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Posts posted by Phrozen

  1. I don't think there's any official statement but I believe they would probably port everything to a more modern engine to fix the general clunkiness of the game.

    Past that, the game has a very large amount of content already and it can last a very long time without anything new.

    Finally, considering how small LO is, and how long it's going to take for them to get APB to a good state, you may be looking at 5 years before they make any significant progress towards Fallen Earth, or even start it for that matter.

    Only time will tell.


    Long story short, probably nothing new, but plenty for now.

  2. On 2/11/2022 at 1:46 PM, MACKxBOLAN said:

    Surprised, Any event would only benefit golds. Seems strange that wouldn't have an event beings they are so hard pressed to cater to golds n cheaters and so against legit players. They are probly too broke to run the event, why else would they not let golds farm up an event. 

     As far as armas goes, I wouldnt buy anything even if it was like 1 dollar. Unless LO sells out or entirely replaces all staff except Sakebee (Your Cool), full segregation restored, high end anti cheat installed and after all the hackers are banned. 

     Then I might spend a dollar.

     But if you ask a Gold or a Forum Troll, there are no hackers n the staff listen to the random forum trolls n dont listen to Customers.

     More than likely the golds already have the event rewards n told the staff not to worry about it. 

    Staff don't care about legits or new players, only golds. Could be they just too lazy to do it. 


    So wait, you come onto the forums for a game you hate just to stir up drama (troll).

    Then you say only trolls would say there's no hackers.

    Then you say there's hackers.






    Oh snap don't let them see the fallen earth news lol

    • Like 1

  3. On 12/26/2021 at 8:12 PM, Dead_Game said:

    Engine upgrade is a bait  to get ppl to spend money in this dead game , sad that this is not a crime.

    They dropped 1.5m euros so they could sell like maybe 50k a year if they're lucky?

    Do people even listen to themselves?

  4. If you guys are interested then just apply and throw caution to the wind. Worse case scenario is you tried and nothing bad happens. Wait for applications to open first though, of course. But maybe they're looking for more Fallen Earth GMs if you're just interested in helping out.

  5. On 12/28/2021 at 12:00 PM, FartyBumBumGuff said:

    No just my experiMENTAL masala. I'm making turkey curry and didn't have enough cumin seeds left to make my garam masala so I've put some black cumin and ajwan seeds in there to make up the difference, I've just ground it up while the onions are cooking and it smells like it's going to be ve'y nice. I wouldn't mind a helicopter though.


  6. This just in, licensed, known developer for highly acclaimed officially licensed Kung Fu Panda and Adventure Time games, which both receives high reviews, purchases APB (and others) for £1.5 million to set up predatory marketing scheme to sell ingame items for the exact same price as before, plus making ingame acquisition easier, plus removing "gambling for kids" (joker boxes) plus hosting Fallen Earth for free with no microtransactions, with the final plan of making maybe $100k a year from it if they're lucky.


    Wow what a predatory scumbag name-flip company 0/10. I sure am glad I swallowed the red pill.

    • Like 2

  7. Major props for hosting this event for the game even though you seemingly have little support (no rep or replies)


    I used to SGM for a pserver and I had trouble hiring event runners for the compensation of having free reign as a GM (as long as it doesn't negatively impact the game, such as giving items or spawning mobs in town) and it was still difficult to coordinate an event.


    If nobody else can appreciate this on a professional level, I just wanted you to know that I do.

  8. Heavily nitpicking this one thing that I keep seeing people say.


    Fallen Earth 2.0 will very likely never in a million years exist. That is not how version numbers work.


    The Icarus release is 1.0. The G1 release is 1.1. Little Orbit's finished release will be 1.2. We are currently at the end of G1's release so for an arbitrary number let's say it's v1.1.3450.

    Fallen Earth 2.0 would not have the same story, setting, or assets. It would likely have similar gameplay and stats/skills but that's where the similarities will end. The only game I can think of where they just directly took the assets and made a new game is Ocarina of Time -> Majora's Mask and even so that game had vastly different story and setting.


