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  1. Just a quick question to Sakebee Are we supposed to develop employees like Ophelia and Wilde aswell? So with custom Logos/Brands. Because I think it would be realy cool to get some more difference between each employee rather then having the Joker-Logo attached to each of them with the same Colors.
  2. Here we go for round 2 with Zoe: Zoe Age: 26 Born in San Paro in 1994. Zoe grew up with all that San Paro offers: Crime, Enforcement and Corruption. She know's how both sides work because he has been there. With 16 she left her parents home and went into the unknown Urban Unterground of the San Paro City. 5 years later she decided it's time for a change and joined the Fire with Fire fighters. Another 5 years passed and now here she is. Ready to sell some of the best Items that the Joker Market offers.
  3. UPDATE: I've changed the Tatoos a little bit because i wasn't realy happy with the old ones. Announcement: I'm terrible @ 3 things: 1. English 2. Names 3. Stories so pls don't quote me on those ^^ Kure Nobuo Age 31 was born in Yokohama (1989), the most famous place for criminal activities in Tokyo, Japan. As he grew up he earned himself more and more respect due to his activities in drug and gun selling. In 2008 he became Tokyo's most wanted criminal and got arrested a view years later from the PSIA (Public Security Intelligence Agency) in 2011. He went to jail for 7 years and is now trying to create a new live at a new place. He has been living in many different Cities and Countries in the last 2 years and finally found a place were he can stay ... San Paro.
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