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Posts posted by Specia

  1. On 6/22/2019 at 11:59 AM, KnifuWaifu said:

    I want to add my undying support to the suggestion of giving players more wardrbe and outfit spaces. Buy them, unlock them, win them, gift them, grind them,  I care not how they're given, just that get them.





    Well you can when you get past 195

    On 7/14/2019 at 6:51 AM, xPanzerShrekx said:

    Yeah, 50 clothing slots with 5 outfit slots is criminally low for this game's customization level.

    Play the game to get more

    • Like 1

  2. 22 hours ago, HawtGirl said:

    So I haven't read everything about the engine update yet but seems like they are focusing on the wrong thing. I.e model streaming during driving.


    But let me tell you something. Low fps while driving isn't much of a bid deal. You can play racing games perfectly fine even at 25 fps. 

    What does matter is performance loss during aiming and fighting.


    APB has a huge performance issues when rendering particles (smoke and blood mostly) and for some reason there is huge overuse of those in the game.

    I really hope they address that because my fps drops to a slide show when someone uses a shotgun on me while I am zooming. Nothing kills fps faster than smoke and blood particles in your face.




    Your right i feel the same


    • Like 1

  3. 19 hours ago, rooq said:

     All I've been allowed to release so far has been a few screenshots and this video:




    Hopefully more soon???????



    So we might even get day n night cycle? looks cool i just pray for better performance.

    14 hours ago, MartisLTU said:

    Welp .... at 2014-2015 i was hoping to see something like GTA5 online just better and more interesting ... But right now i expect nothing good. All those posts and screenshots shows how APB would look different ... shadows, streets, car paints, character, colors...grass ....  and nothing about improved performance nothing about other problems. 

    I have feeling that this "engine update" will be last nail in grave. Im sure LO is trying best but they dont have $$$ to bring APB to life or even at 3k ppl. per server.

    Thats true i hope for the same what most of us want is better performance. not more visuals to get us lower frames. if they can add all this and fix the performance so gameplay will be smoother. thats what im hopeing for.

    On 1/9/2020 at 1:07 AM, Fasalina said:

    Stable performance and loads of new content (new maps, contacts, game modes, weapons, vehicles) in rapid succession after the EU.


    Something that gets me to actually log in again would be nice :^) 

    Yea but first of all in my opnion is better performance thats key.

    9 hours ago, Fruitini said:

    I hope that all my symbols don't get erased...

    Same xD




    16 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Same, homie... same.

    Thats would really be nice, i bet if we get better performance would help with that. When you talk to new players that join and are new to apb, playing with low frames n delays is a no go. they have a hard time falling for this really cool game, becouse its not even up to todays standart. 

    • Like 1

  4. 22 hours ago, trashpanda said:

    I know not much but lighting and performance will change, but I hope to see weather events happening once it's all in place. Rain and snow in San Paro, with the new lighting would look great. Perhaps an increase on model detail, since most customization is barely visible on the current engine. And of course, better physics, and none of that cars getting stuck on invisible rocks or flipping over them/exploding.

    You are completely right i hope this too but i just hope most of all for better performance. as first priority

    22 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

    Big anime man-tiddies.

    Well i dont know about that one xD

    22 hours ago, TheMessiah said:

    people to stop making topics about engine upgrade?

    If you hate them so much just scroll on by 🙂  Im curios to see what people are hopeing for.

    22 hours ago, Caisey said:

    I hope it comes and that it doesn't have to many bugs, but I doubt that.. 😐

    Could you ask this question again when it's out? 

    No one really knows when its out sadly. I too dont hope for too many bugz but if they are that they fix them much faster which i doubt since there are bugz on this game which is years too old 🙂 

    20 hours ago, HawtGirl said:

    I think the proper question is IF it is coming at all.

    I have been waiting for it since 2014 and it was a thing even before that.


    Also the xbox version was god awful looking and with performance issues. Unless something has changed for those years, this is what we are going to get. 


    I don't want to scare you but just just don't have your expectations high and take the game for what it is. 

    I do take it for what it is i have been playing for many years back when i came out on pc. But i just feel like its about time for a change. and i think we are allowed to hope for it since they tease so much with it.




    20 hours ago, rooq said:

    How? Name one game that has successfully managed this. It has to be an FPS.

    Hint: Doesn't exist. It is an impossible task.


    It's coming. I've played it.


    Here are weekly updates on the development:



    How was it?

    20 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    For it to finally kill the game so we can all move on with our lives.

    I do not hope for that. 😞 

  5. On 1/6/2020 at 5:13 AM, Mercuie said:

    Threat and match making has been a plague on this game for ages.  Be it people not wanting to be matched against golds or max ranks to dethreating to break free of having to deal with better players or wanting to do their own stomping.  It also is a e-peen / ego thing for many players as well. 


    So why not just hide it?  From what I have seen on the NA servers with segregated districts removed we're getting a lot more varied op and districts that actually seem alive again. It seems to still try to match golds vs golds. But it also has been pretty good if one team has a silver that the other team has a silver too.  It's honestly sorta fun to have players of different skill levels all on the same team.  Problem is people still see the threat and all the issues that come with it and cry about it.  So why not just hide it?  We can't get rid of it and eventually you're doing the weird phasey crap anywho.  Hide threat.  People can't cry as easily about their OP.  People can't dethreat because they don't know what their own threat is.  People can't ego over it.  It seems to just eliminate a ton of issues.  People might feel like trying more against their op because they don't know the threat.  And with the small player base we have the ego lovers will still be known.  "Oh this person is tough" so you can still just ignore the battle if you don't feel like fighting it.


    Hide threat, heck even hide rank.  Just let it look like players are fighting players while keeping the threat system in the background.  At this point we really don't need to know.  It doesn't offer anything positive to know.



    Its true i dont see this on xbox

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