    Furthermore, for Little Orbit to buy a game which is dead, buried, exhumed, [redacted], buried, and exhumed again, just to not use any of the scripts, gameplay, assets, etcetera, is literally suicide for the company. Not the figurative "suicide" of buying these games to begin with, but actually a legitimate effort to brick their company.


    Yeah I'm ranting at some dumb bullshoot that doesn't matter but don't expect 2.0 when you're getting 1.2.

    (addendum to avoid merge)
    Cowhorseman asks why things take 8 hours to craft. Simple.

    Time is a valuable asset, and it guarantees that anything you craft requires an ingredient that nobody can farm faster than anybody else, no matter how much time you have to be at your PC. It ensures that item will be worth money.


    • Like 1

  9. I'm noticing a trend with people who accuse others of hacking. They really don't come off as very intelligent people.

    How are we supposed to be vigilant and find/report actual hackers when just the thought of accusing somebody makes you feel like a troglodyte?

    Besides all that, leaving my post for the wayback machine when OP inevitably spouts racist or political nonsense to break a rule and claim the squelching of free speech!

    Oh also, promoting cheaters is a pretty bad business move (unless this is runescape lol) because cheaters don't need to buy cash shop items to feel like they are better at the game. Either their cheat shoots first or the other person's cheat shoots first.

  10. Kind of have to agree that LO's stance on censorship is kind of offputting.


    I can understand wanting to keep things PG-13 but you guys moved away from Kung Fu Panda and Adventure Time to work on more mature games. Remember the time Finn caught Jake and Lady Rainicorn making babies? Yeah well you're allowing LESS mature topics than that. Talking about booba and showing booba are two vastly different things.

  11. Well these are some interesting concepts but I have a few opinions about it.


    50 people in one district was fine for matchmaking. The problem was that those 50 people were the entire active (not in social) server a lot of the time. I don't think increasing it past 80 would make much of a difference until we had more people. Most of the people online were high tier players so it was more like 15-20 people at any time who wouldn't wipe the floor with everybody else. 

    I don't think lack of players was a result of poor matchmaking as it was a result of...lack of players. Plus, a lot of the higher tier players had special weapons that made newbies consider it P2W. I got called a wallet warrior for my VAS-Sword contact reward which is just a reskinned N-Tec.
    More content would be nice, but it's not necessary for newer players to have fun.

    The largest and most egregious issue is that it's impossible to avoid the players who will consistently just dominate you ruthlessly. I mean, as hard of a pill as it may be to swallow, it's partially the community's fault for not going easier on newer players, but we can't be blamed for just playing the game.

    Engine update would be nice for more content but it's not going to solve the population issue.
    Also, CookiePuss is 100% correct. What's the purpose of shitposting on the forum? If you don't like the game then why are you here? It's not like G1 was doing any better so you've been playing a game you dislike for what like 8 years?

    • Thanks 1

  12. 1 hour ago, GangstaCripLOC said:

    Once every 6 months i check on APB game status so far nothing special ... btw if the company fails to deliver its promises i would be happy to try and buy the game rights and actually try to make the game great for my own personal reasons one of them ofc being that i grew up playing this game and i loved it, now that i got money it might actually be possible i think with 100-300k budget the game would be all polished and clean i feel like what this game really needs is some good marketing (Youtubers , Streamers , ADS , etc...) and a new beginning ( like deleting all users to start anew) with a new map new contacts higher ranking and possible a little story ... and some type of subscription like WoW or one time only like in CS:GO to keep cheaters at bay since a free game is always like a free real estate to them and maybe even a new ranking system. Well a lot of these thing i wrote is just something i can think of right now on the spot... 

    They bought G1 for roughly 1.7mil USD (converted from euros)

    I don't know who you are or how much money you have so I'll just skip to the next part.

