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Everything posted by joshuabeatdown

  1. Didn't they already sell off the IP though for some mobile version? They can really only work on this version last I checked, and I am sure they are probably limited to what they can and cannot do with it. So, I think we are well past them being able to sell it. Not to mention they missed the window for when they could have marketed and sold to Epic. The time would have been after Fortnite blew up, and Epic was tossing cashing around. Even then I would imagine Epic would have wanted APB 2, and complete rebuild of the game from the ground up. Even with the "engine upgrade" to a still dated version of Unreal, the game will still be show how outdated the game is. It's not going to bring in much new players at this point. It will mostly bring back old players for a bit of nostalgia, and to see what they waited for so long. But then it will wear off when they realize not much has changed. Same maps, same dated look, same driving quirks, same shooting quirks, same missions, and rep grinds. Also with no real wipes, it will struggle to maintain players anyways. Just like EFT struggles to do late wipe. But this type of game with all the old P2W cannot happen in this version. So, realistically the game really isn't worth much in its current form, or even with the "upgrade." That has been promised how long now? After all this time they realistically could have started fresh in a new version of Unreal and bought some assets to at least build a working prototype for APB 2 which would have a better chance at selling off the game. That or you know build off the assets to build up the game in a modern form. With changes to the world to match today's gaming market. While still retaining story elements, gameplay, and charm. Before anyone hits me with the "bUt iT's hArDeR aNd MorE eXpEnSiVe To MaKe A gAmE" this isn't early 2000 anymore, and I've seen asset flip games make better crappy games in shorter time than this "engine upgrade" not to mention some games actually have turned around to make a game better. All this "engine upgrade" really does is retain a few people who cannot move on, and accept they've been duped while the game prolongs maintenance mode. I used to have the sunk cost fallacy about APB, but I eventual woke up to realize these things. This version of the game is tainted, and it would take APB 2 completely new engine, and changes modernizing it to actually turn it around. TLDR; The game is worth nothing. They sold off the only chance to make a real chance of a comeback, it has been prolonged maintenance mode for years due to this and always will be. People haven't realized they have sunken cost fallacy and rose-tinted glasses. Obviously, the game isn't dead, but its thriving either. The game is tainted in its current form, and these little changes do not change how nothing besides performances, and a few balance changes aren't enough to retain old school players who have moved on with nothing new to do in the game. Just look at any modern remaster, it gets a short boost, then completely dies off. The game needs a true overhaul in modern version of Unreal, with a rebuild from scratch. As well as either APB 2 in name, or even a completely new name for a real comeback. This isn't 2010-2014 anymore. Gaming has changed and come a long way since then. It's a trip to read this forum every few months to see the same people, same lame arguments, and copium. It's almost cult like at times, which at the same time makes it entertaining to read. Sorry not sorry.
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