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Posts posted by swindIe

  1. 13 hours ago, Westford said:

    So, crosshair overlays, a 3rd party tool, would negate,  the in game crosshair bloom effect when firing ?




    I suppose that might provide a competitive advantage vs vanilla APB.




    I dont use a crosshair or an overlay of any kind but please explain to me how having a dot in the middle of your screen "negates" the effect of bloom. Does the center of your monitor suddenly stop becoming the center of your monitor? Does the games RNG bloom just disappear and your bullets only hit the center of your screen?


    Do people actually not know where the center of their monitor is without some kind of reference???


    Reminds me of a guy who once said that it's impossible to track someone while jumping and being ADSd because the crosshair is bloomed out too much.

  2. No meaningful patch since May


    The matchmaking revamp that was rumored to release "in a month" 6 months ago has fizzled out of reality and become a distant memory


    At least we have the Halloween event that's been the same for the last 8 years 


    Don't fret, there's still time to redeem yourselves; an open slot LCR would do the trick. While you're at it, maybe you can supply the back alley organ harvesters to help expedite the payment process. Humans are born with 2 kidneys anyways, may as well use one in a trade with LO so we can afford useless and overpriced dogshit on APB Reloaded



    • Like 4

  3. I'm sorry, but if you think a couple new contacts is gonna sustain 1k pop for months I've got some bad news for you.


    I can almost guarantee that the broad majority of players who quit the game for extended periods of time don't do so because of boredom due to lack of content, they do it because the fundamental aspects of the game don't function correctly, or at least to a satisfactory level (poor matchmaking, no accurate ranking system, poor server performance, poor client performance (relatively speaking), poor overall gameplay balance, lack of in-game moderation, etc.)

    • Like 10

  4. 4 hours ago, ApbMrK said:

    I feel like the only ones losing from these rebalance are tryharding golds that are running around owning everyone with 15-0 kda. (which are probably not the ones that are going to donate and keep this game going with their money)

    You're saying that as if good players enjoy running around killing silvers that don't even shoot their guns (we don't)

  5. or focus on fixing the things that actually need to be fixed and not suggesting to add weapons that will end up making gameplay and balance even more convoluted


    the last thing apb needs is another fucking gun lmao

  6. zzz

    imagine if the factor that determines if a guns stats need to be changed is how fun or not fun it is to play with

  7. On 5/5/2020 at 11:53 AM, Havana said:

    Boy do I miss Fairfight and ffbans.org!

    Remember how many people were banned? Tons! And were just supposed to believe all is good now.

    Seeing alot of questionable people lately ALOT!

    I hide just to see if they can find me sometimes and they most always do. Closet wallhackers.

    And of course they all macro FBW to death

    amen couldn't agree with you more hallelujah

  8. 12 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Competitive focused games should consider those who play at the upper competitive ranges. Regardless of if this is actually the majority of the player base or not.


    Weird opinion, I know.

    not even weird honestly..

    in certain areas making choices that neglect the majority of the population if it means making the game appeal to the masses and bringing in more players in the long run makes sense

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