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Posts posted by devilsyt

  1. On 4/10/2021 at 1:26 PM, MiffyJupiter said:

    @MattScott Fix your fucking game. Cheaters lurking literally around every corner and they aren't even trying to hide it, they are so obviously cheating. If your anti-cheat doesn't do crap then I suggest just cancel the fucking contract/license as you're paying for literally nothing.  This is the last time I've spent a fucking dime on this game. FIX IT or just slowly see it wither and ultimately die. You bought this game and we had great hopes as a community but we've literally seen no improvement in this game's gameplay mechanics. I don't care that my language is foul but I am utterly and completely done with this nonsense. 


    Just look at in-game characters: Removed Public accusations ~@mayii all examples of high ranking players using cheats. There are clans out there that are literally full of players sharing their cheats, just look at the clans of the characters I mentioned. This is nothing compared to the majority of the "High Ranking" players using third party tools to give them advantages in this game. 


    I hope this is worth something to you, if not; I don't care. This game is dead to me. But it's ultimately your investment that's at risk here. No one buys something that isn't worth saving, so I hope you've got something up your sleeve.



    Damn, come down, I've been playing the game for a long time (with breaks) and in all these years I've seen maybe 4 players who definitely use hax. The game has completely different problems and these are people who use configs and macros and there are a lot of people even very well-known I just don't understand why these people do that, they are so looser in real life that they absolutely have to win in the game for something get feelings of happiness

  2. I have the same problem with my 2060 but I managed to make the game run properly. Right click on Apb launcher and set it so that Apb is started in Windows 7-8 mode and always start apb as adminestrator now I have had no problems for 2 days hope it stays that way . Sry for my bad english 

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