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Posts posted by Revoluzzer

  1. On 10/9/2018 at 7:10 AM, CookiePuss said:

    But threat is already account wide so you can only really smurf by making a new account on which the play time would be zero.

    In which case they would rapidly reach their previous threat level, because accounts with little playtime have a more volatile rating.


    On 10/9/2018 at 7:39 AM, BXNNXD said:

    this would not solve the major problems with threat (how easy it is to change/manipulate threat and the fact that threat is “static” - there’s theoretically no limit to what percentage of the player base can be a specific threat) but it would be a decent bandaid fix imo

    It wouldn't be a decent bandaid fix, for the reason you mention. The underlying threat distribution system is flawed and needs to be fixed. The calculation system, as far as I'm aware, is well designed, mind you. Same as the matchmaking system.

    But allowing players to freely select districts they're not supposed to be in and allowing the system to, over time, throw the majority of active players into a fairly small threat-range completely undermines matchmaking.

  2. On 10/4/2018 at 3:45 AM, Kempington said:
    It's unfair to say the n-tec is unbalanced primarily because of its versatility. The STAR has just the same amount of versatility as the n-tec in terms of range capability and play, even more-so with regards to hipfiring in CQC, but the STAR isn't OP because of its versatility. I've been using it more recently and some mod loadouts do push the STAR's capability pretty far. It's remarkable.
    The STAR has always been really versatile as a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none, which made it a well rounded, balanced weapon.
    The N-Tec has historically been a really versatile jack-of-all-trades and a master of mid-range. And after many mediocre balancing-attempts, it has remained in a very powerful position, albeit at a higher skill-floor.

  3. 18 hours ago, BrandonBranderson said:
    I don't really understand what you mean by the pictures I posted not matching?  They were different versions of Asylum from different points in development.
    The pictures you posted are from the Enforcers social district concept called "HQ". Asylum was the corresponding Criminals social district.
    Early during development they scrapped the idea of separate socials and introduced Breakwater Marina instead.

  4. 8 hours ago, Kempington said:

    a good ntec user will never have to use any other weapon in the game. I wouldn't really say that makes the ntec unbalanced, just far too versatile.

    How is a weapon that a good player never has to switch out and is "just far too versatile" still not unbalanced? None of those statements supports coming to this conclusion.

    "The speed limit is 120 and you were going 150, but I wouldn't really say you were going faster than you are allowed to."
    "He's the best runner, sprinter and jumper in the world, but I wouldn't really say he's better at all those things than most other people."

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  5. On 9/26/2018 at 3:14 AM, Haganu said:

    this used to be a thing in APB 5 years ago, that you actually had to buy ammo. G1 broke that feature.

    It was a thing in All Points Bulletin form the very beginning. I think @LilyV3 isn't far off with the idea of a "living city" mechanic. I too think, besides having a money-sink, RTW simply thought it was a nice detail to have in the game, adding immersion. Just like the cost for spawning your vehicle

    • Like 2

  6. On 9/19/2018 at 3:29 PM, Grizmo said:

    Imagine having 1 BIG map with all the districts connecting up to each other. You'd only ever have to load into one map. And you could either drive to each district or maybe fast travel or something like that. So instead of joining another district to complete missions for a contact, you'd only need to drive over to a different part of the map.

    On UE3.5 or 4 this might be possible.

    Missions could/should still be limited to the district they're started in (which in turn is based on which contact you pledge to), but you could simply drive into an adjacent district, possibly without a loading screen at all.

    The reason APB originally didn't have this, as far as I'm aware, is that their version of UE simply didn't support modern game-world "streaming". I believe the current districts are essentially still built as individual "rooms" that load when you enter them, which is how UE handled environments at the time.

  7. On 9/16/2018 at 10:59 PM, Sergsininia said:

    The question is imo about bringing in non-meta guns back into the pool, not nerfing meta weapons.

    "Meta weapons" have become the best choice because they are too powerful compared to everything else. Not because everything else is too weak. You wouldn't try to fix a dozen things to accommodate one that is different, when you could simply fix the one thing.
    Additionally buffing a lot of guns would mean making a lot of weapons more similar, because it's otherwise nigh impossible to get them on the same level. And on top of that you'd introduce some serious TTK-creep lowering the average across the board, which breaks the way the districts are laid out.

  8. On 9/17/2018 at 10:49 AM, Nitronik said:
    That's the point. The areas and situations in which they excel are a fair bit too limited - effective weapons for sure, but really niche
    I think many weapons simply do too many things too well nowadays. The original LMGs (SHAW, ALIG) stick to the core design principle of APB weapons: do one thing great, be serviceable at most at everything else. They're a cornerstone of weapon balance and shouldn't be adjusted to the current situation, rather the other way round.

  9. 7 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    ive heard a few people say vector based symbols would eliminate the pixelation caused by scaling and would be better for performance overall, but idk how correct that is
    Technically all player-created symbols are vector based. And if they were stored as numeric values and rebuilt client-side, the quality could be entirely dependent on that client's graphics settings.
    But they ditched that system for textures distributed by the server for some reason.

