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  1. What happened to #4? When asked about marketplace items on discord you just stated you wanted to make sure the server performance was up to par before adding paid items? It did not take long to change your stance on that.
  2. Yeah np, I asked on discord and will post if I receive a trustworthy response. I know you can use custom UI mods and I browsed the EULA, I would personally use it and not be worried but better to know for sure.
  3. I can’t imagine it would be an issue. You would be better asking on discord, it seems to be much more active than the forums. You can also read through the EULA, there are links to it in the Custom UI/mods section, odd but it won’t let me link it. Merged. I can’t imagine it would be an issue. You would be better asking on discord, it seems to be much more active than the forums. https://discord.gg/97Pb8Jm2
  4. Patiently waiting... Thanks for making this happen! Merged. SERVER IS UP, Creating character as we speak!
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