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Posts posted by Trivirium

  1. For curiosities sake, With moving things to unreal 3.5 then to 4. Do you think they would add NVidia Ansel Support? Would you guys like to see some sort of high fidelity screenshot capture tool implemented in game? 



    I for one think getting a really artsy screenshot can be difficult without post processing. Now PP is okay to a degree (ha ha) but I'd like something that actually works, and works well without alteration. 



    I've used Ansel before and I find it's a pretty powerful screenshot tool for the games that have some pretty hardcore graphics. I know APB isn't good on the graphics right now but with the new engine update maybe we'll see some better AA with symbols and designing and better lighting, bloom, dynamic lights.


    So who knows, I suppose the best questions to ask are, are the graphics in the newer engine going to be significantly better and even worth adding a fancy screenshot tool? Or will the game only preform better?


    And if they'd even have the money to pay for third party supportive programs like that. I don't know if Ansel support is something that's paid for by the developers or if it's a free kit with game development.


    I dunno the ins and the outs of how one would acquire such a program for their game but oh well, Curious as always to hear what you guys think.



    Edit: For those who don't know what NVidia Ansel is, it's a high quality screen cap tool that a lot of games today are implementing. Basically allows you to take a screen shot from any position, in full 3D and HDR. So basically it's just a beastly screenshot tool that would be infinitely helpful IMO.

    • Like 2

  2. 2 minutes ago, Asparii said:

    Making plans like this may be kind of pointless.
    LO has stated they want to redo the threat system and the servers, so I think they might even change the player pop cap to fit with whatever new system they come up with for threat.
    And at the current point in time I don't mind 40 v 40, the streets can get a bit chaotic/troll filled with so many people running around in the district (Which iirc Matt Scott said was an issue as well [Though far off])

    I think anything above 100 may be too chaotic for the size of the maps. They're not entirely big, so in reality having more than 100 people might cause even more traffic jams that could impact game mechanics like running with the dumptruck/banktruck. And yes they'd said they would redo threat but that's not coming for quite some time. Their priorities were to address network and server functionality as well as client performance and the overall engine upgrade for PC. So, given that within two patches they'll be tinkering with the servers. Can't help but ask for something that we once had. That we should have, that we don't have.

  3. 1 minute ago, Obvious Lesbian said:

    G1 changed the server cap because their servers were shitting on  themselves all the time.



    After the change the servers still ran like shit.




    I would rather them fix the servers or get legitimate servers that work, before they start increasing the loads.

    Hence the Version 1.19.6 addition, they will be tinkering with the servers. (on the second patch after the coming one) So maybe with that they'll either upgrade the servers or maybe with a new serverside engine or something at least. (I'm not entirely sure how their backend works so if anyone wants to pitch in feel free)

  4. I know someone has probably mentioned this already but, a very long time ago. Like guessing maybe 2016, we all had that sexy 100 player 50v50 action that used to pack a district full with mayhem on every corner. 



    I want that back.



    Steam still even says on the store page where they essentially display their product. As the very first "feature" of APB is it's "unmatched 100 players per server, dedicated to massive open-world PVP combat."



    Now I get what you're all about to say "with the servers the way they are right now they wouldn't be able to handle the extra stress" and how the "servers are outdated and with how much 'living life' there is in APB and the way the NPCs react cause excess stress too" or "how we don't have a big enough playerbase for that".


    Okay sure, but come on. The servers are in crap state right now but they did it once, why not again? Even with the playerbase being semi small I can promise you that with 20 extra slots on each district, it's not going to hurt the game, if anything it'll pack it more for those who have to sit there hitting the "join district" button. And don't say that you haven't done it because I'm almost positive at some point most of you have done it. Even if they want to keep it at 80 for gameplay/population reasons, they should AT LEAST change their product information because there's nothing like selling something you don't have.


    Now I did see the roadmap post and saying that with version 1.19.6, they'd be making network infrastructure changes to "reduce lag". Which is good and all. But I hope ya'll make a revision of the population caps. 


    Just my two cents, curious as always to hear what you guys think. Would you rather see the population cap increase to what it previously was or would you rather keep it smaller?


