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  1. It's always great how the Toxic Community clicks on Dislike. How i love it
  2. I can understand him my main account was also hacked, and the support only writes account sharing or real money trading. I've never done anything that violates the ToS. Writing a ticket on this topic does not help, so the entire Little Orbit team ignores this and keeps saying Account Sharing although this is not true. The main thing is to bag money, but if a player has a problem with a hacked account, it's only your own fault. I or we never passed on our data but as I said the Little Orbit team doesn't care.
  3. Liebes APB RELOADED Forum, wir von, 'LOW IQ XTREME' suchen wieder Clan Mitglieder. Aktueller Status: WIR REKRUTIEREN Wir sind eine kleine nette Gaming Community und möchten uns ein wenig vergrößern. Dazu suchen wir derzeit ein paar APB RELOADED Spieler. Solltest du Interesse haben unseren Clan beizutreten schaue auf unserer Clan Webseite vorbei. https://clan.yummieca.de Unsere Anforerungen: Du solltest Teamfähig sein Spaß am Spiel haben min +16 Discord besitzen Jegliche Art von Hacks oder Flamen im District Chat wird nicht tolleriert
  4. armas brings me to the login page and allows me to log in, but upon returning to the armas marketplace i am not logged in
  5. It's not funny with my whole clan. Whenever we try to log in, the page loads but we are not logged in
  6. Is the marketplace broken? If I log in there it won't work
  7. WOW, things are forbidden which makes the game look better. GG, waiting for the engine update? How long should we wait? They can be happy that the APB community is still behind this snot game. One miss kick after another.Battleye blocked reshade uff
  8. i found the error. its from reshade uff
  9. pgilnhammer951

    Cant start APB

    Whats wrong with the game?
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