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  1. - old unlockables : maybe about 5 or so years ago you were able to unlock a lot of emotes, symbols and increased item slots for every item type from missions. i have about 81 clothes slots where as some of my friends only have 60. but since the addition of joker tickets / consumables they are buried so far underneath you basically are forced to buy them from armas ( you cant even buy more item slots at all anymore) i would ask to lessen the probability of joker tickets but increase the amount you get to say 100. that way newer players can still unlock them, and the current players can still unlock more item slots , tickets and consumables if they have already unlocked everything. - upgrade the themes / songs creator with new instruments, or just an overhaul for a newer editor + instruments - instead of having to add multiple duplicate items to the social market, just add the ability to add multiple symbols to 1 listing. reduces the amount of listings in the market making it easier to see what is on offer - a lot of items in the clothing store cannot be worn with other items, could just allow them to intersect and let the player decide whether they like it or not. alternatively adjust all clothes to fit each other - the green spaces in social, add small markets that players can show their sale items, similar to buying the display tokens for symbols / character statues - inaddition to above, vehicle displays you can buy from - fix the hit box on the jericho / bishada so you cant flip them from 1mph pits on the rear wheels - wargear (criminal) available for enforcers - tactical gloves that arent fingerless - watchman assault rifle without cooling jacket or with surpressor + 2 open slots - being able to create weapon load outs and changing during the respawn screen - customize weapon attachments - tactical goggles that fit with the current combat helmet in the game - armored vegas kit similar-ish to the armored jericho and waragi pioneer - more DMR rifles in the sniper class similar to the issr guns - baretta hush puppy , could work similar to the condor (new pistol legendary) - CBMP-45 'arrow' available alone in armas / joker store - if people dont like the new server system that will be implemented then maybe just add a queue option so people dont have to spam join - fix the threat system, maybe add a threat higher than gold so that casual players arent matched against those above their own skill level in addition to above, could just remove threat from not having played in a while and earn it back from playing matches (basically how other games have competitive ranking) - remove the ability to use macros for firing weapons - instead of kevlar implants add an 'armour plating' mod which reduces specifically weapon damage similar to how flak jacket reduces explosive damage - a regenerative nos mod that can be used over time rather than in one shot - 4x4 jericho / bishada - equipped weapons will appear on the player. primaries on the back, secondaries on the waist or a drop leg. separate toggle for visibility on the client side for player equipped and opponent equipped
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