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Slow down game time scale

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I belive the game has option to Slow down gamae time scale


I believe the game could benefit greatly from slowing down

the increase in fluidity and the reduction in frustration would be noticeable

however, the time the player would have to spend on completing a mission has certainly increased

10% or 15% shouldn't be bad it is for thinking

If there is a technical error that prevents such a change
I'd be happy to discuss it

Edited by BlueMonday
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He's right in a way, missions are longer now or so it seems.

I believe this is a product of the new MM, some of the timers are longer. 

This does make it a bit harder for people like me, of my age and ability. 

HOwever, most of our players are much younger and have more stamina, 

And we need new youngsters to grow the game.

 The mission timers are extended if back up is called and the mission exceeds 4v4.

This gives the responding back up a chance to score, and or break the tide and change the outcome. 

 However if the enemy is dug in well and they are good, it simply extends the time you have to spend losing. 

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Yep, you thinking about MM and the younger players who has more stamina  ---it is true


But there is time scale of world    -not mm timer
in old games like gta 3 and stalker and mafia
that was super easy to change

i belife in apb
it is also do able

and with that change game shood have less players with 1frame corner poping
and lags
becose game will be simple slower
what is worst game will need to change the mission time for real time corresponding to the real world time and there is something what can be good or bad

Or maybe not changing mm and chek how it will be working

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question is MACKxBOLAN
if apb will slowdown of 15% overall game scale ... time of animations etc over all

you play witchout this change 40 min like for one mission

after change
you will get more time/frames for aiming to the enemy
and i beleive servers will be less lagy for position of your enemy
in return the game will continue 46 min

it is not big deal i asume
or it is ?

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I think they should speed up the time scale. This way updates can be delivered faster.

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