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  1. just saying KOS would be nice ,,,, let whoever kill whoever when ever they want let the demerits hit whoever whenever thats pvp not this shit
  2. new player says i would have enjoyed this game even as late as 2018 seems even then pop was alive .....
  3. This mechanic makes this game blow ! New to game 40 or less hours lvl 50 something no one to pvp with in suggested districts. tried asylum with no weapon or tactical training wtf out ranked no way to learn anything without a lot of pain. back in green district lfg threat 5 and a nforcer drifts in fking with me. So hey for a first time experience not being able to damage a threat at first contact and not knowing what to expect makes this game experience blow. shots fired i fire back no damage for like 5 min . I stop paying attention to him . Then wack APB im in team nforcer standing 5 meter away mission dead. WTF a set up. so high lvls lurk green server ? opponent gets window to locate and stalk? Wtf let me kill him on sight! so didnt know what to expect , but suspect it was just a setup to start with, way to easy to control mission start up, I suspect it was co-operative because after kill just long enough for a relog another crim shows up and starts harassing me. I am so impressed by the player base mental in this game.
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