You talk about the faction you face, but your main faction has these type of players in bronze too, you don't notice it. It's likely a vicius circle right?. We can't do nothing but if you accept the challenge your skills will improve for sure, if u give up everytime you face someone better than you, you will stay the same, that is bad.
Currently we match high vs low skilled players almost exclusively. That’s like throwing a person into the water (who can’t swim) instead of giving him swimming lessons. Improvements will happen incrementally or in the case of “the swimmer” not at all and they will drown(quit). Some players will "gitgud" very fast and others will be more slowly, other will quit aswell..
I have a real example for you, there was a clan that played very bad everymatch, if them face us again they will prefer to afk all the mission.. later they starting taking the challenge and now it's very cool to face them, even they win the match sometimes lol. Their aim skills, tap fire and coordination improved very well.
(ofc it was not instantly, but it didn't took too much tbh, maybe 2 week?)
How in the world are you getting better at the game by playing people worse than you? Are you afraid of losing?
Edit: grammar