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Posts posted by Recon_Puppy

  1. 3 hours ago, BlitzKitty said:

    Even with small servers and going against the same people day to day, if you're fostering a relationship based on a game like this, be it competitive or friendly, you're doing things wrong in the area of mental health.
    This explains why you made the thread, why petty things in the game are getting to bother you, and why most people in this game run to the forums to try and get changes made to build a different experience that isn't what the game was meant to be.

    If you really think we can hear people on the in-game voice chat software based on distance in an action district to be "friendly" you're sorely mistaken; it was meant to be fairly filled trash talk. I'm not going on an Easter egg hunt for you, but David Jones (founder of RealTimeWorlds) made that clear in several interviews during the development of All Points Bulletin.
    The experience is meant to be what it is, if you don't like it; /ignore it, like everyone in this thread is telling you.
    For cases of clearly horrendous acts, such as white supremacy symbolism, the default button for a screenshot if you play on steam is F12, and you can put that screenshot in a report by going to your steam screenshot tab, clicking on "view on disk" and uploading it as an attachment with a report.

    and lastly this post contradicts your other post, obviously you want people "punished" for talking smack. you don't think that will lower the population as well? I've been playing this game for years, watching this experience cultivate, and if i call you a gosh darn gosh darn and get banned for 30 days or something dumb like that, they've lost all my business.

    Well, you see, I didn't make this thread, so you have the wrong person pointed out for that. As I have stated Trash talking is fine, its when it goes overboard and people get too "into" themselves that they start being toxic. There is a difference believe it or not, and I'm not stranger to trash talking, I have done my fair share.

  2. 8 hours ago, BlitzKitty said:

    This is a casual game. plain and simple. There is no such thing as a match lasting hours. There is no competitive elements at all. People can trash talk because that's a major point. There's no standing relationship before or after a 15 minute match, nothing to foster anything real. That's the reason this game is "fun". I don't have to listen to the same 4-9 other people in a room for an hour or two, speaking of strategy and maybe even personal information. This isn't CSGO, or LoL. This is APB, a casual city combat environment, with lots of wacky antics and trash talk, where you can come home from a hard day, go into a district, and really make some stranger, that you've never met, and don't actually care to know, really upset, and posting on a forum about "toxicity" because he's taking a casual game way too seriously.

    There is no "meta" only people who take things seriously enough to suffer using the same loadout every match.
    There is no "losing" only getting a slightly less amount of "progression" on a linear character development.
    There is no "competition" because believe it or not, this game is about having fun with what you want to have fun with. It's a sandbox shooter with lots of awesome mechanics and crazy weapons.
    Play it like GTA Offline for everyone's sake.

    A game doesn't need to be labeled as competitive for people to be competitive with it, thats purely a mindset thing. With how low pop the game is right now you might as well be listening to the same 10 people for hours on end, and with the way LO is going its only going to get smaller, especially if their plan for an unfinished riot mode gets released.

  3. 7 hours ago, Havana said:

    If the Veterans vanished then Silvers could play in tje Silver District imagine that. Then Bronze would probably come alive and need more instances because actual bronze would have more fun. 


    The Vets should be listened to. 

    I agree, but from what I seen most aren't intellectually honest with themselves about what's best for the game. Most are only concerned with keeping their

    "earned" advantages. 


    Just the facts, like it or don't like cuz you never do. 


    If the veterans vanish at this point the game flops. I'm here trying to give constructive criticism for LO so that they see their current path isn't good. That it won't pan out like they want it to. Does APB need new content? Yes. Does that content need to be unfinished and broken? No. But they are aiming for that.


    They can't keep enough interest as is in the base game with new players, therefore if the veterans leave, the new people leave quicker, and the game dies.

  4. 20 hours ago, TheOppositePolarBear said:

    i have to side with the other guy - "just because you mute the guy wont make the toxic behaviour dissapear" (griefing, dethreating, etc...), and as much as you like to fight harder opposition, most players dont like to get stomped without any chance of winning, wich will scare away most new players.


    does that makes anybody happy? like, yeah, it shows "you're a fucking ******" or "you're a fucking good person!"(whenever people is not finding ways to trespass the system), but deep down you know what the real messenge was.


    anyways, if it does makes anybody happy, as long as i can disable it, im fine with a system like that.


    I wasn't saying you have to force the system to be standardized over everyone, I'd be perfectly fine with making it an option. I still have to say, you can get over the skilled players and dethreaters with hard work and dedication if you are willing to do so. I acknowledge that not everyone learns the hard way in the game. Which is why I've suggested adding and actual learning curve into the game to allow new people an easier time getting into the game.


