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Everything posted by ConcernedGamer

  1. This is something I agree with. Both parties are to blame here for this issue. It has been proven time after time that the community must be babysat in order for the community to behave a certain way. If there are no repercussions for not behaving correctly, then the community exploits this and continues to behave poorly until someone is made an example of. Is dethreating bad? Yes, we can all agree that dethreating is one of the major issues plaguing this game, but it is not the main issue that should be focused on. Fixing dethreating is as simple as district phasing and/or eliminating visual threat levels. The main issue is the community's prolonged toxicity and LO doing almost nothing about it. I play this game maybe once or twice a week and I still see the same individuals in dchat spouting racist and homophobic messages at a rapid pace. Sure I could just /ignore them, but that doesn't solve the issue here and it does not create a welcoming environment for those new players that you supposedly want to retain. My friends and myself don't play APB as much as we used to solely because of toxicity and how it's encouraged here. There are plenty of other games that are more welcoming than APB. In my opinion, the dethreating issue would be dealt with quickly through active GMs and punishing toxicity as a whole. I know some dethreaters do what they do because bronze is less toxic than the silver districts. If the community as a whole was more welcoming, people would not feel the need to dethreat. LO needs to make an example out of those repeat toxic offenders. I have reported a few through tickets and they have yet to be responded to. I can already guess the response I am going to receive and the lack of punishment that is going to occur due to chat logs being 1-2 weeks away.
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