Once every 6 months i check on APB game status so far nothing special ... btw if the company fails to deliver its promises i would be happy to try and buy the game rights and actually try to make the game great for my own personal reasons one of them ofc being that i grew up playing this game and i loved it, now that i got money it might actually be possible i think with 100-300k budget the game would be all polished and clean i feel like what this game really needs is some good marketing (Youtubers , Streamers , ADS , etc...) and a new beginning ( like deleting all users to start anew) with a new map new contacts higher ranking and possible a little story ... and some type of subscription like WoW or one time only like in CS:GO to keep cheaters at bay since a free game is always like a free real estate to them and maybe even a new ranking system. Well a lot of these thing i wrote is just something i can think of right now on the spot...