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Everything posted by Glock23

  1. Wow you guys seriously need to go get a education. I have always agreed with and supported this... Now pay the f attention....Nuff Said
  2. Ziser, Man you just wont let it go will ya noob. You are what we call a nar·cis·sist (a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves). Now that being said, all you do is make assumptions without any legitimate argument, you spew false truths in a attempt to make yourself look intelligent (fail). Listen up Ziser, it doesn't work and it wont work. I understand you are to narrow minded to even fathom the concept of how it works, so i will leave you with the words of the Technical Administrator CEO. If you are still in denial then i await to roast you on the next reply. Bye Ziser Hi everyone, Just a quick note to say that yesterday's patch accidentally included the ability for players to drop their weapons when dying across all districts. Essentially we created a new flag for this feature that is a core part of RIOT, but that flag wasn't turned off on the other district types. This was not intended, and will be removed on the next patch. For those players that like this feature, I think the context of my decision is important. This topic was discussed a lot with the SPCT, and in the end I agreed with the position that choosing a strategic loadout is a fundamental part of APB, as it forces players to choose wisely and lean into specific play styles. The addition of dropped weapons trivialize some of those choices, and has the potential to reinforce gameplay we don't want to see. However now that we've seen this can actually happen, do you guys want this feature left on for Fight Club? Thanks, Matt
  3. @Ziser first off stay on topic you are speaking of so many issues that are not even relevant to this topic. Second you are making assumptions as to my actions and intentions. The fact is AGAIN i need you to listen and pay attention this time i know its hard for you to actually read this and comprehend it because it pisses you off others differ from your "right" opinion. Have you ever heard of the (trial) button? Yea thats right you can access it in the market place if you want to "try" a weapon of your choice. I see many players vets and noobs busting their a.. making cash or WTT for legends. Why cant you do this? You are so special you dont have to put in the work like every other player? Nah you just like crying in dist or here on the forums to prove a totally invalid point when you rattle on about items that arent even relevant to this topic. Its just like anything in life dood, playing against others better then you max or not makes you a great player. But no you want to get this sh.t handed to you on a silver platter cause you where born with a silver spoon in your mouth while the other guy here busting his b.lls to get what he needs to progress. Stop being a cheap whiny little cry baby get up off your butt and get this on your own. -Nuff Said
  4. I think you are forgetting we all started from the bottom what makes you think you deserve anything different? You want to short cut your way to the top and that is the lazy way out. You want to play with the big boys then do your time. Nuff said.
  5. Seriously? The game died years ago man. In your mind
  6. Has nothing to do with scary. You obviously are not comprehending. You cannot grasp it that's ok dood. Moving on.
  7. You are living in a pipe dream man, if wtr, g1 couldn't do any of that you think its going to happen now? Just like I said dood wake up your delusional.
  8. I know exactly what I'm saying, man you need to wake up, with your logic then I can play any game and not do any work because I can rely on the vets to carry me to victory. No way am I letting some scrub ride my skirt tails or anyone for that matter.
  9. Horrible idea, just the fact that a 255 player which busted his balls to get max mods or a legendary wep etc to drop for a new or mid level player to use against them is just total bs. They need to invest the time just like us vets. No way if this is implemented I'm gone.
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