    • Like 1

  5. 5 minutes ago, JenzAmaka said:

    As usual, it is possible but normal map editing would be absolutely pain in the patootie to make it work. They would need to program a whole new code for simply editing normal maps, and creating a whole new customization tool. Currently the way game loads normal maps is the character skin and then all the clothing you wear which all of the normal data is already stored in your installed APB, but if you add normal map customization it would need to load the same way it does with Diffuse texture(the one with colors and everything) which would basically increase load time for characters almost twice.


    Basically they'll never do it, and also because people can make very weird designs that would make no sense.


    Although what they can do is specular editing, but that would allow players to make the most ridiculous designs ever like chrome people or chrome t-shirts.


    Not only that but what would become of limitations to symbol capacity or the sorts? There would be so much involved in making a working system that's fully functional without taking a hit on preformance that it just wouldn't be feasible. Honestly, a racing dist would be more likely to happen than a system of this size. Both of which will most likely never happen at all but hey, one can hope.


    I just think that the easier and probabily safer bet is to just add updated clothing styles, or more of. Just blank ones even, no need to make up premades for contacts and unlock requirements. I'd just be happy with more free-to-play clothing added. 


    AND I know half of this game is looking as good as possible while kicking patootie but like comeon, The symbol cap for non-premium is only like 10 or something, that's pretty low. And not to meantion almost 90% of what vets wear are usually premium clothing items that come in packs. 


    Ya'll need to make more new, and free things if anything. This is coming from someone who has had over 3K days prem. So I mean, I have prem but for those who don't it's a hard knock life fam.

  6. So I had a thought.


    I know they're usually trash but, I thought that the option to remove parts on cars while customizing could be a nice addition. They have (for the most part) very detailed internals and when the hood breaks/bends it exposes the engine and whatnot. So why not be able to remove the hood? Or take out the head/tail lights. Maybe even bumpers? The new "mad max"ish customization could be endless. And it'd be pretty cool to just have exposed engines anyways.


    Oh, and while doing this I faintly remember someone saying something in an old thread about "it'd defeat the purpose of having armored engines" and whatnot in the game lore. BUT I do agree if someone were to remove quarter panels or doors that it wouldn't be a bare skeleton, Most likely with some sort of metal plating, probably the heavier looking based on the vehicles weight (Nulander "class" having thick 10mm plating or something) But as far as the engine goes, It'd def show the armored engine bay, there's no way it wouldn't. But as for the top side. (nades being thrown in and whatnot) If that's an issue just add a clear bullet resistant plastic hood. Or have the option of a top armor plate. Kinda like the Waragi plate but it'd be thinner and go between the heatsheilding in the hood.


    Just some thoughts, curious to hear what you guys think.

  7. The last couple of months has been pretty crazy for the APB community. So many old players are coming back from the unbans and so many new players are trying the game for the first time, we're hitting population levels higher than ever in the past two years. APB received it's first update in over a year and a half iirc. LO has people's attention and a great deal of hope is being placed in them. Things are changing at a way faster pace then it was a year ago, but for better or for worse has yet to be determined. 


    Everything so far points towards progress so with that in mind what are some of the biggest changes that you guys are looking forward to seeing in APB with the coming months/years? 

    Obviously an engine update is in need, so before they really decide to add anything major to the game it should most likely wait till post engine update.


    But personally I'm hoping that after the update we see at least a handful of new cars. Not super sport luxury or anything of the sort. Just maybe a bigger verity of civilian cars. More compacts, sedans, SUVs and trucks. Or even at least different kits/models for the existing ones.


    I feel a weapon rebalance should be a thing, not suggesting what should be rebalanced though. Maybe a wider array of weapons too? I know we have a lot right now but the majority of them are remeshes. Honestly, ask yourself, in your weapon lockers, from Loyalty rewards and the likes, how many damn remeshes do you have? Sword, PDW, C9 and PSR. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And two of them are the same thing!


    So definitely adding weapons just to bring something new to use into the game would be nice. Given they aren't ARMAs or Joker Distribution guns. Gotta make something new for the common man right? Something to get people to work towards.