    It's so much easier said than done man.
    I can understand why Fallen Earth has poor retention. It's buggy, it's clunky, and it's not very action packed for new players. APB on the other hand, I didn't play as much as some people so from my understanding it just had monetization issues. Still, those are pretty much gone now and the amount of players hasn't improved.


    Spending money on ads doesn't seem like a great investment for these games unless there are major changes. The people who already know about APB are going to be like "funny meme, we've heard this one before" and any potential new players will say "this isn't GTA5 no thanks".

    Now, I think you have a good idea with the streamers though. Give out a ton of free (account locked!) items to these streamers and an additional small payment to advertise the game. Give them a code for 20% off their viewers' first Joker Ticket payment. All these items are free for LO to hand out and costs them nothing besides the additional payment.

    Youtube creators need sponsorships more than maggots need corpses right now, and they will all jump on it. Hell, you could even just give them a percentage of any payments made using their code instead of paying them directly.
    I originally started playing this game because Criken and BedBananas made videos on it. I'm nearly max level now. I wouldn't have played this genre of game if I didn't see them having so much fun (and stealing fun from other players who were ram raiding. "QUICK! GET THE FUN!").

    In my eyes, APB doesn't even really need engine updates for it to be playable for all audiences. It needs better matchmaking and more population to keep the game fun. Joker tickets have fixed the monetization issues in my eyes. The devs need to update the engine to be able to more efficiently add more content, but that can be done while the server is up.

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  13. I'm glad that people are running events like this. I never heard of the crafting market back when I first played but even with the auction house I think this is a great idea to keep the community close and help friends meet.

    I even think if there's an event manager that many people trust, they could collect funds for people to fast travel to Embry and back for the event. As well as helping them to afford extra materials to build crafts for giveaways.

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  14. In regards to marketplace items: I think it's a little silly that a developer is never allowed to change their stance on something when new information comes to light. I'm not sure he expected the amount of support people wanted to provide, and amount of resources it would take to run the game. I'm all for allowing marketplace stuff to be allowed and I don't even intend to purchase any. I have to tell people they can support LO by buying joker tickets on APB if they really just want to donate, but that's not fair for people who want to get a little bit back too. I'm hoping anything you can purchase is only a cosmetic item though, like if you buy a flame cycle, it's just a skin you can apply to a motorcycle, and don't allow people to sell market items for chips either.

    In regards to server wiping, here's how it will go.
    If it doesn't wipe:
    -New players will come in, see that everybody is already maxed and there's no way for them to catch up. OR: these players will be given tons of free shit, thus ruining the progression, and making the game too easy. Many of them will not stay.
    -Old players will "be happy" that they don't have to restart, play for a week, then quit because there's nothing for them to do until the next content update in 6 months, if they ever return.

    -Stalwart fans of FE will play no matter what happens.

    If it does wipe:
    -New players will come in, be able to level alongside all the new players, and only be given sparse extras which won't completely ruin their experience. They can sell crafting materials for high values because everybody is crafting, or craft items to sell for high values, thus allowing any playstyle to flourish. They can find groups of similar level players easily.
    -Old players will "not be happy" but realize it's either this or not play at all, and most of them will play anyways, using their previous knowledge to get to the point they were at anyways, with plenty of stuff still to attain. By the time they are at their old best, new content will be available for them to experience.

    -Stalwart fans of FE will play no matter what happens.

    From my viewpoint, wiping the server is the best situation for everybody.
    Additionally, marketplace items you've bought before, ehh, that's a tossup. It might be quite awful if you don't get those items again, but LO might want to go a different route with monetization, and it wouldn't be fair for newer players to not have those items available. Plus, that was G1 who sold you those items, and you used them for a long time, then the server shut down and none of us expected it to come back. You already grieved those items. I personally am okay if I don't get my flame cycle back, I'm okay if I don't get my character back, and I'm okay if my Classic progress is wiped too, because I believe it's best for the server.

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