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Further thoughts on weapon balance

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After I made my post about ISSR-C, I got to thinking about weapon balance in general, mostly damage drop-off ranges. 

Right now the game is dominated by guns like Obir and Obeya CR762, and of course ntec. This is the way the game has been for a long time, but right now even more so with the nerfs to close range guns like PMG, Joker SR, Oscar and also some shotguns like Dow and the very short lived FOTM gun Shredder (was that in 2020? Cant remember but it was really good for a short while).

So many cool guns in the game but the stats just arent up to the job. Instead of nerfing these "problem" guns too much, I would give conservative buffs to some lower range guns. Too often I run into a problem where I'm in a building, and my guns range can't reach the other side of the courtyard, or the gas station on the other side of the road. Just feels terrible having a RIFLE in your hands and you just can't kill a guy on the other side of the road. Whereas guns like Obir are often dueling snipers no problem.

I think it's high time to put out a new balance pass. Many would agree that big balance patches are one of the most exciting things that can happen in APB and doesn't take that much man-hours compared to say, a new contact. Could also just do experimental districts with some changes?

Spitballing, but here's some of my mostly drop-off range suggestions (some are the same as they are now. and most changes are like 5m here and there)

Shotguns: JG 10-20m, CSG 15-25m, Dow 20-30m, Shredder 25-40m.  -   Shredder could use a TTK buff. It's quite useless as it is now, so I would give it a big buff. Maybe something like 0.96 -> 0.75. 

SMGs: PMG, OCA, Tommy gun, ACES smg 30-50m   -   Apocalypse smg, Norsemen smgs, Vas C2, S1-NA Manic 35-55m

Close range rifles: Joker SR, Oscar, VBR 40-60m,  -   ISSR-C 45-60m(or maybe 47m to match other rifles with improved rifling, it feels extremely bad to have a gun this accurate have worse range than other close-range rifles)

Long range rifles: Obir 60-75m 44% min damage,  -  Obeya 60-80m -> back down to 30% min damage, its too strong. Has alot of overkill damage anyway.

Assault rifles: Ntec, Star, etc. all are fine 50-70m.   -  Atac, ACES Rifle 45-65m  -  ISSR-A 50-75m 44% min damage   -   COBR-A  buff? TTK 0.85s -> 0.78 or something, it has too high bloom to full auto anyway, and small mag.
AR Misery could also use a TTK buff. 0.92 -> 0.82. Even still people would probably use obeya over it, so...

Snipers: Not much to change on snipers, Anubis is useless as always so could use a small TTK buff. Maybe 1.47 -> 1.41.  Also maybe a small buff to S-247 'Oblivion' TTK? 1.425 -> 1.36?

Light Machine Guns: I think they are mostly fine, some of them can go upwards 90m now with the new red mod though, we'll see if that's going to be problematic...

Not even gonna cover explosives...
LTL could use a buff. The LTL pistol is actually faster to stun than either of the primaries....  Stabba CCG Stun time 1.05 -> 0.95. NL9 1.56 -> 1.32. 
Not much to say about secondaries. Would be nice to see some new normal semi-auto pistol secondaries, similar to FBW and ap45. It's only been auto, burst (and even a cheeky shotgun pistol) added to the game.

I suppose these are mostly buffs to close range guns. I just like close/medium range gameplay a lot more than the boring "camp at 90 meters from point" gameplay.

That's about it for now, plenty of other ideas that mostly concern buffing underused guns but I think I'll get enough flak just for suggesting the dreaded macro/triggerbot rifles to be buffed. Apb is too far in its lifespan to concern itself with catering to veterans and meta balance only, make some crazy fun changes to guns and see even more people return to playing the game.


Edited by ColorBauss
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This game just needs to be fixed Colby .45 AP. why does the secondary weapon kill almost everything and have a low time to kill??  the developers have been written to about this problem many times, but it feels like they are deliberately waiting for all the normal players to leave

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