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Posts posted by shft

  1. 1 hour ago, claude said:

    eh, id easily say that about the hvr and nfas, but it's a simple fix; lower the rate of fire, or just make the minttk 1.05-1.15 in some way.


    the thing can 3 shot.... .58 minttk. if you dont die on the 3rd shot, you are more than likely 85, so dying on the 4th is a given. that's still around .8 seconds, way too fast for a gun that leaves very little room for error.

    Or they could just rollback the shotgun patch that no one asked for which also made the game worse in most peoples eyes. 🤠

    • Thanks 1

  2. When it comes to performance literally every person I've spoken to since the patch has noticed a decrease in performance both MS and fps wise, not sure what's causing it but something went wrong after the patch. 


    As for the anticheat, it's a complete joke, there are more people cheating now than when we had BE, people had literally bypassed it before it was released because of the delay + announcement. 

  3. Releasing the new game mode as well as the engine at the current state of the game is going to be a huge mistake, I understand that you want to release both as close together as possible. However, I don’t think you should be delaying fixing the current game because of that. A lot of the players who quit the game quit because of the state the game was in and not because the lack of content. Besides from what we’ve seen from Riot it seems like it’s a far way from being finished and should probably be put to the side for now imo. Currently there are tons of broken things in the game, many of whom you’ve broken after patches/events. If the engine were to be released in the current state that the game is currently I’m afraid most of the players who come back to check out the engine and the gamemode would just leave again after realising that the basics of the game actually somehow got worse than before and the same problems still persist.


    Things that needs to be fixed

    • Car Radar

    It’s just unreliable to the point where it’s not even worth running it anymore, spawn next to one and you’re permanently stuck until you die, spawn far away from one and you’re invisible while on top of the car.


    • Spotter

    Did get a lot better after you applied the fix for it, but broke the patch after with the Halloween event. Currently the spotter is even worse than it was before you applied the fix for it.


    • Points not appearing

    has been around for the last couple months and desperately needs a fix. The only way to stop this from happening is logging out from your account between every character swap and once it occurs the only fix is to restart the game.


    Ghostshots, names not showing up on corners and desyncing has also gotten a lot worse. However, some of these bugs might be very difficult to figure out a solution for so it’s understandable that some of them have been around for a while. On the other hand hitreg like this:

    Is just ridiculous, specially  considering these clips are just a small portion of the hitreg from the last week.


    Balance Changes

    Something else which I just don’t understand is some of the balance changes which has not yet been made, such as:


    • Low-Yields

     We still have 3 low yields, should be reduced down to 2 to start with.


    • Remote detonator

     Still has no cooldown should be around 2 - 4 minutes cooldown.


    • Yellow mods

    Yellow mods are still in the game, should be removed completely or nerfed significantly. Example:

    Shield HP reduced by 60% (Currently takes slightly less than 1 and a half mag for most guns to destroy a shield)


    You should no longer be able to resupply nades or explosive ammo from the yellow ammo boxes. (Would also give people a reason to play Field Supplier again)


    • Shotguns

    Shotgun changes have yet to be reverted even though there has been numerous threads made about it, the change failed to make the hitreg of the shotgun more reliable which was the point of the change. Shotguns like the NFAS, Thumper and JG are now incredibly overpowered while the CSG is completely useless. The fact that it’s near impossible to miss with the shotguns also make SMGs completely useless within 20m if you play vs someone close to your own skill level.


    • Cooldowns

    Why has premium / non premium cooldowns for both character mods as well as vehicle mods yet to be normalised to the current premium ones?


    • HVR

    HVR still deals 850 damage. 850 damage is way too much for any gun in this game to deal, the damage should be reduced and the zoom in nerf should be reverted, this just made the gun feel clunky and unfun to play. The quickswitching was never really the problem with the gun but more so the fact that it deals 850 damage and takes you out of the fight for 10-15 seconds  for minimal effort.  What you should've done was reduce the damage of the HVR to 720 and make it drop down to 50 at 90-100m so you don't get 1 tapped at render distance.


    Side notes:

    Why does the Talon still have 10m less range than the regular RFP?

    • Like 22
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  4. 1 hour ago, Goldtiger said:

    The N-TEC is without a doubt overused and pretty unbalanced. It is way more versatile than any other gun in this game. I've always felt like the reason why people are against changing this gun is because it's the only gun that makes leveling up rifleman easy, lmao.

