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Everything posted by ZacAttackLeader

  1. you and a couple others mentioned FPS drops. I haven't had any, but I also have a 3900x and a 3090. So im not the best to ask on stability. One of the Devs was in game, Secret. he said theyd rather buff non-meta weapons then nerf meta ones, cause taking someone's fun away ruins the experience. Tonight was great though. Dev did events, answered questions, and everyone in the lobby seemed pleased. I hope they do this on a monthly basis. just to see how the community feels and keep engagement up.
  2. Ever since you guys did that engine update to 64bit... the server pop has went up. I have seen a lot of new faces and some returning. This isn't 2400 players like it was in 2016, but its back to the old Pre-server migration numbers of just under 1000. I love this game and wish it had more content, like maps and vehicles ( not just weapons or clothes ). Thank you for continuing the support of the game, even when we reached under 150 players consistently. APB's glory days might be over, but there is still some fun to be had in this little gem.
  3. This has to be the best clarification I have ever seen on these forums. Spot on Matt, keep up this communication. Im hurt i didnt get to play because I am slowly coming back but wow, I am impressed. Thank you so much. Didnt G1 give us server upgrades 2 years ago? And they still werent up to date? Any ETA on when we can actually start playing again?
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