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Posts posted by Infinit3Fairl1ght

  1. 1 hour ago, BXNNXD said:
    1 hour ago, Aurora_Valis said:

    If APB was properly balanced, I wouldn't see any harm in open slot sidearms.

    So for now, let's just give LO time to address all balancing issues.

    the issue would be the open slot secondary being locked behind a thousand dollar paywall
    That one was acknowledged by Matt Scott, so I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen.

  2. Your second quoted suggestion is pretty much the same angle from which I'm addressing the issue. That is exactly what's needed, except there's no need to put every single reskin. As I've said, for the sake of having your favorite gun looking and sounding different, Armas would be perfect, as long as there's always a version with same stats available from contacts for APB$.

  3. I have a rather complex suggestion, so please stick with me here.

    So, you all are very well aware of all those allegations that Armas guns are P2W. At the same time, you also might've noticed there's been no new weapons for those who don't buy stuff from Armas - not just reskins, but actually new weapons, like ACES, Scout or ATAC, for example. The only weapons we've been given are M1922 and OSCAR - it's something, but require going through slow and tedious progress of leveling newest contacts and always come with two slots, which not everyone might need (or need more, but guess what - for 3-slotted M1922 you'd have to spend WAY too much than it's actual worth; glad Matt Scott himself noticed that too). Sure, there's Joker vendors, but you'd have to go through Fight Club if you want to get all those guns, and even then it'll take a while (no, contact activities give chump change, it's out of the question). Plus not all of us like playing on Fight Clubs (I sure don't). Which brings me to my suggestion.

    What I'm proposing is a complete rework of Armas and weapon earning process. In my opinion, all the different weapons with unique statistics should be obtainable the same way as any other. As in, unlocked through contacts as non-slotted versions and through leveling specific weapon rank for slotted versions. As for Armas, what should only be sold there are reskins. I'm sure no one would mind cashing out for a cool looking reskin of the gun they love using that also has a convenient feature of being permanent and account bound, but also no one would complain about P2W, because you'll be well aware that, for example, some guy killing you with STAC is, in fact using a reskinned SR15 which you can always get from contacts and be on an even battlefield, where only the actual skill will matter. And as for Joker vendors, I'd say there should be Joker exclusive reskins with unique mods, but nothing too imbalanced please. OCA Whisper or Joker Box weapons would definitely fall into that theme.

    What about clothing, weapon skins and car parts? Well that one's rather easy. Cash shop exclusive stuff of that sort is absolutely fine. But there also should be a good variety for those who don't spend money. It kinda hurts seeing all available car parts for every car hidden behind paywall. After all, APB's customization is the holy grail of it. Completely paywalling it is a big no-no.

    For a good example of how it should work see Path of Exile - the game is basically thriving for several years now. And it's cash shop only sells reskins and minor inconvenience removers, nothing more.

    Well, that's all I have. I really wanted to share this with everyone for 7 years straight, but only now, with our new benefactors from Little Orbit, I feel safe to suggest something so radical.

    • Like 1

  4. 3 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    we know have battleye which is client side and checks files afaik

    while its unlikely it could theoretically ban for messing with files, so its at your own risk
    Doubt it checks sound files, after all USPStyle and Flaws configs which remove themes and background sounds still work just fine.

  5. Seconding this. Old menu was nice and simple, plus that music playing in background certainly puts me in the mood of wreaking havoc/serving justice.

    As for modifying sounds... I don't see any advantage gained from that and while it's not yet approved by Little Orbit, I don't see any harm in doing that. After all, shaders were in that same gray area too, but no one was banned for them, until G1 explicitly stated that shaders are not allowed.

  6. 19 hours ago, Keshi said:

    halloween event can help fill 2 silver districts on jericho if there are missions to do on both districts tbh. then again we'd prob get a redo from last year which i dont mind because i see some items people got last year that i didnt get(due to not playing last year)

    Well duh. Some of us were busy being banned.

  7. 10 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:
    Why would you be stroking a banana in a closet? Wouldn't they just get ripe hanging in the kitchen anyways? Now I want a banana to eat. didn't we play on Jericho on the same team? or was that a different yolo
    I never said anything about stroking a banana in a closet. Sorry, but you're either bad at reading or that's the first thing the came into your mind and you accidentally went with it.
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