  10. On 9/8/2018 at 8:36 AM, KnifuWaifu said:
    What would be a good solution to this?
    Not loading irrelevant data when a player is on a district, for example. As far as I'm aware even unavailable items (e.g. clothing items not included in any outfit) affect the servers currently.
    With the engine upgrade this is hopefully a thing of the past. As Hexerin correctly said: it's a result of the way Realtime Worlds cobbled together their version of UE3 to make APB work at all.
    • Thanks 1

  11. On 9/10/2018 at 4:22 PM, ScottDaniels said:
    I hear this a lot, and while the GPU load does vary, if there is no bottleneck then it shouldn't be stuck under 50%.  It is very CPU heavy though.

    I have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600X and a Nvidia 970, GPU usage fluctuates between 70-90%
    Resolution and gimmicks like anti-aliasing probably matter, too.
    Your screenshots look very smooth, are you running at over 1920x1080?

  12. 19 hours ago, Grizmo said:

    fairly sure your gpu should be working at 100% or close to it when playing games. Maybe its a hardware issue on your side.

    Not in APB. It mainly targets the CPU. Well, at least one core of the CPU and perhaps a second one a little? It's just not built for modern hardware, because it's held together by duct tape and prayer already.


    15 hours ago, BXNNXD said:
    LOD pop-in is off the fuckin charts, that better be an editable value

    the forced depth of field blur really sucks too
    LOD is really awful in that video. Looks like zero progress over the current engine. I like depth of field, but it should only start at 100m and be rather subtle.
    I'd still like to see fog (or smog? heh) in the distance, though, just to cover up lack of details (starting at about 150m).

    • Like 1

  13. 5 hours ago, MrsHappyPenguin said:
    The reason there is a limit is because the entire player's inventory is loaded server sided regardless of which district they join. There was a long discussion on this on the old forums on how to possibly optimize it.
    This really has to be sorted out before they should consider raising any limit.
    It's why the Overkill server test went so smooth - all new acccounts with barely any items on the characters meant much lower stress on the servers. At release they had to handle the real deal and crapped out.

  14. On 9/3/2018 at 10:32 PM, GhosT said:

    I don't know where you got that from. Especially the part that every other SMG was overshadowing the OCA.

    That's just plain wrong, the OCA has always been the best SMG (except for the time the VAS-C2 arrived).

    Can't you just revert the last OCA changes G1 did? It was absolutely fine and perfectly comparable to all the other SMGs except the norsemen.
    I don't understand why you want to go through the trouble trying to rebalance it, when it was perfectly fine.

    The PMG was, for the longest time, superior to the OCA. But the PMG was too powerful then, not the OCA too weak.

    On 9/4/2018 at 6:35 PM, :^) said:

    I don't know where you got that from. Especially the part that every other SMG was overshadowing the OCA.

    That's just plain wrong, the OCA has always been the best SMG (except for the time the VAS-C2 arrived).

    Can't you just revert the last OCA changes G1 did? It was absolutely fine and perfectly comparable to all the other SMGs except the norsemen.
    I don't understand why you want to go through the trouble trying to rebalance it, when it was perfectly fine.
    Generally speaking, a lack of accuracy should only be RNG when you're outside your ideal range.

  15. On 8/27/2018 at 3:58 PM, TheHidden-Tember said:

    i would personally enjoy a buff to kevlar to stop being 3shot by obir and 2shot by nhvr

    The latter is never going to happen, even if the HVR got a deserved adjustment to 750 damage. Kevlar would be way too much of a gamechanger if it increased health by over 50% or decreased damage by more than 33%.


    On 8/27/2018 at 11:20 PM, Siamsol said:

    All of these arguments to make CA3 replace the default stats are asinine. You do not make something default just because it is meta, that's absurd.
    If a single aspect of the game is so much better than everything that compare to it, it shouldn't be the default, it should be brought in line with the rest of the game. It's the same reason we should look at what makes the N-Tec so popular and look to balance it with other guns, rather than buffing everything up to N-Tec standard, which is pretty easy to see as a bad idea.

    Very good points being made here.
    Coincidentally G1's quest of slowly bringing other weapons to N-Tec levels of deadliness has lowered the average TTK enough to arguably make CA3 as powerful as it is, because it has the biggest impact within a short time. Fights rarely "pause" in modern APB, so once you win there is ample time to regenerate.
    Kevlar doesn't keep you alive much longer because you already get killed within the blink of an eye, but its downside certainly does prevent you from drawing out a fight at all.
    Fragile will get you killed even faster, so you can hardly make use of its upside.

    Also, as far as I'm concerned, consumables were a terrible attempt of band-aid-fixing core gameplay-issues.
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  16. On 8/19/2018 at 5:24 AM, MoeEveryWeek said:
    But we need to also think about players using it the survive heights that can make you die, so maybe if you grab onto to it while falling from a high place, youll receive some damage?
    This actually already works. You can jump off great heights and "grab" the ladder at the bottom before hitting the ground, thereby preventing fall damage.
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