    As for the problem with toxicity, there is a point where it becomes tasteless and outright unattractive for the game. APB has reached that point. It should be reigned in more. As I've said there is a difference between trash talking and Toxicity. With Trash Talking you are spurring the competitive aspect of the game which is great! With Toxicity you are attacking someone or a group of people which in moderation is OK and workable, however in APB's case its past that line, it is way too abundant. Its basically if Thanos snapped to double the toxicity.

    • Like 1

  5. On 5/22/2019 at 5:15 AM, illgot said:

    I fully agree with you here.


    Without the game running smoothly AND being able to stop DDOS attacks (if that is even the issue) no one but those already in love with the game will play it.


    No amount of new modes or content will make a difference if the game keeps running in its current state.


    Sure follow the Battle Royale game mode, but does anyone think Fortnite would be nearly as popular if it ran as poorly as APB?


    On 5/22/2019 at 4:17 AM, LilyV3 said:

    I don't want riot, it is still kinda a sort of battle royal gameplay


    I want  a properly designed  chaos district where we can fight for territorial control and tasks within these. We did had Chaos districts but they had no higher goal than just killing each others and a bad selection of spawns leading everyone to meet at the spawn zones making most parts of the map useless.


    Give us territorial control via graffiti sprays.

    Then give various factions various activities within territorial claim:

    Enforcers getting missions to deliver Money with cars or Blue steels, or organs needing to be delivered. And Crims can try to intercept this.

    Criminals in their owned districts can pillage and rob and Enfos need to intercept this. * all whatever the current missions do, like hacking stuff, taking delicate photos of people, etc.


    And everyone around can participate in those activities.


    G1 just gave up on the chaos district mode after setting it up gathering feedback and never mentioning it again.

     Precisely, this game needs to run well before anything is added so that way the main issues that are left are bugs or glitches, so you can finish ironing out everything. As it stands APB is much like the highway in Financial district: Largely incomplete and needs repairs.

  6. The hope is always that LO will keep the game going, if for nothing else than Nostalgia purposes for most.


    I have my own issues with the game in regards to community or lack of progress on performance enhancement. I still play it for nostalgia reasons myself, it can be quite enjoyable despite the glaring issues that it has, namely the server performance.


    You are right, there is no game like APB and thats precisely why I love it and want to see it do better than ever under LO, sadly my hopes have typically been dashed by business decisions on their end. But nonetheless, the game is enjoyable. I do hope you continue to have fun in the game alongside everyone else for as long as the game may survive.


    Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

    • Like 1

  7. 54 minutes ago, Nanometic said:

    You can also /report for "abusive chat" or "harassment" not sure how effective it would be but there's no harm in doing it and it only takes a couple seconds.


    People do get banned for this, I personally know a former "veteran" player who got banned for multiple chat infractions.




    He says he's been overall happier since he got banned and never came back.

    I don't think that reporting is enough personally, it doesn't work well given how far behind LO is with customer support.

    But again, this is just my opinion.

  8. 2 hours ago, Mitne said:

    You can /ignore tho.

    Btw. I prefer consequences of free speech, than policing anything.

    I see it too much in games lately and honestly i'm not happy from results.

    Thats because generally games aren't handling it properly. The /ignore only goes so far and the ignore list is only so big, it'd be much easier to properly set something up to deal with it. Even if it means changing the toxic statements into something funny/witty.


    Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with trash talking as that spurs the competitive nature of games.  Toxicity is worse than that 10x over.  That is why I am so against it, its way too over the top in this game, if it was more sporadic I wouldn't have much of an issue as all. Its not whats being said, but the frequency with which it is said.

    2 hours ago, SillyBear said:

    Please stay away with "im offended" bs, like we already have enough here in the forums (like getting warned for "sexuallity and nudity" posting a furry video that is totally allowed in yt for all audiences ).

    They should simply add an option to completly remove the chat or just use it with your friends so you can feel absolutly safe in your safespace.

    Why dont you just play the game instead of carefully reading every-"offensive"-comment to force yourself to get offended and report everyone in a decaying population game, wouldnt you enjoy it more?


    Maybe if this game finally start moving on wheels people wont be as toxic. It simply means they are not really enjoying it if they have time to complain and insult each other.

    The game won't start growing enough any time soon, and I don't think is necessarily what is being said as most people in this community have thick skin, as much as it is the frequency in which these things are said. As I have stated previously there is a difference between trash talking and toxicity. Trash talking is for the competitive and has its limits to the frequency. Toxicity is overabundant in this game and is just over the top, even if there was lets say a spam prevention system in place to prevent the toxic statements from happening as quickly I'd be happy with that. I am not fully sure if the OP meant what is being said or the frequency in which it is said, but my personal issue is how often.

