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About JPsycho

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  1. GUI as in the actual window that pops up when you type "/report"? Adding a button below the "whisper" button on the scoreboard would be a good fix I think Example:
  2. I appreciate this, but it seems like a band-aid. I'll make use of it though. Thank you.
  3. Chat needs to be able to detect cyrillic characters and add the option to filter them. Or better yet, add a chat window in which only the latin alphabet can be used / block the cyrillic script on that window and vice versa. I believe this would make sense since if we are using completely different alphabets there is no logic behind using the same chat. The Citadel server is international, displaying these characters to everyone from every country in Europe is silly in my opinion. My first language isn't english, yet I use it because i know most people that play the game have the ability to somewhat understand it. I know region-locking would be ineffective because that would be the final nail in the coffin of a game with a dwindling population. You see players of all different nationalities using english, yet only russians (and turkish people in some instances) refuse to speak it. I very rarely see anyone actually type in any other language besides english / russian / turkish. If everyone in the group speaks the same language, I don't care obviously; Although if everyone in my group minus one person speaks my language, I will use english simply because it's the most efficient way to communicate. That way everyone understands each other as opposed to just 2-3/4ths of the group. I also believe the problem is not necessarily the language barrier; many of them know how to speak it yet refuse to. I know this because they can understand my call-outs / respond accordingly but refuse to comunicate with me and continue to speak to each other in russian isolating me and other players in what is suposed to be a team-based game. District chat is just full of cyrillic spam that only other russians can read, further diminishing the point of using chat in the first place. Why type if no one is going to respond to you / say some random shit in russian? Unfortuantely most of the toxic behaviour that I see is progagated by russian players; that's not to say that all / only russian players are toxic, but that is the demographic that I see exhibit that behaviour more frequently. (APB is a pretty toxic game overall anyways) Furthermore, reporting players with a name in cyrillic script is not possible or hard to do (to my knowledge). This allows toxic behaviour to spread and fester without opposition. Not that it would make that much of a difference seeing as whoever handles the report system takes years to evaluate a ticket or doesn't even do anything about it (I still report it though). I realize some of the points that I have made have been echoed in the past, but nothing is being done about it, so i'm trying to add my 2 cents. Sorry for the wall of text
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