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  1. The real question is why hasnt the company that bought the rights to APB made a game with it by now? Theyre the ones that would have made an APB2.
  2. They sold the rights to APB, but retained the rights to continue to develop and promote Reloaded. They can keep working on the game, but cant make any new ones. The Chinese company is maybe our only hope for something new. Hopefully they keep the in depth customization. One things for sure, those Chinese studios can pump out content fast.
  3. I'm not even sure if the engine update is worth the years of development they've put into it. If they ever do get it figured out, I feel like it might be too little too late, you know? Because the version of the Unreal Engine they're updating to is already way outdated too! Epics already got Unreal 5 going and APB is still trying to figure out Unreal 3. It would be interesting to know what the plan is beyond the engine upgrade,
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