    I really fail to see how the ntec is way more versetile than any other Gun in the game tbh. There are loads of other Guns that can be used in all or close to all ranges like Scout, HVR, Obir, Obeya, Carbine, Oscar, PMG, RFP, Dogear, NSSW, Cobra and I probably missed a bunch more. Bottomline, if you lose with a CQC gun vs Ntec in CQC, you're worse than the   player with Ntec and they would probably kill you with whatever gun they choose to play with regardless.

    • Thanks 3

  5. 10 hours ago, CookiePuss said:
    Its a bit better now, goes from 3stk to 4stk at 23m now.
    I was just on OTW, and I was consistently getting 3 shots on 30-35m. This is just ridiculous they should really just revert all the changes made to both IR and shotguns, no one asked for them. We wanted more consistency, that doesn't come from weapons being buffed into oblivion, it comes from consistent server performance which should be the main focus. Can't really play the game properly or keep a stabile player base when the server runs like crap for everyone on both EU and NA.

  6. 23 hours ago, Excalibur! said:
    God how many times that weapons usefulness is tied to ENVIROMENT. If you respawn and still see the target at 100m is not the weapon fault.

    I still remember nhvr when it had low movement and no one complained about it being op... i started qs when i was a true silver because i was amazed by that gameplay after watching a vid of it.

    EDIT: remember when you will need to rol up the nhvr and you will find a nerfed trash instead... you will later realize how wrong you were crying for it to be trashed. Meh you can still use the scout and everyone will use that if nhvr goes trash. And then you will cry about scout being op and recycle the nerf cycle.
    The weapons usefulness is not tied to the enviroment at all, It's a completely busted gun. If you've been around for long enough, you shouldn't struggle to pull 30+ kills with it in asylum doesn't matter if you're corner popping with HS3 or running around RNG QSing players with RS3 on it. Now if you were to suggest that the gun would not be busted if they somehow fixed the QSing, there are still tons of other ways to do it, just throw a perc or yield and it's the same thing all over. Let's make up a scenario where there are no 2 secondaries or nades involved, let's say 50-70m both on corners, even in this situation the HVR user only has to expose their hitbox 2 times to get a kill whilst the OBIR or Obeya user has to peak 3-5 times for the same amount of damage as the HVR deals in 1 shot. This means that the HVR has to hit you once to in up to 5+ peaks for you to be out of combat for close to 15 sec in the meantime the HVR can just chill on the corner after getting hit a few times and brush it off within less than 5 seconds for the most part.

    There is a reason seeing 2-3 HVRs on a losing team is an extremely common occurrence, it's very easy to use, deals insane damage and has pretty much no drawbacks.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Excalibur! said:

    Thats why you nerf its movement and not the rest...

    I honestly don't see why so many people seem they want to keep the HVR as it is, it's completely busted for more than 1 reason and there is no simple solution for fixing it. The damage is way too high and it would still be a very strong gun even if the damage was reduced to 750, but even then qsing would be extremely easy to pull off since a lot of the people qsing are already shooting 2 bullets into a target before firing. It needs more than a simple QS nerf as the majority of players who use it doesn't even QS and it's not even that big of a part of the gameplay outside of CQC in missions or FC. A nerf to the HVR would have to include a nerf to the range as well, probably. Currently the most common way to play it in missions distrcitseem to be to pull 3 of the bastards out and camp at 100m, you go to take 1 out? cool once you've cleared them all at least 1 or 2 has already respawned and can fire at the point again from close to render distance. 

    The best way to deal with the HVR would probably have to be to force people to use some kind of scope or add a sway mechanic since slowing the user down isn't really doing anything but making the weapon feel more clunky. Also add some kind of spawn system to make it so players can't spawn within LoS of each other.
    • Nerf damage to 750 (down from 850)
    • Add sway mechanic (It's currently way too easy to use for how much damage it deals)
    • potential fix to the spawn system (Would (hopefully) fix a long list of completely broken spots where you either spawn in LoS of the HVR or 300m away)
    I'm pretty sure this would be enough of a nerf pretty much everything else people have come up with would only make it clunky and awkward to use, a sway mechanic would probably also help vs QSing. As for the 100m HVR tactic I guess we'll have to wait until some of the missions are reworked and some of the extremely one sided spots/missions have been made somewhat counterable.
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