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Everything posted by ObitoNohara

  1. Btw, the argument "You can still beat them with skill" is very controversial. For example; If someone wallhacks you too can say "Yeah, but you can beat a wallhacker with skill". It's a true statement, but you wouldn't agree to it, would you now? And that payed weapones are statisticly better shouldn't be at question, I like the Dog Ear vs Obeya example. The Obeya can win, but the Dog Ear is CLEARLY more likely to win.
  2. That's not simular. Take the enemies for consideration. Probably you just had better luck with the enemies while playing N-Tec. Maybe wores teammates while playing Ursus. You have to take two people with the ssame skill level and put them together. I did that. Guess what. I did worse playing N-Tec and Star. As soon as we switched weapons tho I became unstoppable. I just really want this paid bs to end.
  3. If they are really "pretty decently balanced weapons" why are they on such high demand in every server you go? In Social people ask for a Ursus ATLEAST every 2 minutes. Why aren't the other equally balanced weapones so highly demanded? Please just take the time with a friend and give him ANY other Vanilla rifle without mods. Then take the Ursus and fight. I bet you if you two are equally skilled you will win most firefights.
  4. If you mean you can progress without paying... yes you. But it's a pain in the patootie to do so. You ain't winning games without either a carry lvl 255 or a paid weapone. Yes, you can win with Vanilla weapones, but you can't denie that a Dog ear is stronger than a Obeya of example. The game don't have a paywall or anything alike, but it's still damn frustrating to lose to the same people over and over again because you're just defenseless against them. I myself actually didn't realise that problem before I made a new account aswell. tl;dr: You can play this game for free, but it sure as hell isn't fun playing against people with paid weapone advantage.
  5. Did you... did you even read the post? The problem is that pay to win is way to strong in this game. You can't just say "GeT a JoB". We want the game to be fair to free to play player AND people who want to put money in it. Pay to win killed this game. If you want to play p2w then okay but this game won't get better playercount. I put enough money in the game, and i still want the f2p mechanics to be fair opposed to p2w. If it stays the way it is, I promise you after the free month premium people will lose interesst in APB again. Little Orbit has to clean up for the stuff gamers one did wrong.
  6. Agreed, players level up way too slow with their contacts without premium. It's just a real drag and takes the fun out of the game. That's actually the reason I stopped playing APB in the first place. After i heard about the free premium i started to play again with a new account. It was way more fun seeing that you have real progress with your contacts. Back then i took weeks to max level one contact, and that took the whole fun out of the game. I think I speak for the whole community when i say premium should be a norm and the actual rank premium should be removed as a whole. Again I Agree on your pay to win point. If you don't put money into the game, you lose. And thats a fact. Yes, you can grind for the free counterparts, but the way to get there is way to long. If you fix the matchmaking atleast this will be a lesser problem. Pay to win killed this game. Don't make the same mistake while trying to revieve it.
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