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  1. Pls add crypto pay in wallet usdt /usdc..webmoney and yandex pay not work
  2. please add payment methood crypto -usdt and maybe other
  3. very correctly said about spawn.. we kill the whole team, start making a point in open area and they attack us again..... especially when they climb where it is very difficult to kill or we are in an open point... or you appeared at the respawn point and your enemy is already 20 meters away... it feels like spawn used to be adequate.. definitely not like this.. I've been playing since 2011
  4. Hello everyone I want to say thank you to the community and Matt Scott, you've really done a lot this year 64bit, new contacts, online has grown, if there are new servers for coverage, great thank you But I want to raise the issue of shooting with 45 and macro there is a really legal macro in the game it's just nonsense when single shots of a pistol become like a machine gun it has high damage and it's often hard to outshoot it with a machine gun or anything many have become professionals (no) they just put the pistol shot on the mouse wheel in the game and it shoots very quickly it's imbalance please fix it Merged. + more people buy no recoil +this macro =hell they buy on funpay and other sites can you research aimbot?to understand how to block these kids and players who kill the game
  5. don’t say that, we’ve done a lot over the last year, and there are a lot of cheaters, but a lot of work has been done over the year THANKS Matt Scott and community
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