  9. 4 hours ago, Bellenettiel said:

    Hateful symbols are already enforced on daily basis tho.


    But trash talk, should not.. or ever be enforced/ silenced.

    It just creates means for people to be more toxic in other more damaging or creative ways. So basically i'd rather they screamed at their screens than that.

    There is a clear difference in trash talking for sport and overall toxicity. 

    Trash talking is occasional and more controlled by the person doing it, as well as more reasonable.

    Toxicity is outright tasteless and it negatively impacts the community because it is rampant. if it were minor cases it could be overlooked but its happening all day every day. It needs to be at the very least mitigated.

    • Like 1

  10. 4 minutes ago, Glaciers said:


    yeah i worded it poorly it’s not like veterans could just vanish in a proof of smoke and apb would continue just fine, but they (arguably) aren’t where the focus should be at this point



    Perhaps not where the focus should be, but still be considered nonetheless.

  11. 2 minutes ago, SillyBear said:

    I think most everyone wanted that... but i strongly think they understood it wrong and started messing with the weapons without knowing what they been doing.

    I saw it coming... i saw it coming. I really did, tried to warn them but i panic'd 😜

    Everyone wanted it, no one was saying it. I know I've avoided the forums since I started playing APB back in 2015, and only recently have I created my forum account. I have my reasons for creating it but I believe I waited too long to say something. I have to thank Matt Scott and LO for taking over APB, I am grateful that they wish to make the game better. I just don't want them to keep messing up, which is why I created this thread, to give them constructive feedback at the same time  speaking amongst the community so that everyone  can put their own tidbits of wants or  what they'd like to see. This forum needed a place where toxic-free feedback could be given, and I hope to accomplish that with this thread.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Glaciers said:

    i don’t really want to defend riot but old players really don’t mean much imo 


    old players are a finite money pool that will only shrink with time, and that’s on top of a small number anyway - apb just wasn’t ever a popular game 


    the 800 or so veterans left are potentially irrelevant compared to potentially infinite new players, although in reality it won’t be so clear cut 

    I get it, old players aren't the money cows. But they still matter. Without them this game wouldn't even be making it this far. I refuse to believe any or much good will come out of Riot mode, and the current view on what old players mean to the game. They are just as important as new players. They should be valued as mentors of sorts, to help new players in at the very least. But with the current community's toxicity and neglect, that won't happen.

    • Thanks 1

  13. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:


    Can you really increase from constant?


    The number of participants for the tests reflect this as well. 


    It is for everyone. But it makes more sense to think of what could appealed to perhaps thousands of new players rather than what will keep the remaining 400+ average players happy since as stated that isn't enough players to keep the game from shutting down. 


    There is a point for any project at which adding more people does not help. 

    Shall I refer to you the AAA games that got DDoS'd and forced offline for a few days of their release? Battlefront 2, Battlefield 1, Battlefield 5, the list goes on for many more.
    If the tests reflect that, then perhaps now is not the time for Riot mode.

    As you stated, it isn't for the old players, its only for the new. Player Retention will be low, just as it has been, because of poor performance, and an unfinished Riot mode will make it worse. You need to make sure the new game mode appeals to all and can keep them in, in order for that to happen, you'll need to make a gradual learning curve and, heres the kicker, GOOD PERFORMANCE.


    You keep stating there is no point to be adding people to anything else. Let me point it out to you that the rest of the area of the game needs all the help it can get. That means put more people on these other systems that need help. Riotmode will flop and likely tank APB with it. I don't want that to happen, thats why this thread is a thing.

  14. 2 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:



    It's a pain to download and install another client. 

    Most players just want to play the game. 

    Some players aren't interested in RIOT. 


    But that's ok. RIOT isn't for us. Which makes sense as their aren't Enough of us left to keep the game alive anyways. 

    RIOT is one part of a plan to be able to advertise APB to a new generation of players. 


    Again, different teams for different projects. 

    RIOT and 3.5 aren't sharing resources. 


    But then you would have an unfinished version of RIOT. 


    That's possible. I don't know anything about LOs finances or at which point they would call it quits so I cannot say. 


    I'm not sure why RIOT will effect server performance or the number for DDoS attacks. 


    Its common theme for DDoS attacks to grow in power alongside releases. Out of the feedback I heard from people involving both the first and second testing days for Riot, they played it the first time and then lost interest in it by the second time. Riot mode should be for everyone, if you neglect the people who are still around, it'll have a negative effect, if you neglect new people, it will have a negative effect thats just how it is. It doesn't matter if there are different teams, the Riot team could be spread amongst other projects to help the backline issues. RIOT is still getting released unfinished and on a BROKEN engine. It should wait.

  15. 5 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    You can only polish the mode so much with the few players joining testing. 


