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Everything posted by HandThatFeeds

  1. Just realized the request I put in earlier didn't count.. must have been because the forums kept going up and down.. Shame. New request is in. #644..... Dear god...
  2. Fixed the OP so we can get off the topic of names lol. he said all cheaters. The people not getting unbanned were for actual legal reasons like credit card fraud. The people who got pulled into a fraud from a single people are getting a pass though.
  3. They are giving a second chance to everyone who didn't get banned for illegal reasons like credit card fraud and everything, including cheaters that they know were cheating. It's easier to unban a huge lot of people to unban those who didn't deserve it even if it means allowing those who should have lost everything to regain everything. I understand it's good to bring people back in, but if they lost their account for a real reason, then they shouldn't get their stuff back. They can create a new account and play legitimately just like everyone else
  4. unbanning cheaters and giving them the stuff they should have lost forever is laughable. Calling names is childish, I admit, but getting shit on when some people have gotten accounts unbanned for cheating is frustrating. Especially when I was at the end up the string of support I needed. You can't read too well, can you? No where did I say I was banned.
  5. Alright, did that.. At least I know they're logged. Thanks for doing your part
  6. Only if they spent money. The thing is, is that they're not only unbanning people who got screw over by the KTTW fraud and the fairfight nonsense, but also all the manual bans and the raging bans as well. When Matt can say something like there's proof that there are people that were falsely banned, then it means there are logs. logs they could easily go through and unban all those who were falsely banned
  7. I'm not banned. I don't think people who are banned should be unbanned. I'm trying to get into my account where I can't reset my password because google lost the email in those large batches a couple years ago. You'll be waiting until after they implement Battleeye so that you can get HWID banned after you try a script again.
  8. No, just some of them already. Also, Epic goat is running around with his buddy with notoriety 5 in citadel. Can't wait until Motorola gets his $4000 worth of stuff back so he can cheat and I can watch him while I wait for support.
  9. Have been going back and forth since May14th.. they kept replying all the way up until last night and my last reply would have been the last of the string.... and then instead of going off the old tickets, they send out a generic email saying all tickets have been stopped and we have to turn a new one in. Do I seriously have to wait for 2 more weeks to play legit while you unban all the old cheaters?
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