    New cars from contacts would be nice. Unlike the Growl that was supposed to be for everyone turned out to be a half a mil sad mess that didn't have any other slot variants besides freebie 2 slot or premium 4 slot. (As far as I know, and I even bought Pack of Rev on launch for acc bound). Oh and the Coywolf is only available to free players though a massive grind and it's not even customize-able. And this is coming from someone who owns two of them for both his crim and enf.


    Again, just spit balling ideas. As always, curious to hear what you guys think.


    TL;DR Want new civ cars that are available to FTP and P2P gamers alike. Same with weapons, More unique weapons that aren't remeshes and a weapon balance.

    • Like 1

  8. 47 minutes ago, Zolerox said:

    Lock your account to your country (no more people logging into your account from Hungary)

    Cool stuff, never even knew that was a thing.

    Is it widely used? I can't think of any games that have that. I know google blocks suspicious sign ins with their accounts when it comes from places you've never been to.

  9. So in my paranoia I had a thought. What if LO decided to add Two-Step Authentication to accounts? I mean with how much money people spend to only have their account compromised or lost you'd think they would implement some sort of extra security measure as a last resort kinda thing. I just can't see a downside to it. Even if it's an email two-step authorizing first time sign ins for the forums or even the game itself it'd make me feel a lot more safe. Just my two cents on it.


    Thoughts? Opinions? 

  10. I don't know if threat is the big problem here, I think a good amount of the problem might come from rather how the system uses player time with regards to player progression and how the players have the ability to choose their instance.


    In regards to player progression, financial for crims at least, have the top 3 of what I'd consider the 5 highest contacts. Arlon, Tip Toe and gumball. So in terms of grinding and player progression, financial holds more progressive value than waterfront. Last thing a crim needs to do there is birth/Michael which IMO is almost mid game/late game progression.


    As for choosing an instance, if all else fails players can be automatically sorted and thrown into districts but that's no fun right? Can't be upset about the choice if the choice isn't there. You'd just be upset with the end result.

  11. 10 hours ago, iodyne_ said:

    Re-implement Joker Associates Store, which was Dev MonteCristo's vision before he left.


    Speed-Ball was created for this purpose.


    Every month, the top community designers get their gear added to the Joker store, and earn a special title/joker gun skin.


    This was a great community on-going event/contest. It should be continued. Everything is already set to run it, it just needs a Dev to do it...

    I remember that event, they have out a joker distribution weapon skin and title. I don't know if having that system/store would fill out social but it'd definitely be another place for players to goto and definitely healthy for the community. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Guacamole said:

    what about a small pvp arena where you can duel between teams or alone with no rewards... orrrrr maybe you can have the option to make a bet of whatever items you agree to risk between teams/persons.

    Thought about small PvP, something like paintball or the likes, doubt that'd fly though. Seems silly to shoot at each other when the point of social is to do exactly the opposite of that.

    Along with that, items being "traded" in any way can create legal issues for LO as they'd technically have a working trade system of sorts.

  13. 3 minutes ago, BartMcRoy said:

    I am all for the increased utilization of social district, but I may have to disagree with you on the shop system, mainly for clothes, for one reason.


    This game is a designer suite, meaning that it is very easy and simple to set up outfits in clothing kiosks because we have everything available to us to try and see what works. I really wouldn't like to have to leave the clothing kiosks, to go and buy certain clothing from somebody, only to put it on in the kiosk, and hate my purchase, and have to tediously go back and forth in the hopes I come up with the right combination. I'd rather all clothing be available so that my trial and error is more condensed and less of a chore.


    Other than that, I guess we can add a soccer ball in the middle of social that we all just spam kick and see what happens (I've been playing too much Destiny 2).


    We already have faction side clubs and stuff, but even then I don't like the idea of isolating myself from Criminals just because I'm an Enforcer. We're all here to show off our characters, talk, troll, etc. Isolation from the other faction doesn't seem like something I would do.


    I'm all for bench sitting and more emotes, and just more little things that make a game feel like it has more life, maybe even a working bar with a bartender. I'd laugh if it was Kempington's character model as the bartender.


    You have your heart in the right place. It's a good thing. I just wouldn't want to sacrifice what makes the game easy in terms of design for the purpose of utilization. Players themselves will just need to be more open to using locations in social for meetings, events, etc.