    As stated, season 1 RIOT is hopefully going to be released alongside 3.5.


    Good news then, you will not be forced to play it. 

    Ever wonder why not many are joining the testing? They've already lost interest. We don't need riot alongside 3.5, we need to make sure when 3.5 is released that the upgrade is polished and done right.  My issue with this is that they are trying to stack on something that is being unnecessarily rushed with something they should take their time on. Riot mode could wait for the Engine upgrade to be fully done, there is no reason to have moved it to be done now. The only ones who are forcing them to do that at this point is themselves. Quite frankly, I don't see APB surviving this "Pre-season" Riot mode. There are already people getting fed up with the constant issues that the game is experiencing, they'll only get worse with this "Pre-season".

  16. 3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Different people are working on different thing. 

    The folks working on RIOT were not pulled from 3.5.


    As far as 3.5 is concerned there comes a point where putting more people into a project will not help. 


    What is being released of RIOT is the pre-season version. This will be an unfinished and unpolished version of the game mode. While waiting for 3.5 to be ready, changes will still be made to RIOT in the hopes of getting it ready for Season 1 at the same time as 3.5's release. (Which will then be advertised)


    Will any of this work? Well that I cannot say. What I can tell you is the current population doesn't matter as much as bringing in new players. Those of us left could never keep the game afloat no matter how much new content was thrown up on ARMAS. Returning players also matter less than new players. Those who left over the years have not only moved on to new things, but they've also grown older. What entertained them at 16 will likely not be the same thing that entertains them at 25. This isn't to say some old players won't come back, but to put it simply... The new current player pool represents only hundreds of players, the old player pool thousands. The new player pool dwarfs them both by comparison. Just something to keep in mind when thinking about the decisions being made by LO. 

    Why even release the pre-season if its unfinished? Thats setting them up for failure. We don't need new content, if Riot mode comes and the game still runs poorly, its not going to keep anyone. There is no use in expanding upon content in a game that barely runs.  I don't want Riot mode, not until the game itself runs better, even pre-season should hold off in my honest opinion.

  17. 28 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    Probably to get back on schedule by doing extra work to catch up.

    Like if you have it planned to do one thing then another but you fall behind so you try getting both done to catch up?

    Only Little Orbit can answer that one to be honest though.

    I agree, I was hoping for more interaction with this thread honestly, I do want to hear what they have to say, legitimately, their ideas behind their choices. Just to help really clear it up for me because I'd like to hear whats going on and I'm not hearing much currently. I typically do one at a time still, but I'm taking Online college for Video Game Art & Design so I have a bit of wiggle room.  I have an assigned week for work and then I get to do it at my pace, so.. Taking that approach I believe Little Orbit could do similarly, especially since the performance is having such a huge issue lately.

  18. 2 hours ago, Lato said:

    Name me a pvp game with a polite and nice community

    Battlefield 4. I've ran into nothing but respectful people on there.


    1 hour ago, AnneArkey said:

    It is neither feasible nor worth asking Little Orbit to police it's players, as you have the tools and ability to either block, mute, or report behavior that you believe breaks the terms of service.


    Asking the company to moderate the players would require more employees than the business could sustain, considering the fact that these employees would be an increased labor drain, and asking them to develop a software solution may stoke the issue further, as there are people who like to find ways around filters and restrictions just to prove that they can. 


    It may be best to learn how to co-exist and deal with players who find the behavior, speech, and symbols entertaining. You cannot control other people and their actions, only your own reactions to them. 

    I'm not asking them to police it themselves, but they could set up a system to detect common toxic words or phrases and have it punish the player with a chat suspension, like what Overwatch does.

  19. I get it the servers for the most part, wasn't caused by them, but I would have much preferred they'd focus on improving the game overall, both on the back end and forefront instead of trying to spread their resources thin over all aspects that they planned for at the same time.

  20. Just now, Fortune Runner said:

    From what Little Orbit has said in the past , we are only testing RIOT and it is not meant to be released without the engine upgrade.

    In other words it was said they are supposed to both be released together by what was said by Little Orbit.

    I don't feel like thats a good idea. Just from a personal standpoint. I believe LO is spreading their resources too thin in that regard if that is the case. They are struggling with the servers as is I doubt they have the manpower to have the upgrade and Riot mode done properly enough to be stable at the same time. Just from what I've observed.

  21. Just now, -Dan- said:

    At this point, I seriously doubt new players are put off by saltiness, but rather being stomped by dethreaters

    A lot of the things going on are putting off people, some people like having the challenge of veteran players fighting them. I know I did when I started playing, it was the only way for me to learn the game. I've become better because of it, but general toxicity in any game is unattractive and should be appropriately dealt with.

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