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Everything posted by kerryb8448

  1. Latency should be number one issue addressed. When I'm shooting at someone, hit them numerous times over and doesn't die because of choppy screens, makes the game unplayable. I literally shot at someone going from left to right on the screen because they started that way but stopped. The screen choppiness still had them moving that way but they were still and of course, I was shot dead. Happens way too much, and I'm not playing till it is fixed.
  2. In the process of reinstalling the game. I've gotten in game boot for 'cheat detection' a few times recently. Tried to use the bug reporter in game, that didn't work with a message in district chat saying contact customer support. Tried customer support, that didn't work either in game. Been experiencing extreme lag in game, can't even drive straight due to the screen freezing and then showing a direction where my character probably should be due to my keystrokes. Very choppy. I don't know if the new servers are the issue, but something is definitely off within the game.
  3. a 50% (or whatever) done notice would be helpful. a more projected timeframe of completion would help calm the inmates.
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