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Posts posted by ShawLOL

  1. 2 hours ago, StraaZi said:

    I still see the same cheaters in as usual nothing happens t bet they have more than 1000+ reporters in their accounts but nothing is done.

    I have experimented a bit with other characters and I notice that players who 100% cheat do not use it all the time. I play against the same player with other characters and they only start the cheat if they are losing. if I play on my original character they cheat from the start but if I play on another character they play normally until it comes to the last step or if I kill them 3 4 times in a row I will never understand the mentality of a cheater is alien to me. and i see no difference on BattleEye or FairFight because its the same people who cheat anyway.the only ones I can see whine about anti cheating are the cheaters and they do not want to buy a new cheat or wait for their junk to be updated


    EU SPCT no hacks skill gap


  2. 3 hours ago, Sakebee said:

    We mentioned a few additions to the patch notes for this Wed. As promised, here are the specifics on those additions:

    • Increased the Cooldown for Remote Detonator from 0s -> 90s
    • The new Mobile Cover Orange mod will be available from the Joker Store for 100 JT.

    The OP will be updated to reflect these changes as well.

    lol nice!

  3. On 7/11/2020 at 5:09 AM, Omega101 said:

    I came back for the Beta test, which I had no trouble with as I created a character in the beta instead of trying to import one. So I jumped into APB after and since have tried 3 more times  and in every match there was a minimum of 1 cheat with as high as the entire enemy team being from one of the old un-banned cheat clans.


    In every match some one was walling or bottling. You would see the enemy grab the heavy item and run/jump carry the item faster than you chase them and have them track you through buildings.  Then they would  bobfire bot or fasthandswap bot so fast that it turned their single shot weapons into automatics.


    The point is, players left because of the massive cheaters, not because of the graphics in the game. 


    Making the game look better will never bring people back into a cheat riddled game ask combat arms, they tried to do the same thing you are. That game died because they tried everything except getting rid of the cheaters.


    And here is the funny part, ALL LO has to do is  add a broadcast to the game  "Notice: Players  all of the cheat types can be banned, which includes Bots, Exploits, hate speech or imagery, not just hacks when reported" 


    That alone would stop half of the cheaters because right now most of the cheaters beleave that only hackers are banned.  A broadcast every half hour will be enough because when you ask any of the cheats they will respond with "I am not hacking"   The problem is that it is true, the guy wearing the Nazi shirt driving the nazi mobile calling everyone in dist ******ews using bots like there is a clearance sale is not hacking.





    maybe you are not playing enough APB:Reloaded.

  4. 12 hours ago, zMax said:


    I still don't understand why LO n changes anti cheating again because I see old cheaters using cheats again, I see Battleye banning people randomly without even using third-party programs I hope LO solves these problems with anti cheating

    im 99% sure u are just bad at this game🤣

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