    In all honestly, if you want more utilization, you need to put more orange and purple kiosks all over the social map so people don't have to run back to the bottom left corner of social to change a layer of clothing or whatnot.

    I can understand the need for convenience when designing, but instead of having maybe one spot in the center of everything, maybe have a specific design(er) kiosk in a spot in each of the faction clubs? Again though, the majority of social is about design and creation. Attempting to fill social and space out something that is so in depth and time consuming as designing can be hard to nail so that it can keep a nice aesthetic and lively essence while keeping the functionality of the former.

    • Thanks 1

  14. Now I'm not saying by any means that these ideas I'm putting out there are fool proof nor perfect or what should happen in fact. It's open for discussion.


    For the most part, a one stop and shop in the corner of social is the only spot of "social" interaction and players huddle around there and then either hang around for a while longer or move dist. I personally think that social is very underutilized and could benefit from a few things and sort of "fill out" social and make it more lively. I know it would be at the cost of convenience but I've got a few suggestions of my own and I'm always curious as to what everyone else thinks on this.


    - Separate the "one stop and shop" corner.

    - Spreading out the shops and make each shop unique to what it sells and style the interior accordingly?

    - Make faction only items available only from a shop/contact in the faction clubs. (That's kind of a thing already but it's not locked to them or anything. Again, "one stop and shopping".

    - Usable seating in clubs, social areas and park benches. (I know that sounds kinda RPish and cringey BUT it would help with social grouping and making the game lively. If it isn't your cup of tea than so be it. You don't have to use it.

    - Mini games? Arcade area? Something that can show the peaceful atmosphere and inspire friendly competition between crims and enfs in true spirit of Social.

    - Update the car customization area/dealership. Make people's display cars open to the public, maybe lay a few out in front of the doors going into the dealership. (Contest winners held by LO/CMs for customization?) 


    I don't exactly know, those are just a few suggestions that I've thought about. I'm a sucker for the lore and the free spirit of APB, I'd just hate to see so much potential go to waste with social.

    • Like 8

  15. Long story cut short, this is my first time playing again in a long time and I've gotten quite the upgrade to my gaming PC since the last time I played.


    SO, fiddling with video setting trying to make things look nice without affecting gameplay and whatnot. Though the issue is when I try to find a resolution to V-Sync being on and having mouse input lag OR using SFR which creates screen tearing. And without either of those I get a very glittery game with animation and vehicle driving.


    So my question is, what does everyone else have set? Have anyone else faced these issues before?

  16. 2 minutes ago, Guacamole said:

    "it was also given to any new accounts" that sounds like asking to be abused.


    but what if you already had 8+ acc ?

    I thought about that too honestly, because I did have a second account that I also legitimately used. But it didn't have anything worth sweating over, naturally I just want my main account back.

  17. 1 minute ago, Lixil said:

    Heya @OpTicElement first, I've removed content from your first post. On forums, you cannot copy support/pm (without approval) and post it here.


    Second please make sure to reply to the ticket and explain what happened properly. Not implying you have not, just make sure to get their attention. 

    I do apologize for the inconvenience you are going through at the moment, our support is literally just swamped with the unbanning request tickets.

    Thank you so much for the speedy reply. I have tried again and hopefully it'll be resolved.

  18. 2 minutes ago, Guacamole said:

    Can someone explain to me what was that JMB exploit that many ppl were banned for?


    i feel like if i were playing at the time i'd be banned right now whith a debt bigger than my future to unban me.

    During labor day weekend last year Tiggs put out a limited time redeem code with no restrictions, no required time to play before redemption, nothin. So naturally people abused it and created endless new accounts to redeem said JMBS. Legendaries were farmed and people got banned. IIRC some 20% of the vet pop got banned for that. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Aeronaut said:

    "technically stole"




    you're contacting support during a transitional period. there will be some mistakes made here and there. just be patient and make sure you type out clearly what you need and what you hope to have done so support can address it in 1-2 emails.

    Again, it was a mistake made. I've made reparations. 

    But hopefully that's the case, I think I must've typed a mini novel to support about the situation so idk how much more clear I can get. Suppose it's time to hit up the waiting game again. 

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