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Posts posted by notMateo

  1. Are you guys still feeling confident in how much work has to be done with APB? I'm lowkey scared that you guys are gonna get overwhelmed at how much there is to chew to get this game to the state some players and (assuming here) you guys also want it at. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Nite said:

    All the customization is compiled into one texture per character on the client, so even if we assume that whole textures are being sent back and forth between server and clients, the number of symbols in a piece of clothing won't change the bandwidth requirements anyway (since it doesn't change the final texture size either IIRC from my brief dip into character ripping).


    Sounds about right. I mean, it's an option.
    Rather than think about "giving everyone 100", I'd rather think about a more streamlined customization set up that opens up more options to creators- outside of the scope of "pick 100 shapes and do your best". But for the time being maybe a modest bump is necessary? Idk.

  3. On 6/2/2018 at 10:51 PM, Nite said:

    Please no, this isn't like those themepark MMORPGs where there's plenty of things to do with your game time other than fiddle with cosmetics, cosmetics make up half of the game play in APB.......

    They may make up half the game, but I don't think that just giving everyone a 100 limit on symbols is good business practice. Isn't the higher end customization more taxing on the servers? Therefore, wouldn't allowing everyone to go past that 25 symbol limit just basically be giving away bandwith? 

  4. Any plans regarding the unofficial APB Launcher? That thing really made APB playable. If you plan on not allowing it, do you have plans towards the games optimization? Is this something UE3.5/UE4 will alleviate? (All of these have possibly already been answered, sorry.)

  5. Welcome to the Name and Praise Thread!


    So I'm reviving this thread from the old forums. The idea was, since there was so much negativity surrounding the game, let's try and tip the scales a bit. Let's keep that positivity train rollin onto the new forums! Just make a new reply and thank another player, moderator, or anyone altogether! Just say something positive to someone. Please refrain from offhanded compliments, accidentally shaming someone, openly shaming someone just to be ironic, etc. If you want to do that, I'd honestly appreciate if you just took that to another thread. As an aside, I'll be liking the posts that are productive and friendly, and disliking the blatantly toxic posts (jokes are fine, I love a good laugh). For everyone who plans on contributing to this thread, thank you very much! 




    • Like 2

  6. So a short bit of context, just for the sake of having context: Anecdotally, new guns have been largely only available to players who paid around $25 for a gun, outside of sales (also, off the top of my head, not particularly researched). The consequences of this have been that free to play players have felt left out of new content, and have also felt like the game was pay-to-win. Also, some personal context, I am not a free-to-play player.


    My solution to this issue is a "Hand Me Down" model for adding new guns (or cars, or whatever, but I'm just going to use guns as the model here because it's a lot easier to explain this way). The idea is that when a gun releases, for the first 3 to 6 months (or however long the most amount of revenue is made off a gun is) the gun is at its full price, whatever that may be. After that initial 3-6 months, the price could drop again, and then shortly after, the gun would be added to the roster of free-to-play guns in the same way every other free gun is. 


    The idea is that, the players who like to buy guns day 1, or want to support the time will still get the gun and LO could still return a profit off the gun (ideally. I don't know the ROI for making a gun for this game lol) and then further down the line, the often betrayed F2P players can still access the gun. If the scheduling is kept strict, this could mean that there would be a constant flow of guns for all players. When the newest gun comes out and the ARMAs big ballers are using it, the the gun that came out XX months ago will be released to the general playerbase. No more locking players out of content with a paywall.


    I'm not claiming that this is a perfect, or business-sound idea, but just an idea I had that could possibly be a solution.
    Any feedback? Negative or otherwise. 

  7. For number two, when you go to edit your signature, you get those rules. Pic:




    For number four, the COC says nothing about cursing, however words are still being censored.

    • Like 1

  8. I still can't figure out where to upload a profile picture. Someone save me.

    (Also LO, please do something about these slow patootie web servers, it's killing me lol)


    EDIT: Found it. I'm smart.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Evagelyne said:

    I've talked about this subject extensively and one of the things I really make note of is the fact that most of the new content in this game is all premium content, nothing for new players who don't have 20-30 dollars for a clothing pack with premium. (25 dollars for 1 set of clothes is also stupid.)


    Consider this: What was the last patch of content for this game that was available to everyone outside of ARMAS? For me, since I stopped playing a while ago, it was the R255 "expansion". Every single addition to the game has been ARMAS related. Someone's signature used to read, "G1: We make sniper rifles for a living." One gun for your account is like, 40 dollars or so with premium. It's stupid.


    Food for thought; APB$ is so worthless other than to buy legendaries from other people who shelled out real dosh (the only thing G1 cares about). Let us unlock clothes in-game with our in-game cash or something - anything. Give us something to actually aspire to unlocking other than R195's mod restrictions being lifted and level cap...

    No, I agree, I think that everything new being paid content is honestly bullshoot. I'm hoping Little Orbit recognizes this. They've talked about lowering the price on ARMAS stuff, which is a great start, though.

    Sort of off-topic, but I have a neat idea for how new guns could be introduced. Let's say, they release a new gun, and it's XXX G1C. Maybe after 4 months and the novelty has worn off it drops to XX G1C, then after a while longer it's free. 


    Assuming that they keep with a consistent schedule of releasing guns, this trickle-down idea could mean that they could net some income from the type of players who get things Day 1, and then down the line, the F2P players could still get to use them. It's not ideal for some players (because, they still have to make money somehow, right?), but I think it could alleviate this "no new content for free players" issue.

    Actually I should make a thread about this in suggestions where I go more into detail about it.


    BUT my point is, you're right, content is too expensive. Way too expensive.

  10. I don't think downsizing is what a game like APB needs. If anything, adding new content IS what it needs. Or that's what people want from a game like this. More to do, more things to reach for. I do agree that some stuff needs to be "let go" of, just because of how archaic and dumb it is in 2018 (I mean, come on, sitting on a car? That's just...dumb at this point.). 


    Taking out any gun is a step in the wrong direction. It doesn't matter if there are 100 different guns if they're all unique and balanced, something that previously APB has sort of struggled with. 

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