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Posts posted by ok

  1. As an APU owner, I can tell you: the Integrated gpu's are horrible


    Using A8 6600k with HD 7850 (as the integrated gpu is absolutely horrible), and I can tell you the performance is good enough on my end (60 fps most of the times with drops to 45 when many cars blow up)


    AMD did not improve enough the integrated gpu's, they are still slower than Radeon HD 7500+ , so your performance will be not the best (40-50 fps I believe, playable, but not optimal)


    Overclocking should be doable easily from BIOS if they kept the same layout as it is on FM2 motherboards, just don't push it too hard

  2. Just now, DarkRider400 said:

    Im sorry, are you blind or stupid, or both?

    Nowhere have I mentioned that the nazi symbol affects my emotions. I don't care about it in the least.

    My concern is that the whole topic is useless dribble, and that if the question seriously has to be asked, then why bother doing it in the first place for a specific audience that consists of MAYBE 50 people who have hard-ons for WW2 junk in APB.

    Your "concerns" could very well go in the trash bin, since nobody asked for it

    This topic breaks no forum rules, so you have no argument against it

    Your opinion, again, has no value, there are people interested in ww2-related stuff, so you can bugger off and let us discuss it freely

  3. 6 minutes ago, DarkRider400 said:


    I like how you tell me to show common sense, but you lack any bit of it.


    The point is WHY do people feel the need to "dress up and play military" in APB? It serves no purpose. All it does is cause conflict, hence why we're on the forums right now, dingus.


    ArmA 3 was literally designed around that, looks much better, and plays better for whatever military application they need. It has no place in APB.

    Playing pc games servers no purpose, yet you do it

    If it doesn't break game rules, you are free to do it

    Stop locking creative freedom because of "muh feelings"

  4. Good lord people, get some imagination

    You could limit it to x amount..As for scamming/hacking, if you report a player with good enough proof they could easily identify the account based on the nickname, they gotta have some stored data related to events prior to the name change

    And seriously, what even is abuse supposed to mean? Are the servers made out of wood that they can't process this or what?


    1 minute ago, TheFreelancer said:

    @DanRO13If you want a name change this badly that you made a thread for it, just buy one at Armas.

    How about you buy it for me?

  5. 1 hour ago, LilyV3 said:

    Why can't people just take themselves time for finding a proper name?

    It was the name I used on all my accounts on everything at the time, and I didn't think I would care about it again.


    8 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    iirc the name change was never meant to be easy or cheap

    G1 wanted to discourage, rather than enourage name changes

    Yes, but those were the old days, so anything can be changed


    13 hours ago, TheFreelancer said:

    Don’t agree with this tbh. If you made a stupid choice let every account have a free name change. After that you’ll have to pay for your changes

    Free works too, thought that people would disagree even more with it being free

  6. For anyone who might know about Battlefield Heroes and the Treasure Chest system, I think it would fit perfectly here


    Instead of all items being time limited except for one, give them all a 70%chance for a 3-15 day trial and a 30% chance for a permanent (with no changes to premium)


    As for vehicles, tbh, scrap the whole trial options and have them permanent 

  7. I'm talking about permanent guns, and afaik, freebies can't buy grenade launchers like Osmaw (without spending too many JT's and money), or semi-automatic pistols (might be wrong on this one)

  8. The only p2w aspect is that freebies can't access guns that offer a different gamestyle without grinding for hundreds of hours or $$$

    You can do well enough with default (would still be good if we could refund the perma gun we get from the tutorial)

  9. 2 hours ago, Uocjat said:

    haven't tried myself but I'd imagine you can get reasonably close (something like suit jacket, chinos, police hat and combat boots)

    have seen a few people running around in that sort of get up where it was pretty obvious what they were going for

    I wonder if the same treatment happens to the communist flag

    Either way, I'd rather have a WW2 themed lobby than the weaboo clusterf**k we have now

    • Like 1

  10. 9 minutes ago, Uocjat said:

    Looks like a reasonable policy to me

    one question though, on the bigotry side of things - where is the line?

    obviously armbands with swastikas are out of the question, but what about something like an SS uniform but without any of the actual symbols?

    or would the uniform itself be considered an offensive symbol? (think most people who's ever seen any WWII related movie would be able to recognize one even if it's lacking all the bells and whistles)


    I'm just curious since people can be frightfully creative when it comes to trying to circumventing rules and regulations

    Is it even possible to make a good looking uniform? Are there proper looking hats, trouser and jacket ?

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