shots, LO took the easy way out by killing one of the fundamental gameplay of snipers in any existing fps game.

    It should get have its damage per accuracy back to what it used to be and get a slight damage nerf.

    I'd rather have someone trying to jumpshot/no scope me instead of someone camping 80/90 meters away 85ing me with 1 shot

    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    radar tower mod doesnt work like 75% of the time, they can be standing on the car and it wont show them on minimap.

    I don't understand how hard it could have been to figure how to fix that annoying bug that LO themselves introduced to the game and actually fixing it for good, it's been almost 2 years now, comon.

    Radar tower is one of the core mods in the game and this bug is way too annoying and frustrating to stay until UE 3.5 comes out, it should have had a priority quick fix on the live version long ago imo.

    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    threat segregation on NA is NOT sustainable, we are back to 0-0 WF and 20-20 fin for both bronze and silver (example)

    Not an NA player, haven't played the game for almost 2 years now but this NA has always had this issue and removing threat segregation wouldn't be anything special, bronzies will quit tired of being stomped on by better players, the good players will quit bored of playing against players lower in skill than their own.


    NA's only fix to that issue, or APB in general, is the hope of players coming back to this game after the new engine update gets on live.

    14 hours ago, vantiks said:

    bounties arent on minimap (unless this was intended)

    -bounties are still unkillable once mission is over

    As i previously said i haven't been playing for a long time and have no idea of how that actually works but I actually support the idea of reworking the prestige/heat systems competitively.

    I don't fully support the the current bounty changes, but I think they are meant to be temporary until they figure out what to do or how to do it, which is still better than nothing for the time being.

    • Like 2

  12. Don't really get the idea of over nerfing guns needlessly, the CSG's damage doesn't make sense verses a kevlar 3 player, as a pump shotgun it should at least reward its user by allowing him to be able to 2 shot the enemy if he's accurate enough. the CSG's firerate is much worse than the JG's therefore it's firerate will still render it useless against a JG user up close in its supposed "range".


    On the other hand the JG looks more balanced having it's pre LO damage back to 720 which is still high enough to be feared at cqc.


    In my opinion, CSG's fire interval needs to be on par with the JG's (0.68s) and get a damage boost up to 650 which is the least max damage required to 2 shot a kevlar 3 enemy player having a total of 1300 hp (in case of landing all pellets on target), which was the case with the pre LO CSG and it simply felt great to use.


    The difference between those 2 shotguns was always the extra damage per shot for the JG meaning it could end an enemy who's tagged more than 28% in 1 shot unlike the CSG which needed a 35% tagged enemy, also JG was always the less accuracy per damage shotgun choice making it excel at closer ranges unlike the CSG which needed a more accurate shot to be able to deal a respectable amount of damage per shot making it excel in farther ranges.


    I'm confused at how you're seeing them similar, you can't just over nerf one of them and let the other outshine it simply because you think that they need to feel that much different according to your data. 


    What's simply gonna happen is that CSGs would remain unused in the inventory of most of the players which has been the situation since the last weapon balancing. 


    Edit : if you guys are incapable of managing a shotgun balance right now, i suggest to just completely revert every shotgun to its pre LO stats and push these changes to live so players can actually enjoy playing them until you guys figure out a better plan which would be completely unnecessary since all shotguns except shredder were 100% fine as they were.

    • Like 15

  13. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Imagine using anecdotal evidence in an argument with someone that has hard data.

    You are free to check for yourself whether that was anecdotal evidence or not.

    Plus hexerin didn't bring any hard data to the table rather he was expressing his frustration about shotguns going back actually requiring some skill to be able to min. ttk enemies with them. 

  14. 12 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    That's exactly the statement I was referencing, thanks for bringing it here. I truly believe you should reconsider the decision to not go that path, as shotguns will remain inconsistent and frustrating to use otherwise. The very limited data you get from the testing districts isn't going to give you a valid picture of the weapon's live state, and once you push those broken stats live the entire weapon class will become just as forgotten as it was before in favor of the significantly more consistent bullet-based alternatives.


    Ultimately though, nothing will be as effective as the rayscaling. I weep for the fact that you guys listened to the idiots who don't even play the game and demanded you revert, instead of listening to the rational players who asked you to simply adjust the stats to tone them down ever so slightly. You were on the precipice of shotguns being perfectly balanced, but just like Gamersfirst/Reloaded you went full pants-on in the other direction because of that clique shit.


    Shotguns were actually fun to use with rayscaling, because if you shot a person they would be assured to actually take damage. Prior to rayscaling, you could shoot a person dead-on and they would suffer almost nothing because half the pellets scattered to the worst possible places they could. It's fucking absurd, and it's what you guys are putting the guns back to.


    15 hours ago, Selali said:

    "The Shotgun changes from summer last year were focused on increasing the reliability of shotguns at the cost of severely reducing the punishment for missing.

    Did you even give yourself an opportunity to read what was written to you?

    As a vet and a shotgun main i can say that shotguns were not inconsistent and i was almost guaranteed to 2 shotting my enemies 95% of the times if they were in my shotgun's range.

    Do not blame the guns for your own shortcomings as u were told above.

  15. I'm all in for expanding differences between csg and jg but let's not forget that the csg is also a shotgun and if it happens to face a jg head on in close ranges with no covers it should be on par with the jg in terms of firerate otherwise jg is almost guaranteed to win in a high tier match no matter what with the extra damage, wider spread, and faster firerate. 

    (accuracy should be the deciding factor in that kind of fight not weapon stats)

    Let's hope you balance those two shotguns properly this time.

    • Like 3

  16. I'll be giving my 2 cents about the main pump shotguns (jg/csg) only,

    Just revert those two shotguns to what they used to be exactly before your 2018 shotgun balancing, both pump shotguns felt good with their 0.68 firerate and did well standing their ground vs each other while keeping their styles unique and the so did they vs other cqc weapons so i don't support the idea of increasing their firerate at all, some people think this kind of firerate is too much which it seems like on paper when it's not the case in pvp where each player's movement/aim/predictions are the deciding factors in any cqc fight or any fighting in general.


    Btw since this is supposed to be a revert then let me ask why does the jg have a max damage of 790 instead of 720 (what it really used to have)? 

  17. Unreal engine 4 apb simply won't be a thing as stated by mattscott himself saying "We basically realized that developing both APB Reloaded and APB2 was too much for us. The Australia team was struggling to get their head around the massive amounts of tech".


    The only situation where apb is developed using new engines is when another far more experienced company buys apb which i doubt, or the chinese player who owns unit games and recently bought the "apb brand" developes a brand new kind of apb. 


    That being said I think it's pretty clear they have made their decision on not going past unreal engine 3.5 ever.

  18. 1 hour ago, Ketog said:

    Finally, we've waited for so long


    I was waiting for ogre to finally have the same damage stats as nfas like it did before, it was so bad after the lo changes



    Also on the spreadsheet below the topic, is it me or the spread values are off? It shows that jg and nfas ans ogre got the same spread, but that doesn't seem right, as far as i know the ogre has insane spread and nfas has rather large spread, but certainly not the same as jg

    The jg's max damage damage output is certainly wrong aswell since it used to deal 720 max damage pre LO not 792, with that much damage it remains to be  a pretty brain dead weapon (it's kinda hvr in close ranges).

    Other than that I'm glad to see that the csg got reverted back to it's playable state.

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