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Posts posted by LovelyJasmine

  1. Lovely Races at DOUBLE B in financial bronze district [NA]Jericho to chill and hangout everyday in the evening. (PST)


    Even when i'm not there have a Lovely time 🙂


    Chill Races~


    I dun know how to make posts~


    Edited: The reason for bronze district because it is my hometown^^ (I play there 99.9% of the time). I just wanted make an announcement for bronze district. I know there is a gold district but i do not know a lot of people from try hard (silver district so-)

    It doesn't to have to races but can be just chill car meets around 5-7PM Pacific Standard Time. I'm not stopping you from hosting one in gold or silver district i just intentionally wanted for bronze.

  2. I add my friend for instance Friend1.

    On my list it appears Friend1 has been added and is online.


    The next time time i play APB, Friend1 does not show online and is it not in my friends list.

    On Friend1's point of view i am online and on their friends list.


    Also, there is a bug with them being offline and being added twice duplicate to my friends list.

    My friends list is getting full and I do not if it is because the new recent update to friend list.


    Please fix this.


    Thank you,


  3. APB Reloaded is broken even worse after the balance patch.
    I feel it should be reverted until finalization on OTW test has been done. (after the patch was rushed)

    IR3 +9m to +7.5m instant change was not notified that it was live. I got confused of the change. Supposedly it was suppose to be only live on test servers + the shotgun range nerf.

    IR3 preslotted mods have ruined my preslotted weapons.

    • Like 1

  4. On 8/9/2018 at 4:16 PM, Lucidy said:

    I'll make a list of things that should be how the game is.

    Shotguns : Needed more time to balance, live build needs shotgun buffs to be reverted (Showtopper is w/e, all the others need more time before pushed to live build)
    IR3: Revert the change no one asked for that crippled every single marksman and many preset modded guns. This was a bad way to change how things were fine beforehand.
    Ntec was fine Post-2015 changes.
    Carbine was fine Post-2015 changes.
    Revert ATAC to the 2014 stats prior to it's buff.
    Revert RFP and all its variants to it's stats prior to the buff (Back in 2016 or w/e).
    HVR is still kind of annoying but more negligible now, so keep the current version, with possible tweaks in the future.
    Misery is fine.
    Revert OCA to before it was buffed, literally no reason it should have been buffed in the first place.
    Anubis is fine.
    Oblivion is fine.
    COBRA is really cool and I think it has an interesting place in the meta now.
    Everything else I didn't list can stay as the live build.

    This is just my two cents on what I think would be the most balanced you could get with all the weapons now, agree to agree or disagree to disagree.

    Rushed update to balance, broke APB Reloaded-

    RIP IR3</3 useless mod now.

  5. On 8/9/2018 at 6:14 AM, CookiePuss said:

    Ntecs are now better with IR3.
    CSG is now better with IR3.
    IR3 makes Fang a 49m killing machine.

    IR3 makes rifles worse.
    IR3 makes pmg worse.
    IR3 makes OSCAR worse.
    IR3 makes LMGs worse.

    Those are my thoughts.


    Definitely, Rip IR3 preslotted weapons :(
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