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Player Accusation (Old G1 Comapny)

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Hello APB World,


It has come to my attention that before selling the company the old G1 company FRAMED players of "trying to sell there accounts for real money" Make sure to send support a email saying "Is there any reports on my accounts? If so what is it?" it came to my attention that i originally got banned due to harassment, but after further investigation i was added 2 more accusations which are not true and that wanted me to make a new account and start over from R1 and buy g1c again. I was accused of selling my account for real life money which has no evidence, no prove of me saying or even transactions. Another evidence i also have is that APB Reloaded last year had between 50-450 players on which isn't even half a thousand players, we all knew apb was dying, and that it has no hopes, SO HOW WOULD I make a buck out of my account selling it for 400 or 500$? It is rather unimaginable, and rather fake accusations and allogations to permenantly ban players as part of there mechanism to make money.


Another issue i've realised is that G1 has an old system of reports which means, you can not hear what is said on Voice chat, you could swear and put porn on yet G1 has technologies not to detect it because clearly they can't tell whose talking and who started the harassment before a retaliation was made. I also think due to my report being over 1 year old that evidence is expiring and even some evidence tampering is also shown through support. The old G1 company had no way off supporting players, nor seeing both sides and im sad to see little orbit is heading down that track because of the evidence tampering and misleading evidence to ban OG APB players, Lets not forget that 3/4 of us got banned for no reason and that some of us got banned because of fairfight which had an issue. Whilst all these issues arising G1 has done nothing to support its Players, its OG Major Generals and Crooks. This is why i believe strongly that the old G1 has destroyed the game and left the new little orbit company with misleading accusations, misleading information, archived evidence and responses. 


Little orbits recommendation is to unban all players who have spread toxic and negativity ONLY, give those players a chance you need to know the APB player base has suffered a lot and that even when we are toxic we still play the game and love it. Give the players a free weapon due to how badly treated we where treated and that our tickets got an automated message with 0 investigation and 0 insight to what has happened.


Upon speaking about my matter The CEO (of little orbit) agrees that there is still a lot that needs to be done about the player base negativity and toxic side of it. The player base became toxic due to support and lack of content so we have our rights to be toxic. Changing out toxic behaviour will take time, trust and efforts. Like i said G1 (old) left the new G1 (new) with misleading information, misleading evidence and a bad player base full of negativity and corrupted banning system. 


I do seek that whoever is in charge of APB takes the time to contact me and we can chat about further enhancements to the game as i have ideas to what could change and what should be upgraded and enhanced. 


From an APB Major General ranked to the world of APB, I miss you all, I love you all, PrinceBogan's legacy will continue on. For all those i have helped win the game, resolve issues and help guide them to playing the game i hope you all know you where all my brothers and friends, and most imporantly a family to me. APB has been forever a great game but due to negligence of the old ownership the game has been at its all time low. Updates, cars, weapons, new ranks, new and better worlds need to be changed. I believe that this game has potential and that even though i am super duper mad being permenantly banned falsely and fake accusations i still love APB and i still love G1 (new) for at least trying to see my POV but failing because they are given limited evidence and the evidence you send in game is usually removed from the ticket.


Some amazing players play APB, some of the worlds amazing staff work on APB and the game has one of the best CEOs of all time. I wish i was there to see ever step of the NEW APB Reloaded and to witness the player base coming back. This has been a wonderful 6 years playing apb, 5 and a half years of clean record and 6 months that has changed my life and banned me in my most favourtable game which i invested 1,000+ dollars on and have invested 1,000+ hours into being the best of the best and respected throughout the game.


I hope one day G1 (new) sees my innocance and sees what i mean and that they have been given a limited resourced game due to budget. You do not have state of the art technologies for reporting, evidence or anything. Framing players is easy, snap a shot of them swearing and G1 will believe it, they have no other way to see what you mean, what your intentions are, what is said before or after. This is why they always said provide screenshots because of how minimal funded and minimal technology they have. For those who got scammed and the scammer got away i forever hope you understand why now, its due to minimal fundings and horrible evidence logs. 

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"It has come to my attention"


Stopped reading there.

Just create a new acc and play dude, like everyone else. You are not missing much anyways.


Its the same with me and vindictus, i wanted to play that game for so many years but ip blocked because racism... but i finally found a private server to play and it was shit. Biggest disappointment, i spent like 20' max and unninstalled. The worst part of this little story that makes me feel so bad is that i spent so much time wishing i could play that shitty game.

Edited by Excalibur!

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