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Posts posted by Xandra94

  1. espero un dia te mueras oro de mierda que me toco de compañero hace 3 dias, que tu apenas casi matabas a los enemigos y me spameabas que te ayudara en mayusculas, que demonios esperabas si el compañero me tenia siempre bajo vigilancia para que no me pudiera acercar?. Prefiero que me toquen enemigos en oro y compañeros en plata que un puto oro egocentrico de mierda que me diga lo que tengo que hacer en toda la maldita mision, al menos los plata compañeros tratan de hacer lo mejo de si mismo y entienden que cuando no se puede terminar la partida no se puede...

  2. maxresdefault.jpg


    Es un lanzacohetes que dispara una granada propulsada por cohete de 90 mm. Se dispara desde el hombro y es transportable por una sola persona. El contenedor-lanzador está fabricado en resina reforzada que mantiene al proyectil y a todos los elementos del sistema que están unidos a él. El mecanismo de disparo es totalmente autónomo y carece de componentes eléctricos excepto un sonido de emergencia que alerta a los aliados el inminente disparo, en la parte posterior del proyectil se encuentra el motor cohete con su encendedor y el estabilizador. La combustión del propulsante termina antes de que el proyectil salga del lanzador. La ausencia de retroceso permite el disparo en cualquier posición y con una puntería estable en el momento del disparo.


    Su municion ha sido diseñada para ser empleada en el uso de artilleria contra blindaje de tanques que emplea el mismo sistema de arranque y propulsión del cohete original de alto explosivo, tiene un alcance de 145 metros y al caer emite luz, humo y sonido, existiendo la opción de emplear un marcador por parte de los aliados y resaltando a donde desean enviar el disparo. 


  3. >play all night

    >in the match number 8 get gold for the first time

    >go to social to say "that finally i get gold"

    >go back to the silver district

    >play against KiyoUme

    >get patootie farmed like never before

    >get silver threat again

    >play against the same gold player 3 more times being silver

    >the game probably still thinks I'm gold

    >more golds

    >lose 5 matches due to stress

    >win two matches against other silvers

    >be grateful for being silver again and never again play against that type of enemy ever


  4. The N-tec 5 - acronym for "Nekrova Tactically Evolved Carbine" and the size of the 5.56mm caliber - has been the favorite weapon of terrorists and army soldiers, for its power and low cost. "During the collapse of the United Socialist Party of the Soviet Union numerous rifles without serial numbers were the target of many criminals on the black market," said the company, Nekrova at a graduation ceremony for the new cadets of the police force of San Paro.




    Nekrova began designing this weapon which became synonymous with death, when they thought of creating a rapid action force in the suburbs of the big city of the district. Over time the rifle had multiple models and began to be sold by the millions throughout the world under the license and regulations of the local market.


    The famous automatic weapon is produced in the old factory in Nekrova. The company continues to be one of the main producers of Soviet firearms. Its reliability is proven and it is the favorite of expert shooters which makes its creators observe how officers proudly wield their rifles, at first Nekrova only distributed it to reliable contacts, but now it has extended the official distribution license to the Breakwater district in addition of exclusive versions of the brand. The rifle is not essentially loved for being inexpensive but for its exemplary power: it can be used in the sand or rain, at short or long range.


    The weapon can be submerged in water and thrown into the mud without compromising its safety and reliability. Some specialists estimate the number of N-tec rifles sold worldwide at around 100 million, but the true figure is difficult to verify since a large number of these weapons are produced without a license on the black market.

  5. 59 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Would you say Hyji is your favourite artist?











    ara ara

    also like Mizuki Mikuni

  6. 4 hours ago, Xnetexe said:

    Well, if you read my original post, the original link with what the rules are no longer exists.

    And the rule was never specific on what counted as too sexual, as the symbol in question neither depicts visible genitals nor sexual acts. Yet a GM removed it, claiming it broke the Nudity/Sexual Action rule, so it is not obvious what the rules said.

    Have you tried to stop publishing it then?

  7. ¿La pistola Colby .45 se vuelve mas lenta cuando usas el modo Marksman (Modo punteria)?


    La he usado sin apuntar y siento que es mas rapida que cuando apuntan con ella, ¿es cierto o estoy mal de la cabeza?

    NOTA: Odio esta arma v:

  8. La principal causa de la realizacion de un supuesto torneo es que se realizan de manera esporádica y que tienen unas repercusiones positivas en el lugar donde se organizan (o al menos eso queremos).


    Una buena estrategia de Marketing es Lo primero que se debe hacer, y que resulta ser una regla fundamental para buscar una mayor presencia online. La mayoría de sectores lo utilizan para mostrar novedades, productos e interactuar con su público. De esta manera buscan obtener visitas.


    Aparte del sitio web, que es donde los usuarios encontrarán toda la información necesaria del torneo es importante tener un blog. El objetivo principal con esto es ofrecer contenido de valor y diferente a la información de las estadísticas propias del evento.


    ¿A quien va pensado el Torneo?
    A los jugadores que han desbloqueado todos los accesorios y que ya no encuentran un rumbo fijo en la plataforma asi como tambien invitar a los que estan a medio camino.


    English Sponsored by Bing Tranlator 🙂


    The main cause of the realization of a supposed tournament is that it is performed sporadically and that they have positive positive bars in the place where it is beat (or at least that's what we want).


    A good marketing strategy is the first thing to do, and that turns out to be a fundamental rule for seeking a larger online presence. Most industry interacting use it to showcase news, products, and your audience. This way get look ed if you look for visitors.


    Apart from the website, which is where users will find all the necessary information the important tournament to be blogged. The main objective is content content of value and different from the information of the statistics of the event.


    Who is the Tournament in mind?
    Players who have unlocked all the accessories and no longer find a course on the platform as well as invite those who are halfway.

  9. Entiendo que esta actualmente Prohibido cambiar cualquier mercancía del juego con dinero real, pero tal vez se podria llegar a un acuerdo de un metodo de compensacion para los creadores de piezas de ropa, símbolos o diseños de vehículos?


    No hemos de ser mas agradecidos con quienes mantienen el juego todavía vivo (bueno, al menos en cierta forma).

  10. 8 hours ago, Seedy said:

    Put APB on Stadia. This will prevent hacking, people using graphics mods of all kinds and will also instantly drive more people towards APB than any current type of advertising could even dream of as Google will advertise it for you and you will be able to allow ANYONE with even the shittest PC to play APB on the best settings. Honestly you dont need to thank me for the solution although I dont know why you didnt think of it your self @MattScott

    HUGE "NOPE" 

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